40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator (36--40)


36.Mirage - the Emergence of the Elysium World

If I were to say that mirages are the emergence of the Elysium World, scientists, especially meteorologists and optical scientists, would surely scoff and say that I know nothing about the refraction and total reflection of light.

Indeed, my knowledge of optics and meteorology is only superficial, and I dare not show off my shallow knowledge in these fields, for fear of "Showing off my skills in front of an expert" or "Displaying low-level skills in front of an expert to impress them."

But since I have a clear understanding of the origin of the universe, the origin of LIFE, the origin of humanity, and the 36-dimensional spaces in my consciousness, I also have my own explanation for mirages. I hope that experts can further analyze them from different perspectives.

What is a mirage?

A mirage is the revelation of the celestials and Buddhas to human beings. It is the emergence of a drop of the scenery of the Elysium World of the 36-dimensional spaces in the human world. In other words, a mirage is the true scene of the existence of the Elysium World.

Some people describe a mirage as "elusive," "ever-changing," "seemingly real yet illusory," and "like a fairyland." These descriptions are quite appropriate, especially the description of "like a fairyland," which can be said to reveal the true scene of a mirage. Strictly speaking, a mirage is a fairyland, and the "Elysium World of the West" preached in Buddhism is such a scene.

When people who are fated to see the vast mountains, boundless sea, towering pavilions and buildings, hidden city walls and castles, and peaceful mountains and rivers in the sky from places like the beach, desert, Gobi, and lakeside, they will definitely have an inexplicable feeling about the beautiful and illusory scenery in the sky. What is it? Where does it come from? Is it from heaven or from earth?

Scientists explain that it is an atmospheric optical phenomenon, the result of light refraction or total reflection in the atmosphere of different densities. More precisely, natural landscapes on earth are illuminated by light, reflected into the atmosphere, and due to the drastic temperature changes in the desert or ocean, the local air forms different densities in the sky. When the reflected light from the object enters high-density air from low-density air, it refracts like a chopstick inserted into a water bowl, casting the natural landscapes of the earth into the sky, and then a mirage appears.

The explanation seems reasonable, but I would like to point out the following details and see how we can explain them.

All explanations say that mirages are the refraction or total reflection of distant landscapes. I want to ask, what exactly is meant by "distant"? How far away is considered "distant"?

Many sky appearances have been recorded. Have scientists found similar or alike landscapes on Earth corresponding to the "distant" mirages?

What is the image formed after refraction, an upright or inverted image? If it is an inverted image, why is the image seen in the sky upright? If the image formed after refraction is upright, why are some mirages inverted?

Do the reflected light rays enter from a rarer medium into a denser medium or from a denser medium into a rarer medium? In other words, do the light rays refract from the sky downwards or from the ground upwards? Objects on the earth reflect light towards the sky only from below, so how can reflections occur from above to below? Of course, we can say that light rays undergo N-fold refraction in the atmosphere, leading to reflections from above to below, but this is only theoretical and does not work in reality. If it did, we would see mirages every day.

Experts say that in the scorching sun of the desert, due to the low specific heat of sand, the temperature rises quickly. The temperature of the lower air near the sand rises very high, while the temperature of the upper air remains low. This creates an abnormal distribution of temperature. Due to thermal expansion and contraction, the density of the lower hot air close to the sand is small, while that of the upper cold air is large. Therefore, the refractive index of the air is smaller in the lower layer and larger in the upper layer. When light reflected from distant higher objects enters from the denser upper layer to the rarer lower layer, it is refracted continuously, and the incident angle gradually increases. When it becomes equal to the critical angle, total reflection occurs, resulting in a mirage.

This theoretical analysis seems reasonable, but I have a question: if this theory is correct, then mirages should be seen frequently in the sky above deserts all over the world. Why do some deserts not have mirages for decades? Are those deserts not within the scope of this theory?

Of course, experts can argue that the desert where a mirage occurs must have a special geographic and climatic environment. Without this special nature, even if there is a desert, a mirage will not appear in the sky above it.

So, I want to ask: what are the special conditions that make a mirage appear in the sky above a desert? Which desert on earth does not have these special conditions?

As for the mirages that occur near the sea, experts explain it this way: in the summer, on calm and still water, the upper layer of air is heated and has lower density, while the air near the water surface is cooled by the water current and has higher density. When the temperature difference between the upper and lower layers of air is large and the density is lower in the upper layer and higher in the lower layer, light reflected from islands, towns, ships, and other objects on the horizon can be refracted or totally reflected up and down, thus causing a mirage.

Yes, during summer, the air above the sea is prone to forming a density pattern of lower density at the top and higher density at the bottom. But what about autumn and winter? On December 16, 2002, the Shandong region entered winter, so why did a mirage still appear on the Penglai Peninsula? If the experts' theory is correct, then the air above the sea during summer should always have this density pattern, so why aren't mirages seen above the sea worldwide?

In recent years, mirages have frequently appeared in the air above the Penglai Peninsula in Shandong. Some experts claim that this is due to the results of recent environmental clean-up efforts, with the air now being fresh and the environmental quality being high, leading to frequent mirages.

This claim seems more like a politician's language rather than a conclusion from experts. If this is indeed the experts' viewpoint, then I have a question: when the Industrial Revolution had not yet happened on Earth, the air in the Penglai Peninsula was even fresher and of even better quality than it is now, so why didn't mirages appear frequently? Instead, they only appeared every few years. How does the air quality in Hawaii compare to that of the Penglai Peninsula, and why aren't mirages seen frequently there?

Of course, experts will argue that the unique natural environment of the Penglai Peninsula is the main factor leading to the appearance of mirages, and other places do not have this uniqueness, making it less likely for mirages to appear.

