40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator (26--30)


26.LIFE and Death - A Phenomenon Puzzling Mortals and Laity

This earth witnesses the birth and death of a huge number of animals and plants every day and every moment. LIFE and death is a universal phenomenon in nature. Everyone has embarked on the journey towards death since the moment of their birth.

The happiness of LIFE and the sadness of death are the basic emotions of mortals and laity.

When a family welcomes the birth of a child, they are filled with joy, and when they lose a loved one, they experience profound sadness and grief. Apart from extraordinary beings like Jesus and Sakyamuni Buddha, who are transcendent, wise, and free from worldly concerns, few people can escape this cycle of confusion and grasp the true meaning of life and death.

The tragedy of life lies in ignorance and the inability to transcend the cycle of life and death.

For thousands of years, people have been seeking the way to immortality. Modern medicine and science are also probing into the secrets of longevity. I wonder why people are so happy about LIFE but so grieved at death.

Seeking LIFE entails endless troubles, and seeking death brings infinite benefits.

What would the world look like if none of the plants and animals on the earth died, and if our great-great-great-grandparents survived until today and each family had a thriving population?

Some will think, “It would be best if they all die, and we all survive.”

Well, suppose they all die, and we all survive, see if we are better off. It would be okay as long as we can distinguish who “they” are and who “we” are. We must know at the same time that everyone wishes the same as you and me. Then in the end, who is to die and who is to survive?

Is it so good to live and so bad to be dead?

Take a look at human history, pay a visit to your neighbors, and ponder over the question of what good there is to live and what harm there is to die.

Forget about time immemorial, let's talk about the time from Sakyamuni Buddha to the present. How many people have lived a good life, and how many have suffered a bad death?

Taking Chinese society as an example, antenatal training has been provided even before a baby is born. Abandoning the music of nature, the Greatest Creator, god, and Buddha, people spare no efforts to inoculate the fetus with the imperfect music of mankind. Immediately after birth, adults try every means to provide the little babies with toys and cartoons instead of having them get in touch with flowers, birds, insects, and fish in nature. Before the age of schooling, the children have begun their preschool education, learning piano, painting, kong fu, and dancing. They have no opportunity to bring their own instinct into play nor have fun in nature. When the children have just begun to know about the world around them, they will be burdened with heavy and formless pressures. In addition to the heavy schoolbags and the endless homework, adults spare no efforts to add extra education for them. Moreover, endlessly lecturing began to pour onto children:

“You must be someone, you have to get full marks in exams, otherwise you’ll be lagging behind others!”

“Child, I am doing all this only for your good! You must work hard and strive to become an excellent student. You must enter top-tier middle school and then qualify yourself for study at a prestigious university. Otherwise, you will have no foothold in this society!”

“Why are you so fond of playing, my kid? Look at Xiao Ming, she is so diligent and so promising. You must learn from her.”

These and many more lectures have left children at a loss.

The hundred-meter dash begins with middle school. Students are preoccupied with study and examinations day and night, teachers and parents are carefully supervising and urging, and society is imprudently promoting the atmosphere of elites. As a result, the splendor of human nature is inundated in the endless darkness.

Is it supposed to be easy after entering university?

No, it's not. Comparing oneself to others in terms of food, clothing, housing, and transportation among classmates is a small matter. What's more serious is the forced indoctrination in the field of ideology and the blind and unlimited pursuit of knowledge. University is supposed to be a place to cultivate people with noble moral character, but the majority of universities are not cultivating living, breathing human beings, but rather robots who have lost themselves.

“We must bring honor to our ancestors, we must win glory for the motherland, and we must win credits for our nation!” Colleges have been fostering narrow-minded notions.

What’s worse, some colleges and organizations are teaching students how to make their first fortune, how to rise in the world, and how to attract handsome men and beautiful women to themselves.

This is a worrisome era!

The real distress begins with graduation from universities. There are a bewildering number of roads ahead. Which one shall I take? The unbridgeable gap between dreams and reality, the intangible conflicts between ethics and interest, the marriage, the houses, the cars, and the expected splendid success—all these have put university students at loose ends, which has fragmented the entirety of their spiritual nature into an unbearable scene.

