The Will of the Greatest Creator is Reflected in the Laws and Rules of Nature


May 19,2015

Tao is the integration of all the rules and laws of the universe and is the consciousness of the Greatest Creator. Therefore, the will of the Greatest Creator is reflected in the laws and rules of nature. If our thoughts, words, and deeds comply with the laws and rules of nature, then we will be rewarded by the Greatest Creator, but if they are against them, then we will be punished.

Ultimate Tao cannot be reached by active pursuit. There is no way to get rewards from the Greatest Creator by wishing for them, no matter who you are, how pious you are, nor how much you emotionally love the Greatest Creator. When you go against the laws and rules of nature, you will be punished. For instance, regardless how many joss sticks we burn or how many times we kowtow in a temple, if we drink poison, we will surely die. This is the only way that things work.

Merits and mistakes do not offset each other. A merit is a merit and mistake is a mistake. We will be rewarded for our merits and punished for our mistakes. No matter what great merits we have, as long as we make mistakes, even slight ones, we will be punished for them. That is to say, even if we perform ten-thousand good deeds, we will still be punished for doing one bad thing. The Greatest Creator will not ignore a single bad thing no matter how many good things we do.

So, we all suffer from illness and mishaps, be it the pope, the hierarch, the master, the emperor, the devout disciple or the lay person. Even a messenger of the Greatest Creator would not be given special grace by which to escape from the due punishment. Just do not assume that you will be saved from the consequences of your mistakes by following the Greatest Creator and taking his way.

Therefore, the most difficult thing is to ascend to a higher space of LIFE by self-refinery and self-improvement because it is rigorous, meticulous, precise, and non-emotional. For instance, if the standard for a mortal to ascend to immortality is one hundred (100) points, then ninety-nine (99) points would never be enough. It is just like the eighty-one (81) hardships experienced by Monk Tang, not one single hardship could be missed in order for him to succeed. Therefore, we must remember that when we encounter sorrows, setbacks, and failures, they are hardships that we must traverse. This is karma. The sin we sow can only be dispelled by reaping a painful consequence. There is no alternative! Of course, we should never doubt the justice and mercy of the Greatest Creator.

Absolutely beautiful things can only be enjoyed by the absolute LIFE. Absolutely beautiful things are boundless and endless and when we want to enjoy these unending and boundlessly beautiful things, we should focus on examining our LIVES and ask ourselves: “Is mine an absolutely beautiful LIFE?”. If not, we should focus our self-refinery and self-improvement on improving our quality of LIFE, rather than on absolutely beautiful things. When our quality of LIFE reaches the absolutely beautiful realm, then absolutely beautiful things will come to us.

Let us bear all the miseries, frustration, and suffering with delight and march firmly toward the perfection and beautification of LIFE. Merits and mistakes cannot be offset. The will of the Greatest Creator is reflected by the laws and rules of nature. Let us strictly follow these rules and laws of nature and trek and climb, step by step, to the highest realm of LIFE.

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