Eight Relationships Between the Greatest Creator and Human Beings


Humanity has direct or indirect relationships with all things in the universe, and the relationship with the Greatest Creator is the most important among all relationships. This relationship directly relates to the life and death of humanity and also relates to the future of every person. There are eight major relationships between the Greatest Creator and humanity.

1.Relationship of Appearance

The Greatest Creator has no fixed form; he can become any form. Human form is designed according to the form of the gods in heaven. In other words, human appearance is similar to that of gods but not to that of the Greatest Creator.

2.Relationship of Wisdom

The Greatest Creator created the gods of heaven himself. Humans are not created directly by the Greatest Creator. The first group of human beings created by gods were the African blacks and the American Indians. The Egyptians and the European whites were the second group of human beings created by gods. The Asian yellow race, with the Chinese nation as the core, came from the Pure Land (the Elysium World) and are a variation of the dragon, followers of the evil god. They are the third group of human beings on Earth, so the ancestors of the yellow race are not human beings. Adam and Eve are the ancestors of the Israelites and most people in the Middle East. They were created by another god in the mysterious Garden of Eden.

In terms of wisdom, human wisdom can never reach the wisdom of the Greatest Creator. Only gods can understand the wisdom of the Greatest Creator. If the white and black races can cultivate to a high level, they can understand the wisdom of the gods. The yellow race itself carries the genes of celestials and Buddhas. If they can understand the truth and see their nature, they can have the wisdom of celestials and Buddhas. The Israelites and most people in the Middle East have both.

3.Relationship of affiliation

Humanity does not directly belong to the management of the Greatest Creator. The gods of heaven are directly managed by the Greatest Creator.

Humanity is managed by one god but is always hindered and destroyed by another god. Since the gods are unified in opposition, the two types of gods are evenly matched, and neither can defeat the other. Therefore, human society can never achieve a perfect state and can never be peaceful. Human hearts are always seeking balance and support in the conflicting and contradictory forces of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, truth and falsehood.

For example, one god created Adam and Eve, while another god immediately planted a so-called tree of wisdom in the Garden of Eden to lure them into eating from it. By eating the fruit from that tree, Adam and Eve's thought patterns were changed to be able to oppose the god who created them. The god who created them was aware of the other god's scheme and warned Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree, but ultimately, they couldn't resist the temptation and followed the other god's path. In anger, the god who created them expelled them from the Garden of Eden.

The god who truly cares about humanity is referred to as the god of light, while the opposite is referred to as the god of darkness. Jesus represents the god of light, while Satan represents the god of darkness. The god of light cares about humanity's fate and destiny, seeking to lead people to pursue truth, goodness, and beauty, so they can achieve mental freedom and happiness, as well as physical freedom and pleasure. Buddha clearly understood the human situation in the competition between the gods of light and darkness and taught his disciples to give up worldly life and pursue transcendence, freeing themselves from the gods of light and darkness, and reaching the Pure Land directly. On the surface, the god of darkness appears to be very concerned about humanity, but in essence, he is only interested in making people pursue material possessions, such as money, power, status, beauty, fame, success, and being superior to others. He does everything in his power to keep people preoccupied with immediate interests, leaving them little time for deep contemplation, ultimately preventing the god of light's plan from being realized. Therefore, in essence, the god of darkness does not really care about humanity; he leads people astray from the true purpose of life.

4.The Cause and Effect Relationship

Although the Greatest Creator does not directly manage humanity, he is well aware of humanity's current state and future. He is also aware of the love-hate relationship between the gods of light and darkness. The god of light wants to bring perpetual light to the world, while the god of darkness wants to bring perpetual darkness. However, perpetual light and perpetual darkness will destroy the universe's unity of opposites, so it can only be half and half.

The Greatest Creator’s concern for humanity is expressed through the causal relationships he has set up (orders and procedures). First, he has given humans a certain degree of free will, allowing them to freely choose between light and darkness. What the Greatest Creator gives us is exactly what we ask for, and our current situation is entirely what we deserve. The Greatest Creator has neither taken anything away from us nor added anything to us. We are walking on the "path" set by the Greatest Creator.

For example, Adam and Eve had the choice to eat or not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They could have chosen not to eat and continued to enjoy endless happiness in the Garden of Eden, or they could have eaten and been banished from the Garden and had to survive by their own labor.