If this claim is correct, then I must ask another question: since the Penglai Peninsula has a unique natural condition, shouldn't the appearance of the mirage be roughly the same each time? Why do the images of the mirage differ every time it appears? Does the natural environment of the Penglai Peninsula change every year?

From the theory of light refraction, we know that when light passes through a medium with uniform density, its direction and speed of propagation usually remain unchanged. However, when light passes through two media with different densities at an oblique angle, at the interface where the two media meet, not only does the speed of propagation change, but the direction of the light also deviates.

This theory is correct, but if we use this theory to explain mirages, it is not acceptable. From the perspective of the atmosphere, not only is the density different between the convection layer, isothermal layer, intermediate layer, ionosphere, and exosphere, but the density also varies within the same atmospheric layer. Therefore, when the sun shines on the earth, there must be light refraction occurring, and just like how we see the moon in the water, we can also see many illusory suns in the atmosphere. So why can't we see them? The density of air is not only different during the day but also at night. When the full moon hangs in the sky, we can see the mirage of the moon reflecting on the water. So why can't we see the illusory reflection of the moon refracted into different densities of air in the sky?

My explanation for the mirage is that it's not a reflection of earthly scenery in the sky, but a distortion of time and space of the Elysium World, which is a deliberate arrangement by the Greatest Creator to indicate to humanity that "your sky is not illusory, but another time and space, another world, and that you humans have a bright future."

When I introduced the Elysium of the 36-dimensional spaces, I already explained that the Thousand-year World and the Ten-thousand-year World are very far away, while the Elysium World is right here, and the entire universe of the Earth belongs to the Elysium. World. That is to say, the Earth, the solar system, the Milky Way, the Rotary-River Galaxy, and the Law-Rotary Galaxy all belong to the Elysium World. Everything we see is a kind of illusory image: mirages are illusory, transient beauty is illusory, flowers and trees are illusory, insects, birds, and beasts are illusory, rivers, lakes, and seas are illusory, the universe is illusory, and life is also illusory. Then, where is it not illusory? The answer is: the Elysium World is not illusory. "Emptiness is not empty, form is not real." The smaller the energy, the more it takes shape, and the larger the energy, the more formless it becomes. "Great form has no contour."

Why can't we see the Elysium World then? Because our eyes don't have that structure. Can we see ultraviolet and infrared rays? Can we see electromagnetic and biological waves? Can we see gamma and beta rays? We are in a wonderful world (Elysium World), but we only see less than 3% of the world around us. Why can't we see it? Because our "merits and virtues" have not yet reached that standard. This is like someone asking, "Why can't I stay in the White House, the Kremlin, or Zhongnanhai?" Why? Think about it yourself.

Here is some information that may help us understand time and space.

"On January 28, 1915, a Turkish army advanced towards the 60th position in the Gallipoli region. When they climbed up the hill, several clouds descended vertically and silently enveloped the hill. Several metallic beams of light seemed to shoot out of the clouds. Then, a miraculous phenomenon occurred. The soldiers, who were brave and confident, one after another stepped into the clouds and disappeared in the clouds. A soldier named Lekade saw this terrifying scene with his own eyes. He shouted to stop his comrades, but they seemed to be deaf and crazily entered the fog. After a while, the clouds rose slowly and floated away, leaving only the hill. The whole army disappeared without a trace."

Where did they go?

They entered the mirage.

In 1994, an Italian passenger plane flying over the African coast suddenly disappeared on the radar screen in the control room, and then reappeared after a while. When the flight crew landed at the airport, the duty officer asked what had happened during the flight and why they suddenly lost track of it. The flight crew was puzzled and could not figure out what had happened because their flight had been going well without any accidents. Later, someone unexpectedly discovered that his watch was 20 minutes slow, and upon investigation, it was found that all the crew members and 315 passengers on the plane also had watches that were 20 minutes slow.

What happened during those 20 minutes? Where did they go? Why weren't they aware of it? And why didn't it show up on the radar screen?

In the "Universe, time and space" chapter, I talked about how time is divided into latitudinal time and longitudinal time. Longitudinal time is the time of the material world, and latitudinal time is the time of the nonmaterial world. Humans exist in longitudinal time, which is like the X-axis of a complex function, while latitudinal time is the Z-axis. When a person or object disappears from longitudinal time, they enter the realm of latitudinal space-time. No matter when they return, it is still the same time point for them, but for us, it may have been a year, ten years, or hundreds of years.

The Italian plane disappeared for 20 minutes because it entered the realm of latitudinal space-time. For the plane and the people on board, it might have been just a blink of an eye, so they were not aware that they had disappeared. However, for the people in the airport control room, it was a full 20 minutes.

What is the realm of latitudinal space-time? The mirage is an example of the realm of latitudinal space-time.

When I was a child, my grandmother told me a story. One day, a woodcutter got lost in the mountains while chopping wood. He wandered around for a while and suddenly saw two old men playing chess on a beautiful hillside. He didn't want to disturb them, so he squatted next to them to watch. Everything was so peaceful and natural, but the only thing that confused him was that the leaves on the trees next to him turned from yellow to green, and then from green to yellow, changing colors from time to time. After a while, when he looked away and then back, the two old men were gone. He shuddered and suddenly realized that this was a place he was very familiar with from chopping wood before. He followed the familiar path home.

When he arrived at the village, he found that his village had undergone a great change. He suspected that it was not his own village. He walked towards his home along the path he remembered, and everyone he met on the way looked at him with unfamiliar eyes. He didn't recognize any of them. He suspected that he had gone to the wrong village and asked the people he met about his old village. They all said that it was the village he was asking about. He asked if they knew certain people, but they replied that they were someone's grandfather or grandmother who had already passed away. When he asked about himself, they answered that he was someone's grandfather who had gone out to chop wood one day when he was young and never returned.

