Standards and Methods of Heaven's Rewards and Punishments


January 28, 2022

Standards for Rewards and Punishments:

Life that creates is rewarded; life that destroys is punished.

Life that protects other lives is rewarded; life that harms other lives is punished.

Life that brings joy, happiness, freedom, and bliss to others is rewarded; life that brings trouble, pain, sorrow, and fear to others is punished.

Life that lives in joy, happiness, freedom, and bliss is rewarded; life that lives in trouble, pain, sorrow, and fear is punished.

Life that is grateful and content is rewarded; life that is hateful and greedy is punished.

Life that contributes much but enjoys little is rewarded; life that contributes little but enjoys much is punished.

Life that cherishes nature is rewarded; life that destroys nature is punished.

Life that guides others to heaven is rewarded; life that misleads others to hell is punished.

Methods of Rewards and Punishments:

Reward: Good health; Punishment: Frequent illness.

Reward: Lifelong peace; Punishment: Multiple disasters and difficulties.

Reward: Living in joy, happiness, freedom, and bliss; Punishment: Living in trouble, pain, sorrow, and fear.

Reward: Regular encounters with helpful mentors; Punishment: Regular encounters with harmful influences.

Reward: No worries about food and clothing; Punishment: Constant poverty and illness.

Reward: Ascending to higher realms; Punishment: Descending to lower realms.

Reward: Living in a harmonious and naturally beautiful environment; Punishment: Living in a harsh and morally degraded environment.

Reward: Earning respect and honor; Punishment: Facing discrimination and contempt.

Last updated