If university graduates are like this, then those with no university education must have experienced even greater conflicts and misery in mind.

Having married and established a family doesn't necessarily mean entering a safe harbor; heart-wrenching matters often occur. Supporting elderly parents and raising children are common responsibilities, which people can endure. What they may find intolerable are the conflicts and "battles" between spouses. Additionally, the occurrences of birth, aging, sickness, death, separation from loved ones, resentment, aversion, encountering situations we wish to avoid, and impermanent events can stir up a once beautiful life into chaos.

We see people on the streets, each of them looking vigorous and elegant. But once we get to know their inner world, we will find every one of them emaciated and fatigued.

Many people in my neighborhood are businessmen. They all have nice houses, servants and good cars. Then they should be happy and satisfied, right?

The answer is no. When I chatted with them one day, one of them said, “Actually, if I have a million Yuan (RMB), I will be doing well in China.” Another person, as if he has heard the talking of an alien, taunted, “A million? What can you do about it? It is barely enough to buy and decorate an apartment.”

Another said to me, “I heard you are writing a book, right? You are a little old-fashioned. Don’t you know that in today's time you are everything if you have money and you are nothing if you don’t? Make haste to earn money!”

Yet another person (a woman) preached, “Nowadays money is God. How much is conscience worth?

I was overwhelmed, and I shuddered. No wonder they are constantly striving, always chasing after every penny, and valuing money over everything else.

I see the world as ruled by goblins, devils, and monsters. Am I wrong? Or am I the real devil? Or do I simply not fit in with this world at all? I feel that living is suffering, and human life is rightly a sea of suffering.

“The sea of suffering is boundless, but turning back is the shore!”

Turning back? What does “turning back” mean?

Turning back means death!

Why die? For living is worse than death.

How to die? Nirvana.

How can nirvana be achieved?

Through self-improvement and self-refinement.

How does one self-improve and self-refine?

By raising consciousness and increasing wisdom.

What is wisdom?

Wisdom is the supreme and profound understanding of LIFE and death.

How can one acquire supreme and profound wisdom?

By understanding what LIFE and death are.

Then what is LIFE and what is death?

That one is inexplicably brought into the world as a result of Karma is called birth and LIFE; that one rushes about blindly and departs the world unjustifiably is called death.

Birth is accidental, is death inevitable?

Both birth and death are inevitable.

Since both death and birth are inevitable, and individuals have no choice and cannot resist, then why do we have to understand LIFE and death?

By understanding LIFE and death, one can cast off LIFE and death.

How can one cast off LIFE and death?

By reaching the realm of no birth, no death.

What is the realm of no birth, no death?

Elysium World is the realm of no birth, no death.

What is “Elysium World”?

“Elysium World" is one of the 36 dimensional spaces, namely the world described by Jesus and Sakyamuni.

Is there really such a world? Or is it only a tale?

Yes, there is. I am telling the truth.

Then please demonstrate it to me.

I cannot, because it is another time-space, which is invisible to the naked eye. The mirages that occur occasionally are part of “Elysium World”.

Then there is no way to see it?

Yes, there is.

What way?

Through spiritual sense.

What is spiritual sense?

A person has six sense organs: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, which are respectively responsible for the six senses: vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and spiritual sense. Spiritual sense is the perception in everyone's consciousness and a spiritual nature apperception.

Why does my spiritual sense not have such capability?

Because your spiritual sense is too dull.

Why is my spiritual sense dull?

Because it has been polluted.

What has polluted my spiritual sense?

Your spiritual sense has been polluted by images in nature, the values of human society, and your prejudices.

Then how can I restore my spiritual sense?

By awakening to the truth.

What is awakening to the truth?

Awakening to the truth means getting to the bottom of a phenomenon.

What is a phenomenon?

A phenomenon can be anything that we see, hear, smell, taste, or touch.

According to you, there are too many phenomena.

Yes, Buddhism talks about 84,000 Dharma Paryayas, but actually, Dharma Paryayas are unlimited.

What is Dharma Paryaya?