Now let's analyze why the woodcutter got lost while he was chopping wood in a familiar mountain. This was because he suddenly entered a mirage, and the environment was no longer the familiar environment he had known before. Therefore, he was bound to get lost. Why did he suddenly understand where he was after shivering? This was because the mirage disappeared, and he stood in the place he had been familiar with before, so he suddenly understood. Why wasn't he disappearing together with the mirage since he was fortunate enough to be in the mirage (the Elysium World)? This was because his spiritual quality had not yet reached the standard of living completely in the Elysium World. Then why did he have to witness the scene of the Elysium World with his own eyes? This was because he was destined to, and the two old men playing chess were definitely his relatives and friends in his previous life who had come to enlighten him and make him understand that although he did not yet have the qualifications to live completely in the Elysium World, the Elysium World does exist. He could realize this truth, laying a foundation for him to enter the Elysium World in the future.

This is a story about time and space. The woodcutter entered another realm of time and space, and when he returned from latitudinal time, he was still himself, but hundreds of years had passed in the longitudinal time of the mortal world.

Therefore, the mirage is just an emergence of the Elysium World. Those who see the mirage may not have entered that realm, but they have the fortune to witness the scenery of the Elysium World.

The mirage can appear not only in the sky but also on the ground. The scene of two old men playing chess that the woodcutter saw was a mirage on the ground. Even though there were many people near the mountain at that time, only the woodcutter could see it. Others couldn't see it no matter what they did, just like the hallucinations that appear in the brain of a person who has taken heroin. He really saw those scenes, and the people next to him couldn't see them no matter what.

Those who see the mirage are lucky. If we realize that different time and space have different scenery, we can develop our thinking and understand that our world is just a material world in the space-time of the universe. There are many more beautiful worlds outside this material world, so why not go to that more beautiful place?

God does not just consider us as a group of animals. He has revealed to those who are spiritual awakening another quiet and brilliant path of life. God Jesus and Buddha Shakyamuni are not fooling us. All swindlers are for their own personal gain, but were Jesus and Buddha also seeking personal gain? They gave up everything in the world, so why would they need to deceive us? Deceiving wealthy people can bring them money, deceiving officials can bring some benefits, but what is the point of deceiving us who have nothing?

37.Dream - What Does It Signify?

Dreamland is one of the 36-dimensional time and spaces.

A dream is a phenomenon behind which there is a hidden essence, as is the case with any phenomenon. It is the hidden essence that has caused the emergence of the phenomenon. A mirage is only a phenomenon, but the essence that has caused the phenomenon of a mirage is the Elysium World. Movement is a phenomenon, but the essence causing the occurrence of this phenomenon is instinct and gravitation. Man is also a phenomenon, and the essence prompting the emergence of man is the transmigration of LIFE.

What is the essence of a dream?

The essence of a dream is the rehearsal and presage of future events.

Let’s first have a look at some examples of dreams.

On an April night in 1865, Lincoln, the well-known American president, had a dream in which he discovered a crowd of people wailing when he strolled in the White House. He entered a room and found that his soldiers were guarding a corpse. He asked them whose body this was. They answered, “The president, he was assassinated.” The next day he told this dream to his wife and other people. Several days later, this terrible dream came true. President Lincoln was assassinated.

Before the sailing of the famous passenger ship “Titanic”, a British merchant named Cannon Middleton dreamed of the ship floating on the sea with upturned keels, crews, and passengers around were swimming and floating. The next night he had the same dream, which prompted him to cancel the plan to travel by “Titanic”. Very soon, his dream became a reality.

In August 2002, I had this dream: I was walking on a strange road when suddenly a mass of cloud drifted over my head. I jumped up to pull the cloud down only to find that the cloud resembled a bundle of coiled cotton. I unfolded the bundle layer by layer and saw a new hat, a new suit of clothes, and a new pair of shoes in the bundle. The only thing lacking was a pair of trousers. The next day I told my wife about the dream, who grumbled, “That might not be a good omen.”

In the next few months, I busied myself madly for several people “who claimed to have lost the love of their fathers”. And they affectionately called me “dad”, but I was fooled and cheated, nearly ripped off all my belongings earned through years of hard work. This is really a case “Three decades of toil end up in nothing in a night’s time.”

Later upon reflection, I came to realize the omen of this dream: new hat, new clothes, and new shoes foretold that I would have no hat, clothes, and shoes to wear. In the dream, no trousers appeared, so I was left with a scanty amount of property to subsist on.

There is another dream story that I can't remember which book it was recorded in or the specific names of the people involved. During a certain dynasty in China, there was a high-ranking official who dreamt that he was riding in the carriage of the chancellor, while the chancellor was pulling the carriage for him. However, they only went eight steps. When he woke up, he analyzed the dream for several people and said that he would replace the prime minister's position, and his term would be eight years. Later, the fact proved that his dream was completely fulfilled according to his analysis.

The above four examples show that far from being illusory and untrue, dreams are rehearsals and revelations of future realities.

There are a large number of dreams in this aspect that have been recorded in many books, both foreign and domestic, ancient and modern, especially in the Bible.

In fact, as long as each person summarizes themselves, they will find that all their dreams are a demonstration of the future. Whether we can uncover the mystery of them depends on our analytical ability and spiritual perception.

I found that the ancient Chinese book "Zhou Gong's Dream Interpretation" is a very valuable book, and the corresponding relationship between what is dreamed and what it signifies is almost always correct. Everyone can analyze their own dreams in comparison.

Freud's famous book "The Interpretation of Dreams" has some value in psychoanalysis, but it is a mess in analyzing the essence of dreams. In the chapter "The Unconscious and Consciousness-Reality," Freud said, "Can dreams predict the future? Of course not. Dreams provide us with experiences of the past."

Many dreams clearly predict the future, but Freud does not admit it. Many dream experiences are unimaginable for anyone who dreams, but Freud insists that those dreams provide us with experiences of the past.