Similarly, if we find an injured rabbit on the road, it is up to us how to treat it. We can ignore it, neither helping nor harming it, and continue on our journey. The result of this choice is that when we are injured and need help from others, no one will come to help us, but no one will harm us either. If we pick up the injured rabbit, give it appropriate care and release it back into the wild, then we are protecting a life, and what we gain is the extension and sublimation of life. However, if we take advantage of the rabbit's vulnerability, catch it and skin it for cooking, what we gain will be the shortening and devaluation of life.

How we treat other things, they will repay us in an equivalent way. How we treat god, god will treat us the same way. How we treat the Greatest Creator, the Greatest Creator will repay us with something of equivalent value. We will receive in proportion to what we give, and what we receive will always be proportional to what we have given.

In general, what we long for will come to us. If we are determined to seek money, money will come to us; if we concentrate on seeking power, we will gain power; if we search for prostitutes, they will come to find us; if we obsess over ghosts, they will appear before us; if we seek Buddha, Buddha will come to guide us. As long as we are focused and persistent, what we hope for will definitely be obtained.

Many people yearn for something but fail to achieve their expected goals. This is not due to any problems with the Greatest Creator's order or procedures, but rather because of our indecisiveness, wavering minds, lack of conviction, or impatience.

For example, some people want to become writers but can't stand the loneliness and temporary poverty that come with it. They switch their goals constantly, wanting to start a company, become a government official, or study the "function of horse tails." This leaves the Greatest Creator and the gods and demons unsure whether to help them become a writer or a business owner, and ultimately, they achieve neither.

I remember a fable from my elementary school textbook called "The Kitten Who Went Fishing": A kitten went fishing with an old cat, who sat quietly by the lake and caught many fish. The kitten, however, looked around and saw a dragonfly flying by, so he put down his fishing rod to catch the dragonfly. Then, he saw a butterfly and put down the rod again to catch it. He ended up busy all day but didn't catch any dragonflies, butterflies, or fish.

This is not the Greatest Creator being unfair but rather a lack of clarity on what one truly needs.  

Therefore, if you want to be a cheat, don't talk about conscience; if you want to be a robber, don't talk about kindness; if you seek Buddha, do not kill; if you want to transcend the mundane world and become a celestial, do not pursue worldly fame and fortune; if you want to accumulate wealth, you must value money over people; if you want to engage in politics, you cannot do so without buying people's hearts; if you want to do charity, don't seek personal gain; if you want to pursue academia, you must endure loneliness and solitude; if you want to secure personal gain, don't care about principles and relationships; if you want to flatter and please others, don't be afraid of being exposed, and you must have a thick skin; if you want to be a general, don't fear the bloodshed of soldiers; if you want to stay healthy, you must learn to take care of yourself; if you want to improve your life quality, you must practice self-cultivation; if you don't want to go to jail, stay away from crime; if you don't want to be reborn as an animal in the next life, you must have humanity and not act recklessly and maliciously; if you want to enter the Thousand-year World after death, you must acquire perfect humanity in your limited life stage; if you want to be born in the Ten-thousand-year World, you must perceive, pursue, and attain the Tao; if you want to enter the Pure Land, you must quickly worship Buddha, perceive the nature of your mind, and transcend the realm of desires, forms, and formlessness; if you don't want to go to the nether world, you must do more good and less evil; if you don't want to go to the frozen layer, don't deceive, swindle, or harm the innocent; if you don't want to go to the inflamed layer, don't kill without reason.

"As you sow, so shall you reap." If you plant sesame, you cannot expect to harvest watermelon. If you scatter grass seeds, you cannot expect to reap crops. "Good begets good, evil begets evil. No deed goes unrewarded, but the timing may not be immediate. When the time comes, it will surely be repaid." If we do not receive retribution in this life, we will in the next. The Greatest Creator is fair and impartial and gives us corresponding results based on our own choices and actions.

Our past is our present, and our present is our future. This is the cause-and-effect relationship between us and the Greatest Creator.

5."Blood" Relationship

Although we are not directly created by the Greatest Creator, the source of life comes from the Greatest Creator. Without the Greatest Creator, there is nothing. Without the Greatest Creator, there would be no gods or demons, and without gods or demons, there would be no humanity. In other words, without the Greatest Creator, there would be no humanity.

