Let Our Souls Nestle in The Greatest Creator's Embrace


February 13, 2022

Recently, I watched a video about a newborn baby whose mother passed away shortly after his birth. The mother’s heart was transplanted into a man. Despite being comforted by many people, the baby continued to cry. However, when the man who received the heart transplant from the baby’s mother held him, the baby stopped crying and smiled. Looking at the baby’s expression, it felt like he had found the most comfortable, warm, and secure haven.

We are all like infants, regardless of where we go or what situations we face, we all need the safest, warmest, and most comfortable haven, and that haven is in the Greatest Creator’s embrace.

No matter who we are, how old we are, whether we are rich or poor, whether we have achieved something or not, there will always be times when we feel disappointed and disheartened. There will be times when we are physically weak due to illness, times when we feel hopeless or even desperate, and of course, times when we are filled with worry and fear. What do we rely on to get through these difficult times? We will find that nothing is reliable—neither the government, nor family and friends, nor wealth, nor status, nor fame. The only reliable thing is the Ancestor of Buddha- the Greatest Creator.

When we entrust our lives to the Greatest Creator, let our souls nestle in the Greatest Creator’s embrace, we can truly feel safe and at ease, feel happy and free, feel warm and peaceful. This is a reflection of my personal experience.

Everyone will experience feelings of helplessness, desolation, illness, and fear of death. At such times, the most comforting energy comes from the Ancestor of Buddha- the Greatest Creator. When our souls nestle in the Greatest Creator’s embrace, all negative and detrimental thoughts and emotions disappear, and we can face all difficulties, misfortunes, and even death with equanimity.

Perhaps many people have not experienced this feeling because they have not yet recognized the Greatest Creator or understood the Greatest Creator. When you truly understand the principles of life and space-time, understand the mysteries of life’s reincarnation and transformation, you will find that all the good things in life, such as happiness, health, joy, freedom, wealth, and bliss, all come from the Greatest Creator because the Greatest Creator is the source of everything.

Today, I read a view on WeChat that said, “The soul is difficult to live with a reliance. The ultimate enlightenment is to have no reliance. This is the inevitable path for every soul to ascend.”

From different positions and perspectives, we can draw different conclusions. From my position and perspective, the soul can be independent of any person or thing, but it must rely on the Greatest Creator. The soul must have something to rely on, and that object of reliance is the Greatest Creator. I cannot imagine what a soul without reliance would be like. If there were no universe, no heaven (which is the nonmaterial world), and nothing existed, the soul could be without reliance. But would such a soul be like a water source without a source, a tree without roots? Could this soul continue to exist? How could it exist?

Of course, there are mountains beyond mountains, and there are heavens beyond the sky. Perhaps there are souls without reliance that can truly exist, but for a soul like mine, I dare not cross the line. I can do whatever I want, but I dare not overstep the rules. Therefore, my soul will always nestle in the Greatest Creator’s embrace, which is where I came from and where I am going.

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