The majority of people believe that dreams are fantasies and illusions emerging from their subconsciousness. But I would say that the visions of dreams are not scenes in the subconsciousness but rather the revelation of another time and space. Our bodies are sleeping on the bed, but our spiritual beings have left our bodies and entered another time and space. Let's look at the following example.

An American businessman named Wilmott once took the passenger ship called Limerick and left Liverpool, England for America. One night he dreamed that his wife, whom he had not seen for a long time, came aboard his ship in sleepwear. She walked directly toward him and kissed him. When she attempted to sleep with him, she spotted another man in the cabin. Thus she hesitated for a second and vanished. The next morning, a man named William Ted, who shared the cabin with him, said to him, "Last night I saw you with a woman." And he forced Wilmott to clarify whether he had secretly seduced any woman. Wilmott was greatly surprised, "Last night I dreamed that my wife came to see me. Have you also had this dream and seen the scenes of my dream?" What is even more amazing, when he returned to his home in New York, his wife told him that she once dreamed that she went aboard his ship and kissed him but left when she discovered another man in the cabin.

Weird? Inconceivable?

The above is a typical dream. In fact, none of our dreams are illusory; instead, they all have a solid existence.

A story is thus recorded in a book. Two girls shared a room with two separate beds. One night, one of the girls dimly saw a handsome man having sex with her roommate. The roommate was groaning with a great sense of comfort. Blushing shamefully, she quickly covered her head with the quilt. After a while, when she had completely sobered up, she lifted the quilt to steal another glance but found that the man had left, and her roommate was sleeping like a log.

The next morning, she impatiently said to her roommate, "What did you do last night? Be honest and tell me who that man was?" Completely taken aback, her roommate thought to herself, "How did she know what happened in my dream last night?" So she put on a bold face, "What man? I have been sleeping on my bed all night. Stop talking nonsense.”

The girl rebuked, “I thought we were good friends for years. I saw clearly that you were sleeping with a handsome man last night, why do you deny it?”

Without a choice, her roommate told her that in her dream last night, she could not resist the temptation of a handsome man and had an affair with him.

Things in dreams are more complex than things in the real world. Even if a person spends their entire lifetime studying dreams, they cannot fully explore them. I will only give a few examples to tell everyone that dreams are another time and space, another real world. So far, human understanding of dreams is only at the surface level. Only by believing in the Greatest Creator can we uncover many mysteries in the universe. Without the Greatest Creator, we humans are like a group of headless flies, blindly bumping into things.

38.Religion and the Greatest Creator

First, we must understand what religion is.

Religion is a spiritual and psychological activity through which man gets to know, believe in, worship, and follow gods and Buddhas.

Strictly speaking, only Christianity and Buddhism are true religions. Although Islam and Catholicism are also religions, their excessive administrative interference in secular affairs means that they cannot be considered pure religions. Although Hinduism predates Buddhism, it can only be seen as a source of Buddhism. Sikhism is a hybrid derivative of Indian Bhakti movement and Islamic Sufism, and its content can be found in Buddhist scriptures and the Quran, so it does not have an independent ideological system. Taoism in China mainly emphasizes the unity of man and nature, the interaction between man and nature, and does not have a set theory about gods, so it can only be seen as a kind of social activity of human beings, and not a spiritual and psychological activity of understanding, believing, worshiping and following gods and Buddhas. Shintoism in Japan is a hybrid of Buddhism and Taoism and has no new content or system.

Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and other denominations are branches of Christianity, without independent philosophical systems. The original religions were mainly worship of ghosts, ancestors, totems, and idols, without a complete understanding of gods. Therefore, they can only be regarded as a social activity of people and cannot rise to the height of religion. Ancient Egyptian religion, ancient Babylonian religion, worship of the Emperor of Heaven during the Yin and Zhou dynasties in China, Phoenician religion, Hittite religion, Vedic religion, ancient Iranian religion, and so on, were basically the evolution of primitive religions, mainly worshiping nature or natural forces, without a perfect understanding of god. Therefore, they can only be regarded as a social activity and cannot become pure spiritual and psychological activities. Zoroastrianism (called the Worship of Fire in Chinese history) had its own independent understanding of god and was later absorbed by Christianity and Buddhism. Its essence can be found in the classics of Christianity and Buddhism. The essence of the "Two Teachings, Three Levels" theory of Manichaeism (called Mingjiao in China) can also be found in the classics of Christianity and Buddhism, but it cannot be regarded as an independent and perfect system. Brahmanism is essentially Vedic religion, a religion in ancient India, whose gods were mainly personified natural phenomena. Its "Three Paths and Four Lives" theory was corrected and promoted by Shakyamuni. Hinduism has a long history and a vast content, but it lacks a clear idea and route, giving people a sense of confusion and being at a loss. Therefore, it cannot be called a religion. Jainism has a long history and an independent theoretical system. Its essence has been included in Buddhism, and its dross has been overturned by science. It cannot continue to survive as a religion.

Strictly speaking, Judaism is not a religion of god, but a religion of the Greatest Creator. Its scriptures mainly include the "Old Testament" part of the Christian Bible. However, as a religion of the Greatest Creator, it is not perfect and cannot answer the minimum questions about the characteristics of the Greatest Creator, making people unconvinced.

Although the Kirtan and the Bhakti movement pursue spiritual perception and love for god, it confuses the Greatest Creator and gods, and its leader does not recognize it as a religion, but as a scientific movement, which also confuses science and religion. Therefore, we can only regard it as a manifestation of ancient Indian philosophy in the current stage and cannot rise to the level of religion.

Other small religious groups are blind spiritual and emotional pursuits of some people's emotional and spiritual emptiness, wanting to get rid of loneliness and seek group recognition or comfort, like a group of people gathering together to chat and relieve boredom, which cannot become a religion.