Dharma Paryaya is a means to grasp a phenomenon and find out the ultimate essence of its essence.

What is essence?

The essence is something concealed that causes the occurrence of a particular phenomenon.

Then what is the ultimate essence of essence?

The substrate causing the essence is the ultimate essence.

That is to say, the Greatest Creator is the ultimate essence?


How do we get to know the Greatest Creator?

This book of mine can enlighten you on the understanding of the Greatest Creator.

Oh, I see.

What do you see?

The birth of man is like falling into the sea of suffering, and so it is something lamentable. The death of man, however, is like being severed from the sea of suffering, and so it is something delightful.

Yes, but not entirely.


Because death is not the final resting place.

Why is death not the final resting place? Didn't you say that man will enter the Elysium World after death?

Death is only a surface phenomenon. Behind death is the transmigration of LIFE. Some people will return to the human world after death, some will become animals after death, some will enter the Thousand-year World, and some will go to the Ten-thousand-year World. Only a very limited number of people will go to the Elysium World after death. So how can we feel happy if some people are even worse and are more miserable than in the human world after death?

Your preaching about past lives, afterlives and reincarnation is too inscrutable. How can we believe in something that cannot be proved by science?

Science is materialism. Science cannot prove what is beyond the material world. But the universe is composed of material and nonmaterial. Science can only prove half of the universe, not the other half. Take my consciousness, for example. How big is it? What color is it? How heavy is it? What shape does it have? Science cannot provide answers to these and many other questions. Therefore, you cannot entirely negate what cannot be proven by science.

Then can you prove that man has past lives and afterlives?

Yes. One is the records about past lives in history, which can be found in the literature of many nationalities. Another is the record of facts by the International Near-death Research Institute. The third is the descriptions by the sages and saints like Jesus and Sakyamuni.

These are only legends, hearsays, or religious doctrines, and thus are not convincing. Can you come up with something new?

Yes, homosexuality is an example. The rule for the biological world is that same sexes repel each other, and opposite sexes attract each other. So why is there homosexuality? And why can homosexual love be so dear as to risk one's LIFE?

This involves the gender of one's past life. If a woman has a past life as a man, the inertia of biology will continue to play its role and will incline her to instinctively like a woman instead of a man, although she has become a woman in this LIFE. When she meets a woman with the same past life, they will easily connect and fall in love with each other. Similarly, if a man has his past life as a woman, then he will still be inclined towards men in this LIFE.

Homosexuality is not a morbidity, but a spontaneous instinct, which may fade away with the passage of time.

Moreover, there is a saying, "Rivers and mountains may be changed, but it's hard to alter a man's nature." What is true nature, and why is it unchangeable?

Nature refers to innate characteristics. When does nature come into being? Is it during primary school? When held in mother's arms? Since the time of the embryo in the mother's body? Since the time of existence in the womb? Or since the combination of sperm and ovum?

If nature begins from the time mentioned above, then there is no question of "hard to alter a man's nature."

Therefore, it can be concluded that nature has been around for centuries and is deeply rooted, unlikely to change in a relatively short period.

We can observe people around us or study some special individuals. By comparing their habits to those of certain animals, we can easily deduce that certain people possess the original nature of those animals. Thus, we can conclude that such people may have been those animals in their past life.

For example, for thousands of years, philosophers and thinkers have pondered the question "Who am I?" but have failed to answer it.

Who am I?

Am I my family? No, because I am still myself even without my family.

Am I my clothes? No, because I am still myself after I undress.

Am I my teeth? No, because I am still myself even after losing all my teeth.

Am I my hair? No, because I am still myself even if I become bald.

Am I my eyes? No, because I am still myself even if I become blind.

Am I my legs? No, because I am still myself even if I am amputated.

Am I my heart? No, because I am still myself after organ transplantation.

Am I my blood? No, because I am still myself even after a blood transfusion.

If I am none of these, then who on earth am I?

Well, I am Tathagata.

What is Tathagata?

Tathagata is the essential origin, the consciousness (soul) that already exists beyond the flesh and endures hardships in this world by residing in this "home" of my flesh. When this "home" of my flesh ceases to exist, I still exist. All I have to do is find another "home." It's like crossing a river. I borrowed a boat, but I would give up the boat and go onshore after I crossed.