From a "blood" perspective, the Greatest Creator is the father of gods and demons, gods are the fathers of humanity, and demons are the uncles of humanity. In other words, the Greatest Creator is the grandfather of humanity.

Jesus called the Greatest Creator "Heavenly Father," which is completely correct, because Jesus was created by the Greatest Creator. If we humans also call the Greatest Creator our Heavenly Father, we are putting ourselves on equal footing with Jesus as a god, which violates ethical relationships, because Jesus and other gods created us according to the Greatest Creator 's requirements. Our Heavenly Father is not the Greatest Creator, but rather the gods.

Emotionally, the Greatest Creator is our grandfather, the gods such as Jesus are our fathers, Satan and other demons are our uncles, celestials are the higher levels of human life, and the Buddha is the highest level of human life that can be reached. 

Grandfathers always love their grandchildren, and the Greatest Creator always cares about humanity. As long as we always respect and honor our grandfather, and not make him angry, we humans will have a bright future. Even if our fathers and uncles want to punish us, as long as we hold onto our grandfather's hand, our fathers and uncles, out of reverence for our grandfather, will have to let us go.

6.The Relationship of Distance​

The distance between us and the Greatest Creator has two meanings: from a material perspective, the distance between us and the Greatest Creator is immeasurable and extremely remote. The farthest galaxy from Earth that we currently know of is 27 billion light-years away, and the diameter of the smallest known particle, a quark, extends more than 30 billion light-years away from Earth in the negative direction. Moreover, the conscious energy clusters of the universe are not at the center of the universe, just as the human brain is not located in the middle of the body. From the perspective of 36 dimensional spaces, the Greatest Creator 's essence is in the Zero World, while humans are in the human world, separated by an insurmountable chasm. From a spiritual perspective, we are one with the Greatest Creator and there is no distance between us. All things in the universe are miniatures of the Greatest Creator. Using an imperfect metaphor, the distance between humans and the Greatest Creator is like the distance between a finger and the body. Although a finger is a certain distance from the brain, it is still a part of the body, and the finger's every movement and sensation are connected to the brain.

7.Inductive Relationship

Although the Greatest Creator is very far away, like the distance between the brain and the finger, the brain reacts instantly to any sensation from the finger, and any command from the brain is immediately sensed by the finger. Therefore, in essence, the Greatest Creator is with us, and any activity we engage in, whether physical, mental, or psychological, is instantly reflected to the Greatest Creator. Similarly, any command from the Greatest Creator is immediately reflected on our physical and spiritual bodies.

The Greatest Creator does not have a specific form, which is why we humans cannot see the true existence of the Greatest Creator. However, this does not mean that the Greatest Creator does not exist, or that the Greatest Creator exists but has little to do with us humans. In fact, each one of us lives under the care and protection of the Greatest Creator, and we interact with the Greatest Creator and are interdependent.

If the Greatest Creator is compared to the ocean, then we humans are like fish swimming in the ocean. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit referred to in the Bible are the Greatest Creator, Jesus, who carries out the Greatest Creator 's will, and other gods, and the spirit of the Greatest Creator. The Greatest Creator 's spirit fills the universe, and we live in the spirit of the Greatest Creator, just as fish live in water. Lao Tzu recognized the "Tao" in the Tao Te Ching as the "Holy Spirit," which is the spirit of the Greatest Creator. To "perceive the Tao," "attain the Tao," or "practice the Tao" means to fully understand the existence, operation, and function of the spirit of the Greatest Creator through contemplation, intuition, and logical reasoning, and then unite with the Greatest Creator 's spirit. Once united with the spirit (Tao) of the Greatest Creator, it is like what is described in the Buddhist sutras: “attain the highest, supreme enlightenment, profound realization, and great wisdom.” At this point, becoming a celestial is inevitable, and it is only one step away from becoming a Buddha.

You may say, "What you're saying seems reasonable, but I still can't feel the existence of the Greatest Creator 's spirit and its effect on me."