In the future, only Christianity and Buddhism will remain as religions, and the rest will gradually decline with the development of science and human progress.

Christianity and Buddhism are two relatively independent and relatively complete religions, but they are also two conflicting religions. However, as a social phenomenon, religion will inevitably disappear over time and "all religions, beliefs, schools of thought will be unified into one uniform belief system."

How can all religions be unified into one uniform belief system?

Let’s take a look at the religions that have appeared in history. At the beginning of each religion, all its followers were firmly convinced that their religion was the only true religion that would exist forever and that other religions were all evil cults and heresies. However, with the development of time, the progress of mankind, and especially the flourishing of science, those religions have all faded out from the stage of history. Then, can Christianity and Buddhism exist forever?

We have to ask the Greatest Creator to answer this question: can the Greatest Creator create two mutually contradicting religions? If this question is not easy to answer, we might as well ask directly, “Was religion created by the Greatest Creator?”.

If the answer is yes, then the disappearance of religions and the mutual contradictions between different religions can only prove the disorganized thinking of the Greatest Creator. However, the Greatest Creator we recognize is not like that.

If the answer is no, this shows that Christianity and Buddhism are not the religion of the Greatest Creator.

Since religion is not created by the Greatest Creator, we can say it was created by humans, or by gods, or by Buddha.

Regardless of whether it was created by humans, gods, or Buddha, if it contradicts itself, cannot answer all the questions raised by humans, and cannot explain all phenomena related to the universe, nature, and LIFE, then this religion will be unable to continue guiding humanity. Therefore, no matter how much the followers of the religion cannot accept reality emotionally, the inevitable outcome of this religion is decline.

Religion was progressive and drove the development of human history when it first appeared. But if we hold onto certain dogmas and use doctrines from 2,000 years ago to guide people's current activities, it will hinder the development of our spirituality. It is like dynasties in human history. When they were first established, they greatly promoted the development of social productivity and promoted social progress. However, as time went on, what was once progressive became outdated and became a shackle that hindered social development. As Marx analyzed, when a superstructure does not adapt to its economic foundation and production relations do not suit the development of productive forces, this superstructure and production relations will inevitably be eliminated and replaced by more advanced ones.

The reason why science can always prevail is that it is constantly evolving. If Einstein held onto Newtonian mechanics, he could not have developed the theory of relativity. If we think that the theory of relativity is universally applicable, quantum mechanics would be difficult to develop.

The development of mathematical history also proves that only through development can we have a future. By constantly exploring and advancing natural numbers, positive numbers, negative numbers, integers, fractions, irrational numbers, rational numbers, imaginary numbers, and complex numbers, we created a magnificent mathematical palace. If we still cling to natural numbers, deny the existence of other numbers, and do not explore, and try to solve all problems with natural numbers, humanity will still live in barbarism and ignorance in caves and tree branches.

Do we still doubt the major trend in religion, which advocates for the unification of all religions into one belief system?

We must continue to explore and advance, and it is necessary to predict " the unification of all religions into one belief system" in advance.

"The unification of all religions into one belief system" does not mean that all religions are assimilated into one religion. It is no longer a spiritual and psychological activity of understanding the Greatest Creator, believing in the Greatest Creator, worshiping the Greatest Creator, and following the Greatest Creator, but rather a reverence and praise of the Greatest Creator. There is only one Greatest Creator in the universe, but there are countless gods. The Greatest Creator is not a god, and a god is not the Greatest Creator. Worshiping gods can only obscure people's vision. Only by worshiping the Greatest Creator can we have a clear direction forward.

"The unification of all religions into one belief system" is the liberation of human nature, not another spiritual and mental shackle for humanity. It allows people to enjoy life freely, rather than being bound to a church or temple to perform tedious rituals.

"The unification of all religions into one belief system" means equality for all, not setting up more popes, spiritual leaders, priests, and monks to dictate people's lives and actions.

"The unification of all religions into one belief system" does not have fixed "scriptures" and "doctrines", but it is about promoting all the wisdom achievements of humanity.

"The unification of all religions into one belief system" is no longer about followers of different religions, everyone is a follower, and at the same time, nobody is a follower. All people are children of the Greatest Creator, not of any particular deity or Buddha.

In essence, "the unification of all religions into one belief system" is the true "religion" of the Greatest Creator.

Although it is called a religion, it is not actually a religion.

Will Christianity and Buddhism really exit the historical stage?

There are many people in the world who are fervently spreading their faith, which is commendable. I hope that everyone participates in religious activities. However, every preacher must be clear about the essence of the religion they are preaching and must be able to answer all questions about the Greatest Creator or Buddha. If you are ambiguous or unsure, and can't even figure it out yourself, you may misinterpret the scriptures. Everyone who participates in religious activities must continue to ask questions and ask why, why, why.

Once, a pair of elderly Christian missionaries zealously preached to me. They had been preaching for 40 years and could almost recite the entire Bible. Unexpectedly, they encountered such a "greenhorn" like me and were bombarded with a series of questions, including who planted the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden and what its purpose was. I made the situation extremely awkward, and I had hoped to gain a lot of knowledge about the Bible from them, but instead, I hurt the feelings of the two elderly people, and I still feel guilty about it today.

From my personal perspective, the most successful propagators of the Bible on Earth today are the "Jehovah's Witnesses". They are a group of wise, kind, and sincere people. If everyone in the world became a "Jehovah's Witness", it would be the embryonic form of heaven on earth. Their publications, "The Watchtower" and "Awake!", are collections of all-encompassing wisdom. But there are no perfect people, organizations, or religions in the world. I once asked my Jehovah's Witness Bible teacher, "Are Adam and Eve the common ancestors of mankind?" The answer was "yes." Then I asked, "Are they also the ancestors of African blacks?" The teacher didn't know how to answer. Because if the answer is "yes", it proves the correctness of Darwin's theory of evolution, that white people can become black, and black people can become white, which invisibly denies the theory of God creating humans. If the answer is "no", then it means that Adam and Eve are not the common ancestors of mankind, which invisibly denies the truth of the Bible.