Buddhism preaches that " An enlightened heart is perceptive of nature, which is perceptive of Buddha." If we understand this principle, we are already Tathagata Buddha. We will go directly to the "Elysium World" after death and won't have to return to the human world to continue struggling.

Alright! Regarding the phenomenon of life and death, let's discuss just these briefly. My purpose is not to stick to the facts, but to explain that the phenomenon of LIFE and death, which is difficult to reverse, is determined by the Greatest Creator and has its own purpose and meaning. Without the Greatest Creator, there would be no life, let alone life and death.

27.The Crowing of Roosters

I grew up in the countryside, and I have vivid memories of roosters crowing. Especially when I needed to wake up early, my diligent and kind mother would use the crowing of roosters to determine the time, prepare breakfast and packed food in advance, and then wake me up.

Roosters crow three times each night at regular intervals. The first crowing is at about half-past three in the early morning, the second around half-past four, and the last around dawn (excuse me, the time of crowing may not be accurate because I have been away from my hometown for more than two decades, and I am now living in an area where no crowing of roosters can be heard).

Some people say that roosters crow to tell other roosters, "This is my territory, and do not come in." Others say that roosters crow to attract hens. I would say that roosters crow to tell people the time.

Prior to industrial civilization, people did not have clocks and watches. For survival, they had to know the time of the night. For example, two or more people on a hunting trip would set the second crowing as the time to get up. Or a group of people were to complete a certain task together and set the third crowing as the time to gather at the end of the village.

Roosters' crowing is involuntary. It is a conditioned reflex or induction of its biological clock in its body against the stimulation of the magnetic wave of the magnetic field when the earth rotates to a certain angle. The rooster is not aware that its crowing is to tell people the time of day and serve people, just like us humans who are living on the earth and are not aware that we are serving the Greatest Creator.

The rooster cannot realize the meaning of its crowing late at night, but the "man" who creates the rooster is well aware of the meaning. In the universe, there is no sound that does not have a purpose. The "man" who creates the rooster does so for the convenience of human survival and thus has created this miracle.

If roosters could realize the purpose of their crowing, they would stop doing so when they see that many of their friends and relatives have been killed by humans. If the crowing is to warn others of their own species not to violate their territory, they will not do so late at night, thinking to themselves, "Who will come to invade my territory at such late hours? I'd better conserve my energy and strength till tomorrow and fight off whoever has the nerve to invade my territory."

If the rooster wants to attract more hens, it should also be aware that during the day, the hens need to lay eggs and take care of their chicks, so they would not pay attention to him if he crows late at night. It would be better for him to get a good night's sleep, keep his energy, and wait for dawn to come before he spends time with his wives, concubines, mistresses, and "wildflowers" on the roadside.

Therefore, the rooster's crowing is only automatic behavior, but the rooster's unintentional crowing serves conscious purposes. Then, who designed this purpose? Who but the Greatest Creator?

28.The Wisdom of Bees

What kind of house structure is most reasonable if we humans are to construct several hundred houses, each of which accommodates only one person temporarily incapable of activity, while taking the least material and labor, and having the strongest structure, the most beautiful appearance, and the greatest cubage?

Should the houses be made of interconnected cylinders? No, the different sizes of human legs and waists may prove a waste of some space, and the waste of space means the waste of labor and materials. So it is not the most economical way of house building. In addition, cylinders have too little contact area between them, and it is not enough to serve as a wall for two rooms.

Should the houses be made of interconnected cubes? No, the four corners will be a waste of space. It does not look very pretty either.

Should the houses be made of adjoining octahedrons? No, the more sides a structure has, the more difficult it is to build and more time-consuming.

Should houses be made of many irregular shapes? No, the houses thus constructed will not appear good, besides a lot of more time and material may be wasted.

Then what structure is most reasonable?

The honeycomb of bees is the most ideal structure.