This involves the issue of levels of wisdom. Einstein's theories, such as "energy equals mass times the speed of light squared" and "light bends when it encounters a massive object," as well as "mass and energy cause the curvature of space and time," are difficult for ordinary people to understand because our level of wisdom has not reached the height to understand his theories. However, when faced with the theories of "quantum mechanics" and the "uncertainty principle," Einstein himself became confused. He believed that the Greatest Creator rules over everything, and therefore created the laws of physics, so the universe is orderly. That is, as long as we know the current state of everything, we can understand its future development and changes. But the "quantum mechanics" and "uncertainty principle" show that the future cannot be accurately predicted, and the results can be diverse. For example, the more accurately we measure the position of a small particle, the less accurately we can measure its velocity. And the more accurately we measure the velocity of a small particle, the less accurately we can measure its position.

The more profound, abstract, and close to the edge of truth a theory is, the more difficult it is to understand. For the general public, it becomes a kind of mysticism. However, as long as we are open-minded and thoughtful, there is no summit that we cannot climb.

The brilliant path of life has three levels of realm. The first level of heaven is to become a president or a billionaire. To achieve this goal, reading "The Law of Success" by Napoleon Hill, the creator of millionaires, can provide insights.    

The second level of realm is to be extraordinary and to "enjoy the carefree and unrestrained life of a wanderer." Before you start to march towards becoming a president or a billionaire, imagine yourself as already being a president or a billionaire, and then fully feel that splendor in your thoughts. You will find that being a president or a billionaire cannot bring you real happiness and joy. Instead, it feels like a burden. Life should have a higher realm. Everything in the secular world is no longer enough to satisfy your pursuit. But you cannot escape from the influence and fetters of the secular world. At this time, your thinking must inevitably develop towards how to obtain the greatest freedom and enter the eternal realm of life. Your wisdom has reached a higher level, and you can understand the harm of attachment and the disadvantages of success in worldly affairs. You can reach the realm of " taking things as they are, associating with others by following naturally come-and-go relations, acting in accordance with our natures, and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise." At this point, you can achieve the wisdom realm of "never doing anything, yet all things happening through it." You can then fully embrace the carefree and unrestrained life of a wanderer.      

The third realm is the understanding of the mysteries of the universe and the true meaning of life. The feeling at this point is "The sky is unlimited for birds to fly at ease, as the ocean is boundless for fish to leap at will." You have reached the realm of "one’s mind abiding nowhere" as spoken by Buddha Sakyamuni. You know that life itself does not matter whether it is born or dies, and you can enter the "Pure Land." At this point, when you look back at the behavior of world leaders and billionaires, it's like watching children “playing house.”

Now let's continue to explore why we can't sense the existence of the Greatest Creator and the influence of the Greatest Creator 's spirit on us.

I believe this is simply a matter of different levels of wisdom. If our understanding remains stuck at the first level, like a frog at the bottom of a well, we cannot know or understand the colorful and magnificent world outside the well. Even if other frogs tell us how variegated the outside world is, we still cannot believe it, and even think that other frogs are exaggerating things to scare people and be deliberately mystifying . If our understanding is limited to the second realm, like a frog in a pond, we cannot imagine the thousand waves and vast wonders of rivers, lakes, and oceans.

The Greatest Creator is within us, and the Greatest Creator is always with us. We resonate with the Greatest Creator, and whether you can sense it or not depends entirely on the degree of your spiritual resonance. A low-quality television set cannot receive audio and video signals transmitted by television stations. Even if it does, the image is not clear, or there is a lot of noise, making it difficult to hear what the announcer is saying. A black and white TV cannot receive color images. Even if the quality of the TV is very good, if it does not receive the right frequency, it cannot receive the required signal.

"Having no wings, I can’t fly to you as I please; our hearts as one, your ears can hear my inner call," resonance occurs at the same frequency, and resonant communication occurs when frequencies are the same.

8.Corresponding relationship (Ways of Communication)

All things are part of the Greatest Creator, but the Greatest Creator is not all things. Fingers are part of a human, but humans are not just fingers. Embassies represent countries, but countries are not just embassies. Scientists belong to science, but science is not just scientists. Religions exist for gods, but gods do not exist for religions. Understanding these principles will help us understand the corresponding relationship between humans and the Greatest Creator.

The Greatest Creator and all things are interdependent, and the key to this interdependence is resonance. Once we understand this, we can find a way to correspond with the Greatest Creator (ways of communication). Just as we need to tune in to the appropriate frequency to listen to a radio station, or dial the appropriate phone number to call someone, we must connect our souls with the Greatest Creator 's Holy Spirit to communicate with the Greatest Creator.