Christianity is like this, then what about Buddhism?

In today's world, there is a famous Buddhist master and a well-known lay Buddhist among Chinese people who can be said to be well-versed in Buddhist scriptures. I have carefully read their books or lectures and deeply felt their spiritual excellence and outstanding talent. Their contribution to the dissemination of Buddhism is immeasurable. However, even the best gems have flaws, but flaws do not mean that gems are not precious. Only artificial gems and glass have no flaws.

Even people who have such profound knowledge of Buddhism are spreading ignorant knowledge. For example, one person said that as long as mosquitoes do not bite on the face but on other parts of the body, they should be allowed to eat their fill. We should not kill mosquitoes because killing mosquitoes is killing. Another person is very sympathetic to cockroaches and allows them to run wild in the kitchen without interference. Once, two cockroaches climbed onto the dining table, but the person couldn't bear to drive them away.

This kind of love and compassion for life is worthy of promotion. The problem is, is this what Buddhism teaches about kindness?

Buddha teaches "all sentient beings are equal." What are "sentient beings"? Buddha Shakyamuni told Subhuti in the Diamond Sutra: "all Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas should subdue their minds as follows: All living beings born from eggs, wombs, humidity or by transformation, with or without form, either thoughtful or thoughtless, and neither thoughtful nor thoughtless are all led by me to the final nirvana for the extinction of reincarnation.” This clearly tells us that not only humans, animals, insects, microorganisms, bacteria, etc., are life, but also mountains, stones, fields, clouds, rain, and snow are life. Not only visible objects are LIFE, but also invisible things that people cannot see are LIFE. Not only things with consciousness and thoughts are LIFE, but also things without consciousness and thoughts are LIFE. In the meaning of LIFE, "all sentient beings are equal." We should show mercy and compassion to all living beings and cannot kill them at will. This should be the true meaning of kindness in Buddhism.

However, kindness has principles and is mutual. Kindness must be based on the basis of not harming each other. Unprincipled kindness actually leads to ignorance.

Mosquitoes should have their own food and activity areas. They should not "eat people" and harass humans. When they live in the pond, we have no reason to harm them. But when they exceed their own living area and come to eat people, they turn to evil. Do we still need to show kindness to evil things?

Cockroaches are insects and should live in their own territory. The kitchen is where humans live, not a place where cockroaches can do whatever they want. If we do not restrain them, how should we deal with rats, flies, fleas, bedbugs, centipedes, millipedes, cobras, etc.?

If kindness is practiced without principle, then a large number of weeds will grow in the fields. What should farmers do? Weeds are also living beings, but if we follow the views of monks and laymen, farmers can only let them spread uncontrollably, but what will happen as a result? Humans will have nothing to eat.

What should we do if we have wounds on our bodies? There are a large number of bacteria living at every wound. If we apply medicine or bandage it, we will inevitably kill those bacteria. Shall we watch the wound fester and suppurate?

What should we do when a spider makes a web in the bedroom? If we destroy it, isn't that cruel to the spider? If we don't destroy it, shall we watch flies, mosquitoes, and moths get trapped in the web and let the spider devour them?

Every seed of a plant is a living LIFE. Should we grind these lives into flour to eat or not eat?

There are tens of thousands of bacteria living in every glass of water. Should we drink it or not?

When we walk, every step we take, every footstep kills tens of thousands of living beings under our feet. Shall we stop walking?

Did Sun Wukong make a mistake when he fought the White Bone Demon three times?

Should all the police be disbanded and go home to hug their children?

No wonder the areas where Buddhism prevails have relatively dirty and chaotic sanitary environments. It turns out that it is to protect life.

No wonder people in Buddhist countries know how to protect themselves and dare not, nor are they willing to stop the evil things around them and let them run rampant in the world. It turns out that they all have a "kind" heart.

The purpose of religion should first be to liberate people, break the shackles that bind human nature, and let people live happier, freer, and more blessed lives, rather than add many more shackles. The more rules and regulations there are, the further away from the teachings of god and Buddha.

Religion seems to be somewhat related to ignorance. The Greatest Creator did not create religion. Religion is a reflection of human emotions.

After "the unification of all religions, beliefs, schools of thought into one belief system," the Greatest Creator will directly manage humanity, and the wisdom of Jesus, Sakyamuni, Mohammed, and Lao Tzu will not be forgotten but will be greatly developed.

39.Science and Civilization

Religion walks with ignorance, and science and civilization go hand in hand.

Science is an activity and knowledge that recognizes, explores, and explains the laws of operation of nature, human society, and the field of thought.

Civilization is a human conscious and voluntary behavior formed on the basis of correctly understanding the material and nonmaterial worlds.

Without the development and progress of science, civilization is just wishful thinking.

The true sign of civilization is that there is no conflict between people and society, people and nature, without laws and regulations, without supervision mechanisms, and they can maintain harmony.

For example, when we take a bus and eat a banana, how should we handle the banana peel? The uncivilized way is to throw the banana peel out of the window, only keeping the cleanliness under our feet, without considering the impact of the banana peel thrown out of the window on others. A more civilized approach is to put the banana peel under the seat and then leave without a second thought. A truly civilized approach is to take the banana peel with you when you leave and dispose of it properly in a trash bin.