The honeycomb is made up of hexagonal columns. Since the lower part and middle part of the larva are different in sizes, the bottom of the honeycomb has been made into three congruent rhombuses. In 1712, the astronomer G.F. Maraldi of Paris Observatory concluded through measurement that the obtuse angle of the rhombus is 109.28 degrees and the acute angle is 70.32 degrees. For these figures, a French scientist specially consulted a Swiss mathematician: "What is the most economical way in terms of materials to construct a hexagonal column with a bottom consisting of three congruent rhombuses?" The mathematician’s result is that the column can use the least possible material only if the obtuse angle of the rhombuses is 109.28 degrees and the acute angle is 70.32 degrees.

Wow! The bees are too wonderful! Long before the birth of man, they have solved the problem that man has not discovered and realized until now.

Each bee knows that the column can be constructed most effectively and economically only if the obtuse and acute angles of the rhombuses are respectively 109.28 degrees and 70.32 degrees. For us humans, only the greatest mathematicians can work out the result. How can ordinary people compare with those tiny bees?

Are bees smarter, more intelligent, and wiser than humans?

If this is the case, why don’t the bees know for whom they have toiled by gathering honey from hundreds of flowers?

Humans are not only reluctant to give to others what belongs to them but are always calculating to encroach upon what belongs to others, even wanting to occupy all the properties of the world for their own good. So, are the tiny bees carrying forward the unselfish communism style?

If bees have such advanced wisdom and an open mind, they must have, according to the theory of evolution, evolved into creatures far superior to humans long ago since they came to the earth long before the birth of humans. Why have humans overtaken bees in evolution?

The founder of the theory of evolution, Darwin, exclaimed, “natural selection is powerless to explain such a perfect structure of the honeycomb because as we see it, either in terms of labor or the use of beeswax, the honeycomb conforms to the theory of maximum economy and is absolutely perfect.”

Then, even the originator of the theory of evolution has realized that the wisdom of bees does not result from evolution. We are also clear that the wisdom of bees cannot compare with that of humans. And bees would certainly not carry forward the unselfish communism style for humans who have been severely exploiting them. Then there is only one origin of their wisdom—instinct.

What is instinct?

Instinct is the capability possessed after birth.

The capability possessed after birth proved to be contradictory to the theory of evolution. So, is the theory of evolution a fallacy?

Doesn't the inborn capability prove that everything has been what it is now from the very beginning?

Doesn’t the inborn capability prove that things are not developed through evolution but are created?

Doesn’t the inborn capability prove the ability of the Greatest Creator who has created everything?

Aren’t the degrees of the acute and obtuse angles of the rhombuses at the bottom of the honeycomb designed by the Greatest Creator and added to the instinct of the bees?

Do we still want to deny the existence of the Greatest Creator?

29.The Chick Hatches from Its Eggshell

The chick emerges from its eggshell after 21 days of being hatched by the hen. During this time, the yolk and egg white inside the egg transform into a chick. Before hatching, the chick is isolated from the outside world, and it does not learn how to break the shell from any external source. Despite this, the chick eventually manages to break the shell and enter the world.

The rooster spends all day trying to seduce hens, and never cares about the life or death of the chicks. Even if the mother hen complains that the rooster doesn't take care of the household chores or educate the offspring, the rooster has an excuse: "Who knows if I am the father of this little thing? Last month I saw you fooling around with the neighbor's rooster!"

Well, the rooster won't pass on any experience to the unhatched chicks.

So, did the mother hen teach the chicks how to break out of the eggshell?

No, if it had the consciousness to teach the chicks this, it would be better to just help the chicks break the shell itself.

So, who taught the chick? Who told the chick about the colorful and wonderful world outside? And how does the chick know that its tender little beak can peck through the eggshell? Why is the eggshell thick enough to protect the chick yet thin enough for the chick to break through?

There is only one answer - instinct.

Instinct is not evolutionary; it is innate. This means that the first chick hatched from the first egg laid by the first chicken on earth already knew that there was a world outside the eggshell where it could survive, and that its small pointed beak was strong enough to break through the eggshell.

Of course, it does not have this awareness; when the time comes, it just pecks its way out.

So, since it is instinct, and since the first chick hatched from the first egg on earth already possessed this instinct without any genetic information, we can only ask the Greatest Creator.

