An Introduction to the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator

Deiform Buddha

Dec. 14, 2022

Christ Jesus told us: "So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." ~ Matthew 6: 31-33

More than 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ told the world, "Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand."—Matthew 4:17.

Today, Deiform Buddha has told the world, "The kingdom of the Greatest Creator has appeared on the earth, you should leave everything behind, find the kingdom of the Greatest Creator and become a citizen of the kingdom of the Greatest Creator first."

Where is the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator? The kingdom of the Greatest Creator is in the land of freedom, where everyone enjoys the eight rights of freedom:the rights of survival, creation, migration, speech, the individual, thought, learning, and refusal.

The place where the Greatest Creator’s will is unimpeded is the kingdom of the Greatest Creator. The supreme authority of the kingdom of the Greatest Creator is the Greatest Creator, the highest constitution is the way of the Greatest Creator (the Tao), and the highest law is the 800 Values for Human Beings.

In the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator, there are no churches, Buddhist temples, or Taoist temples. The sun, moon, and stars are the churches; the mountains and rivers are the Buddhist temples; and wind, clouds, rain, and snow are the Taoist temples.

In the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator, there are no countries, religions, or political parties. The earth is a home for all people, nature is the religion, and free associations and gatherings are the political parties.

In the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator, there is no marriage, family, or relatives. To be kind to each other and love each other freely is marriage. People who are kind to and love each other are family. All the citizens in the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator are relatives.

In the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator, there is no one who gets something for nothing, no officials, and every citizen is a creator of wealth, either material wealth, spiritual wealth, or soul wealth, or some combination of all three.

In the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator, all power belongs to the Greatest Creator, everyone only enjoys the pleasures of LIFE, and cannot enjoy the welfare brought by power, and no one has the right to dominate others.

In the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator, all resources belong to the Greatest Creator and not to any individual. Every citizen has nothing but can enjoy everything.

The Kingdom of the Greatest Creator has been born on earth, and the old system is running out of time. Those who pursue spirituality should be vigilant and seize the time to seek the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator. Everything you have on earth will disappear; and the pursuit of possessions is the pursuit of dreams and bubbles; the words of more than two thousand years ago will become reality. Enter the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator and you will survive, stay outside the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator and you will vanish.

Seek the Greatest Creator’s Kingdom now! If you seek it, you will find it.

Keep knocking on the door of the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator! As long as you keep knocking, the door will open for you.

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