For example, setting up an unmanned newspaper stand by a busy road, with each newspaper costing one dollar and a money box placed next to it for customers to make their own change. In this situation, civilized people will willingly and conscientiously put their money into the box, take their change, and pick up a newspaper from the top of the stack. Less civilized people will put their money in the box but will carefully choose their change and take a newspaper from the middle of the stack to maintain the neatness of the display. Uncivilized people, on the other hand, will take advantage of the lack of surveillance and help themselves to a newspaper without paying, or even take two, thinking to themselves, "I might as well take it if it's there." They don't consider the consequences of their actions, nor do they think about the loss incurred by the owner of the newspaper stand. Those who not only take the newspaper but also steal from the money box have committed a crime, which goes beyond the realm of civility and incivility.

Some may argue that civilization has little to do with science. In remote and simple villages, “no one pockets anything found on the ground, and doors are not bolted at night” and there is very little litter on the streets. Are these not examples of civilization?

This touches on the issue of understanding science. People generally think that space shuttles, ion accelerators, computer networks, maglev trains, nuclear power plants, cloning, nanotechnology, atomic bombs, and so on fall under the domain of science, while farming, cooking, working, and small-scale trading have nothing to do with it.

Many people are biased against science, thinking that while it benefits humanity, it also threatens civilization. For example, the disappearance of the “no one pockets anything found on the ground, and doors are not bolted at night” practices are almost entirely due to scientific development. Some even believe that science is responsible for the creation of weapons such as guns, bombers, and atomic bombs that kill people, and that it is also responsible for the hectic pace of modern life. Furthermore, some people believe that resource depletion, environmental pollution, and psychological and emotional stress are all caused by science.

Science is wrongly accused, and science suffers as a result.

Science is a discipline and activity that seeks to understand, explore, and explain the laws and development of nature, human society, and human physiology, psychology, and spirit. How can science be blamed for how people use the knowledge it provides?

The knowledge of science led to the invention of cars. If someone crashes their car and injures someone, can we say that science caused the accident?

The invention of the internet is the result of scientific development. If someone uses the internet to promote drugs or pornography, can we say that science is responsible for it?

The appearance of television, VCDs, DVDs, CDs, movies, telephones, and countless magazines and books is related to the development of science, but if someone uses these facilities for low-grade and vulgar propaganda, leading to people's lack of time, emotional apathy, psychological and emotional distortion, can we blame science for it?

Science led to the invention and appearance of the atomic bomb, but when someone uses the atomic bomb to threaten and intimidate others, can we say that science is threatening and intimidating others?

If all the negative phenomena and sins of modern society are attributed to science, then the following logical reasoning is completely correct.

Xiao Wang killed someone because his parents gave birth to him. If his parents did not give birth to him, there would be no problem of Xiao Wang killing someone. Therefore, the responsibility should not be on Xiao Wang, but on his parents. Xiao Wang's parents were born from their parents, so Xiao Wang's guilt should be borne by his grandparents. Following this logic, Xiao Wang's guilt should be borne by the ancestors of mankind. But where did the ancestors of mankind come from? The responsibility should lie with the Earth. Without the Earth, where would the ancestors of mankind come from? However, the matter is not yet settled. Without the solar system, there would be no Earth, and without the galaxy, there would be no solar system. In the end, the responsibility would be traced back to the Greatest Creator, who created the universe.

The result of logical reasoning is that the Greatest Creator should bear the responsibility for Xiao Wang's murder.

This kind of logical reasoning is absurd.

If this kind of reasoning is not absurd, then there is only one solution: to destroy humanity and the universe.

Is there anyone else who wants to push the blame onto science?

There is a fallacy that says, "science is a double-edged sword." This is undoubtedly like saying "the sun is a double-edged ball," "an orange is a double-edged fruit," "an airplane is a double-edged tool," and "a television is a double-edged machine." Everything is double-edged, and everywhere is double-edged. The result is that even one's own parents are double-edged people.

If we compare science to a knife, whether people use this knife to cut vegetables, mow the lawn, slaughter pigs, or kill people, depends entirely on the user, and has nothing to do with the knife.

When it comes to science, we cannot avoid talking about scientists. Nowadays, there are more and more scientists, and it is inevitable for the development of society. This is a good thing, but the problem is: "Who should be called a scientist?"

Who are scientists?

Scientists are people who discover a general and effective law in a certain time and space limit in the fields of nature, society, thinking, etc., and can clearly describe or explain this law in a certain language.

Newton discovered gravity, he was a scientist; Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, he was a scientist; Madame Curie discovered radioactive elements, she was a scientist; Planck discovered the quantum principle, he was a scientist; Laplace discovered the uncertainty principle, so he was also a scientist, and so on.

People who work in a scientific laboratory or work with scientists can only be called scientific workers, not scientists.

People who can explain a phenomenon cannot be considered scientists. Otherwise, I would also be a scientist.

People who work in a scientific academy cannot be called scientists.

People who can make inventions based on other people's theories are only called inventors, engineers, technicians, and cannot be classified as scientists. Edison was not a scientist.

People who can explain other people's theories in detail are not scientists. Many university professors can explain relativity and quantum mechanics to students, but they are teachers or professors, not scientists.

People who discover a law but cannot clearly describe its principles can only be said to have high intelligence, not scientists.

Therefore, the people who used Einstein's theory to develop the atomic bomb cannot be called scientists, at best they can only be seen as scientific workers or engineers.

Scientist is a sacred title that should not be used loosely to describe just anyone, otherwise it will tarnish science and scientists.

If someone discovers and explains a principle, they are a scientist. But if they later use their discovery for harmful deeds, that is a problem with their morals and social standing and has nothing to do with the title of scientist. It is like a person who makes a kitchen knife, which creates wealth for themselves and society, but if they use that knife to kill people, they become criminals. It is not right to say that the wealth they created was wrong just because they became criminals.

When we understand what science and scientists are, we will find that science is a catalyst for civilization.

Without the guidance of science, human beings are a group of blindly wandering animals, unreasonable, irreparable, and without a future.