30.What Is the Secret of Bird Migration?

When I was young, I used to see flocks of wild geese flying in the blue sky in my homeland in late summer and early autumn. Just as described in the primary school textbook, "Autumn is coming and it is getting cooler. A flock of wild geese is flying southward, sometimes in the formation of the fork and sometimes in a line."

One day, at the turn of the rainy and dry season this year, I was queuing at a service station in Zimbabwe, where petrol was in short supply. Suddenly, some noises in the sky caught my attention. I looked out of the car window and spotted a dozen crow-like birds perched on a large tree not very far away. They were flapping their wings and making "caw-caw-caw" noises. Out of curiosity and boredom, I began to watch them, figuring that they must be holding a meeting and discussing the implementation of a certain project. Unexpectedly, however, their calls attracted more and more birds of the same species from all directions. In less than half an hour, nearly a thousand birds had gathered. Suddenly, they flew away from the big tree and hovered and rose higher and higher in the sky. I wondered whether they were holding a party in this manner of hovering or were they selecting "Miss International" with the most elegant flight?

I came out of the car and stood on the lawn beside the road, watching them. They were hovering higher and higher in the sky until they looked smaller and smaller. I wondered, "Are they competing to fly the highest?"

Unexpectedly, the birds that flew the highest suddenly flew northwest along a straight line. The others were still circling, but they also flew along the same straight line when they reached the same height, as if they had boarded a train and rode away along the fixed railway.

I finally came to realize after hard thought that those must be migratory birds. At the beginning, they clamored on the tree to hail the flock to fly together to a distant place. Later, they flew by hovering in order to increase altitude. When they reached a certain height, they met an air current; it helped them to fly to distant places more easily.

Oh, how clever the migratory birds are!

After returning home, I checked some documents about migratory birds and discovered more surprising facts. For example, Arctic terns build nests in the Arctic Circle. They fly to the South Pole at the turn of summer and autumn. They fly back to the North Pole next year. Every year they travel for 35,200 kilometers.

There is an oriole called Blackpoll Warbler, small in size and weighing only 20-odd grams. Before autumn comes, they fly from Alaska, America, to the east coast of Canada or New England, where they feast on all the dainty food to increase its fat and strength. Then, when it is turning cold, they begin a long journey of flight, first toward Africa, over the Atlantic Ocean, then after taking over an air current, they turn to Brazil in South America. The whole journey is 3,840 kilometers at an altitude of more than 6,000 meters. The flight lasts four days and four nights.

The white storks in Europe fly 12,800 kilometers to spend the winter in South Africa. The long-tail cuckoos in New Zealand fly 6,400 kilometers to spend the winter in the Pacific islands. Seagulls in England's Isle of Man fly from Wales to Brazil at over 700 kilometers a day for 16 consecutive days. The wild geese fly over the Himalayas Mountains at an altitude of 9,000 meters.

What is more incredible is that generally, the older generations of cuckoos start their journey earlier. Smaller cuckoos usually start their migration a few days later. Unaccompanied by their parents, small cuckoos make their first flight to a strange place and can fly to their destination unerringly and unite with their parents. On the contrary, young starlings set off earlier than their parents and reach their destination all by themselves.

Marvelous! Incredible!

I wonder how they know that the cold weather is coming. How do they know which day is suitable for flight? How do they know that there is an air current at an altitude of thousands of meters? How do they know that this air current would carry them to their desired place? How do they know that that remote place is now a time of spring and flowers with sufficient food? What power has propelled them to embark upon such an epic journey across oceans? How do they travel round trip without going astray? How do they identify directions while flying? How do they find their habitat without being accompanied and guided by their parents?

I searched for scientists' explanations and found the following four major answers.

Something like a biological clock inside the migratory bird can sense the upcoming cold and the appropriate time to take off and can calculate the position of the sun while flying in the sky and determine its direction and route of flying by continuously adjusting the angle between itself and the sun or stars with the help of the sun, the moon, and the stars.