The Greatest Creator does not have a name, but for convenience, people have given Him many names. Jesus calls the Greatest Creator the heavenly father, Muslims call the Greatest Creator Allah, Buddhists call the Greatest Creator the Ancestor of Buddha-Tathagata, Taoists call the Greatest Creator the Primordial Heavenly Venerable, and others call the Greatest Creator the Creator, Imperial Heaven, Azure Heaven, Heaven of the Four Heavenly Kings, and Brahma Heaven, and so on. Some people also refer to the Greatest Creator as "Heavenly Grandfather." In reality, all of these names are acceptable as long as we call upon the unique and exclusive, amorphous, neutral, mysterious, supremely powerful, intelligent, impartial, and merciful Greatest Creator in the universe from the depths of our hearts, regardless of the respectful name we use.

Lifechanyuan combines the characteristics of three major religions and refers to the Greatest Creator: Allah-Ancestor of Buddha, the Greatest Creator.

I solemnly declare here that it is absolutely wrong for some people to call the founder of Buddhism, Shakyamuni, as the Ancestor of Buddha. Shakyamuni is only a "special envoy" sent by the Ancestor Buddha to the world. If we were to call the special envoys in Chinese history emperors, it would be a capital offense. Similarly, some denominations of Christianity believe in the "Trinity" and therefore calling Jesus God (the Greatest Creator) is also incorrect. We cannot call a father a grandfather, can we?

We understand the relationship between ourselves and the Greatest Creator, but what is the specific way to connect with the Greatest Creator?

The specific way to connect with the Greatest Creator is through meditation and prayer.

Meditation is the act of abandoning psychological activities caused by "sound, smell, taste, touch, and law" in a state of inaction, entering into deep contemplation and imagination, casting aside fame and fortune, life and death, and pondering the mysteries of the universe and the true essence of life. Over time, our consciousness will unite with that of the Greatest Creator, and our wisdom will make a qualitative leap. When our mind reaches an indescribable sense of happiness and joy, we have already established a close connection with the Greatest Creator. This is the most direct, effective, and challenging way to connect with the Greatest Creator. The "Being Free From Mortal Body During Meditation" method I mentioned in the "Physical and Spiritual Healthcare Chapter" is one form of meditation.

The second way is through prayer. We must first understand that the purpose of human existence is to serve the Greatest Creator. The main purpose of our prayer is to please the Greatest Creator.

In terms of how to pray, the way of prayer, and the content of prayer, Jesus Christ has already told us very clearly. We just need to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Generally speaking, prayer must come from a sincere heart and not be perfunctory or half-hearted. The content of prayer must first sincerely thank the Greatest Creator for his grace, kindness, and care, and then sing and praise the Greatest Creator 's wisdom, superpower, and greatness. Next, we must declare that we are willing to act and live according to the Greatest Creator 's will, not concerned about personal success or failure. Then, we must repent and confess our sins and mistakes in a thorough and honest way, in order to ask the Greatest Creator for forgiveness. Finally, we should ask the Greatest Creator to help us walk the right path and enter a higher realm of life in the afterlife. The conclusion should state that our prayer is made in the name of Jesus Christ, who is the father of humanity in heaven.

Prayer is a personal act, not a social one. Shouting loudly and deliberately making others hear your prayer is hypocritical and useless. We must silently and quietly pray, and not necessarily say it out loud, because our psychological activities will become a kind of thought wave, just like electroencephalograms and electrocardiograms, sending our wishes to the vast universe. The Greatest Creator will surely respond to us. In addition, since we ourselves are also a component of the Greatest Creator, if we hear our own prayers, it signals that the Greatest Creator has also heard them.

When praying, we must be careful not to have evil thoughts, such as praying for someone to have bad luck, praying for wealth and fame, praying for the glory of our ancestors or blaming the Greatest Creator for unfairness, as these thoughts will be accepted by the devil and will eventually cause harm to ourselves. Because evil thoughts are not on the same frequency as the Greatest Creator but are on the same frequency as the devil. Why should we connect with the Greatest Creator? I will answer this in the "Chapter of Life."

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