Science and scientists are products of the Greatest Creator. The Greatest Creator did not create religion, but the Greatest Creator created science and scientists. A true scientist cannot deny the existence of the Greatest Creator because everything that the Greatest Creator creates is scientific, orderly, and principled, and not a tangled mess. Walking the path of science is walking the path of the Greatest Creator. Who is closest to the Greatest Creator? Scientists are closest to the Greatest Creator.

Human society is moving towards civilization. Today's society is more civilized than yesterday's society, and the present age is more civilized than the past age. If anyone hates science, hates the present, and fears the future, then take off your clothes, destroy everything you have now, and try to live in the primitive forest.

40.The Rise and Decline of Human Civilization

Hendrik Van Loon wrote an illustrated book called "The Story of Mankind," which stringed together the major events of human history like a string of beads.

On the basis of his field visits and research in Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, India and other places, Yu Qiuyu wrote a book called "A Sigh of a Thousand Years."

These two works are very helpful for us to understand the rise and decline of human civilization.

When we examine the ancient Egyptian civilization, Maya civilization, Persian civilization, Greek civilization, Athenian civilization, Roman Empire, Islamic civilization, medieval European civilization, and the rise of Britain, we find that civilization is the crystallization of human wisdom. The rise of civilization depends on the progress of science and technology. Without the progress of science and technology, there would be no emergence and development of human civilization. Monkeys and gorillas have a longer history than humans, but they are forever in a primitive stage because there is no development and progress of science and technology.

So, how did the rising civilization decline?

Civilization needs an eternal spirit and pursuit as guidance. A civilization without an eternal belief is a frightening one that can be destroyed at any time. When the productivity of a nation or country is relatively highly developed, this nation or country will despise everything, feel inflated, look around, feel that it is the Greatest Creator, and can do whatever it wants, feeling that it is the only one who can save the world.

The result of self-inflation is that they want to impose their will on others, and the result is that they not only destroy the civilization of others, but also eventually decline themselves.

The reason why the Israeli nation was able to survive numerous difficulties is that they were supported by the Bible.

The reason why Indian civilization has been fluctuating is that it is supported by Buddhism, Brahma, and the Emperor of Heaven.

The reason why Chinese civilization has been able to persist until today, with neither excessive strength nor weakness, is mainly due to the concept of "correspondence between nature and humanity, unity of heaven and humanity."

With an eternal anchor, one will not become arrogant, will be humble, will know that there is always something beyond, and understand that humans are not the highest form of LIFE, nor are they the rulers of the universe.

The United States is the most powerful emerging civilization in the world today, and the main reason for the rise of its civilization is "In God We Trust," as seen on the back of the U.S. dollar bill.

If the United States does not trust in God, but trusts only in itself, then it will surely decline.

Human development to this day has not been easy, and everyone should cherish it. On the one hand, we are enjoying the achievements of modern civilization, but on the other hand, we are facing the danger of destruction. The sait Laozi said: "When people have no fear of force, then a great crisis will arrive”. What is "great force"? It is a force that humans cannot imagine and cannot control themselves, as described in the Bible's account of the "Great Flood." Some have written articles discussing the "ten major crises facing humanity," including comet impacts on Earth, nuclear war, and biologically controlled robots, but they do not mention the Greatest Creator. It seems that when it comes to the Greatest Creator, it is considered religious superstition and a deviation from science.

Does civilization necessarily have to decline or be destroyed at a certain stage of development? The answer is no. Whether civilization can continue to develop depends on whether there is the Greatest Creator in the hearts of humans. If there is, civilization will continue indefinitely. If not, civilization can be destroyed at any time. Just like a group of elephants, if they ignore the existence of humans and think they are the masters of the earth, and act recklessly and destructively, what awaits them is the punishment from humans.

So, what if I don't believe in the Greatest Creator but believe in gods?

The answer is: it won't work!

The civilizations that have been destroyed in history all believed in gods. Did the gods save them? Gods are not the supreme ruler of the universe, and conflicts often occur among the gods. They are preoccupied and cannot take care of us. How did Jesus' twelve disciples die? Just like in the Mao Zedong era, if we don't raise the banner of Mao Zedong Thought, but instead raise the banner of Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, or some minister or governor, not only will we not be able to save ourselves, but we will also bring down the banner we raised.

Does believing in Buddha work? As the saying goes, "When the mud statue crosses the river, it is difficult to save itself." Buddha is just a much higher LIFE form living in the Elysium World. They have once arbitrarily come to the earth and the Greatest Creator has forgiven their past wrongdoings and given them a way out. But can they take care of us? In the history of Buddhism, there are countless examples of temples being destroyed and monks being expelled. Even the sixth patriarch of Buddhism couldn't save himself and had to hide among hunters for fifteen years. Buddha cannot protect the patriarch, can they save us?

Furthermore, the purpose of believing in Buddha is to only seek rebirth in the Elysium World and not to enjoy life on Earth. If you want to enjoy the pleasures of life on Earth and also want to go to the Elysium World after death, you are dreaming and do not understand Buddha at all.

Since 2013, if we prioritize serving the Greatest Creator, humanity will enter a more glorious era. If we ignore the existence of the Greatest Creator, "great crisis" may come. We need to think deeply about where we are heading.


Initially, I intended to use 50 phenomena to prove the existence of the Greatest Creator. However, upon reflection, I realized that 40 phenomena are already sufficient to demonstrate the existence of the Greatest Creator. From the movement of celestial bodies to the allocation of resources on Earth, from the human brain to animal instincts, from the operation of LIFE to the pinnacle of beauty, from supernatural phenomena to dream analysis, and from the meaning of LIFE and death to the rise and decline of civilization, all reflect the wisdom of the Greatest Creator.

The Greatest Creator, and only the Greatest Creator, is the guiding light for humanity.

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