An inherent meteorologist, migratory birds can determine the duration of their stay at the habitat and the timing of migration according to meteorological conditions such as temperature, lighting, wind direction, and rainfall. They can choose a sunny day to begin their flight, adjust their flying manner according to the changes and fluctuations of wind directions and barometric pressures, and make use of the ascending air current for gliding to save their energy.

Extremely sensitive to geomagnetic waves, migratory birds can identify their directions according to geomagnetic waves and can decide the time of migration and habitat according to the geomagnetic information known to them.

Through millions of years of evolution, birds have gradually realized the rules governing the seasonal changes of climates and have formed a fixed pattern through generations of accumulation of experience and passed on the genetic information to each succeeding generation.

All four explanations above seem reasonable, but a deeper analysis may reveal that they are fanciful and groundless.

According to the first explanation, it seems that migratory birds can calculate their own positions, identify their direction, and derive the direction and route of flight based on the position of the sun.

Well, isn't it the migratory birds who calculate the airflow at an altitude of several kilometers? Wow, migratory birds are much smarter than Einstein. With a brain the size of a little finger, they can calculate the airflow in the sky at an altitude of several kilometers without using instruments or measurements. Moreover, they can fly and calculate their direction without using a compass, a sextant, a compass, or a calculator. It's too miraculous and extraordinary. This explanation is too mythological and absurd.

According to the second explanation, migratory birds are born meteorologists, who can take off on a sunny day by choosing different climatic conditions. This suggests that migratory birds are more knowledgeable than all the scientists and engineers in meteorological bureaus worldwide. However, in abnormal weather conditions, migratory birds might miss the air current in the sky and have to wait for the cold current. This could be fatal for them.

Swallows always return accurately to the nests they built the year before. It is said that swallows in a small town in America always return at dawn on March 29 of the following year. How should we interpret this phenomenon?

The third explanation is a little mythical. Migratory birds can identify the direction through geomagnetic waves and decide the time of migration and habitat according to the geomagnetic information known to them. However, it is unclear how migratory birds can detect the existence of air currents at an altitude of thousands of meters using geomagnetic waves.

The fourth explanation is a typical theory of evolution and seems flawless.

As we know from the description of the chick's breaking of the eggshell in the preceding section, the theory of evolution is challenged by the fact that the first chick hatched from the first egg laid by the first hen on earth could break the shell without inheriting any genetic information or shell-breaking skills. Therefore, is the theory tenable when it comes to migratory birds?

Based on the radioactive isotope determination method, scientists believe that the Earth is 4.6 billion years old, animals appeared about 1.8 billion years ago, invertebrates about 438 million years ago, fish about 380 million years ago, amphibians about 290 million years ago, and reptiles about 245 million years ago. Dinosaurs died out about 135 million years ago, mammals appeared around 65 million years ago, and humans appeared about 1.6 million years ago.

First, let's not question the accuracy of the radioactive isotope dating method. Assuming that this method is reliable, birds have existed on Earth for at least several hundred million years. If they are intelligent enough to pass on information to their offspring about how to navigate, select favorable habitats, fly from the North Pole to the South Pole, use air currents for flight, and locate the places where their ancestors lived, why haven't they evolved into more advanced animals over the course of millions of years? Instead, humans have taken over and made it impossible for them to escape our air guns and nets. Do birds not want to continue evolving, or have they hit a roadblock in their evolution?

If we don’t believe in the Greatest Creator, we can only think randomly. The question of whether the egg has appeared before the chick or the chick has appeared before the egg will remain a mystery for another ten thousand years.

My explanation for the migration of birds is that everything in nature has its definite purposes and means of subsistence, and they each have features irreplaceable by other species. Otherwise, all will die out. What if tigers can both dominate the mountains and fly in the sky? What if mice can dig holes and also can build nests in trees? What if antelopes can live on grass and also eat the flesh of other animals? What if dogs can give birth to offspring and also can lay eggs? What if apple trees can bear apples and also bear watermelons?...

Wow! It’s really amazing!

The answer for migratory birds' migration is instinct, just like bees that build honeycombs with a rhombus bottom consisting of 109.28 degrees obtuse angles and 70.32 degrees acute angles.

What is instinct?

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