40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator (11--15)


11.The Guardian of LIFE - The Ozone Layer

Up in the sky, between 20 and 30 kilometers from the Earth's surface, there exists a sky-blue transparent sphere. It is the ozone layer in the stratosphere of the atmosphere, which is the guardian of LIFE on Earth. Without it, cosmic rays, especially the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun, would shine on humans and animals without any resistance. As a result, 99% of humans and animals would be inflicted with cancer and cataracts, and their immune systems would be weakened, making them susceptible to contagious diseases like the flu, which could wipe out entire populations.

Because of this, the Vienna Conference in 1985 and the London Conference in 1990 established a resolution to protect the ozone layer.


First discovered by a German scientist in 1839, ozone is a relatively unstable light-blue molecule composed of three oxygen atoms. The ozone molecule mainly results from the photolysis of intense ultraviolet radiation.

The content of ozone accounts for less than one hundred thousandth in the atmosphere. 90% of ozone is concentrated in the ozone layer, which absorbs and filters ultraviolet radiation waves that are readily absorbable by the nucleic acid in biological cells. Ranging in wavelengths between 240 nanometers and 320 nanometers, these ultraviolet radiation waves can cause the aforementioned diseases and pose a direct threat to the survival of LIFE on Earth if they are absorbed by animals, plants, and humans.

Ozone and the ozone layer are protecting humans, but the ozone inhaled by people near the ground is a harmful substance, which is capable of damaging lung tissues and the photosynthesis reaction system of plants. As a powerful photochemical oxidant, it can cause great damage to rubber, plastics, and the LIFE of animals and plants. It can react with the hydrocarbon of automobile exhaust and volatile gasoline to generate organic pollutants like acetaldehyde and ketone.

In 1973, two scientists from the University of California discovered that the synthetic substances known as CFCs had the ability to deplete the ozone layer. Meanwhile, human activities in the refrigeration and aviation industries were contributing to ozone generation. Human activities are pushing themselves to the brink of extinction, which has brought concern to scientists and far-sighted political leaders. This is why people should protect the ozone layer while preventing the increase of ozone in the troposphere, especially within the Earth's surface.

The ozone layer also has other functions. For example, it can collide with meteorites in space, burning and digesting them in the ozone layer. Without this protection, the Earth would be littered with meteorites, and the planet's weight would not be the same as it is today. The Earth would have fallen into the sun long ago.

I am not here to discuss how to protect the ozone layer, but to illustrate that the ozone layer in the atmosphere has not formed naturally. It is not dispensable but has been carefully designed and arranged by the Greatest Creator.

12.The Blood of the Earth – Water

Can we perceive the existence of the Greatest Creator through water?  

To answer this question, first, we will have a look at the properties of water, the functions of water, and the circulation of water.

Water is composed of countless water molecules that are made up of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. One side of the water molecule (the side with hydrogen atoms) is the anode, and the other side is the cathode. Since like charges repel each other, but opposite ones attract, then the anode of a water molecule is linked to the cathode of another water molecule. As a result, as long as they exist in the same place (container), all the water molecules will be linked together and form the water that we commonly refer to because all the molecules have anodes and cathodes.

Pure water is colorless, tasteless, and odorless. Its pH value is 7, neither acidic nor alkaline. Water is the only substance in nature that can exist in three forms: solid, liquid, and gas. It has greater solubility than any other liquid. So, water can transport valuable chemical elements, minerals, and nutrients to plants, animals, and the human body very easily.

Water freezes and changes into a solid state at zero degrees Celsius and becomes boiling water at 100 degrees Celsius. When the surface of water is irradiated by heat, the water molecules on the surface can become vapor and change into a gas state. Water can absorb and disperse heat. Water has very strong surface tension.

When the sun shines on the water surface, the heated water will evaporate and become vapor, which can continuously rise in the troposphere until the strong wind brings it to the distant sky over the land, where the rising warm air current from the heated land surface will force it to continue the ascent until it meets the cold air current. (The temperature and the vapor content decreased dramatically in the troposphere with the increase of altitude). When vapor meets the cold air current, it will revert to the state of liquid. When the temperature is cold enough, the vapor will change into minute crystal particles and form clouds when combined with dust, soot, and salt crystals. When these minute water granules combine to form larger water drops, they will fall to the ground in the form of rain as a result of the gravitation of the earth. Some of the falling rain returns to the oceans through the brooks and rivers, while some infiltrates underground to become groundwater. The groundwater can flow out to become surface water after hundreds of years and finally returns to the oceans. Some of the rain immediately changes into vapor after falling to the ground.

The Earth is a closed system for the circulation of water. The total amount of water on Earth will neither increase nor decrease. Therefore, there will be no change in the total amount of water on Earth, no matter whether it is absorbed by plants, animals, and humans, or used to wash diapers, or has evaporated and risen up in the sky; whether it has flowed into sewage pipes or infiltrated underground. Perhaps the water molecule you are drinking was once drunk by Jesus or Sakyamuni or used to wash a mother's diapers.

The total amount of water on Earth is 326,000,000 cubic miles, of which the ocean takes up 97.24%, glaciers and icebergs account for 2.14%, groundwater accounts for 0.61%, and rivers only account for 0.0001%.  

Let's see if there is the Greatest Creator in water accordingly.

Without water, the Earth is nothing but a lifeless desert. No matter how capable humans are, they cannot create water. In addition, people would have perished long ago without water, let alone create it. That is to say, the water on Earth is created by "someone" who does not need water. Who can exist without water?

Someone "wise" may claim that "water is not created; it is something that has existed on Earth since time immemorial."  

If this opinion is correct, we can be sure that the Earth has neither past nor future but is timeless in existence. Then astronomers’ and scientists' assertion that the Earth was born 4.6 billion years ago is purely a traveler’s tale.

Furthermore, since the Earth has existed since time immemorial and the Earth is only a small component of the universe, there will be no question of the birth of the universe, and the universe must also have existed since time immemorial. Since the universe has no beginning, then all the celestial bodies and galaxies in the universe must be timeless and eternal. So it is absolutely impossible for meteorites to fall on the Earth. Otherwise, the meteorites may have fallen from nowhere. Now that meteorites have fallen on the Earth, it means that changes have occurred in space, or certain celestial bodies have encountered disaster. The disaster that befalls on one celestial body will, in turn, affect the surrounding celestial bodies and trigger changes in other related celestial bodies. Thus, will some celestial bodies perish someday? Will some new celestial bodies come into being? If a celestial body comes and goes, then undoubtedly the Earth can also come and go. If the Earth has a beginning, it is impossible that the Earth has possessed all the things now on Earth from the very beginning; there must have been a process of generation and development. So, where does water come from?

If we say that the water on Earth has come into being naturally, then the following questions need to be answered:

Why is water colorless, tasteless, and odorless?

What if water has color, for example, if water is red or black?

What if water has taste, for example, if water is spicy, sour, or astringent?

What if water has a smell, for example, if water emanates a fragrant or fishy smell?

Why does water have very powerful solubility?

What will happen if water cannot dissolve the food we have eaten and the drugs we have taken, if water cannot dissolve the red blood cells and white blood cells growing in the marrow, and if water cannot dissolve minerals, chemicals, and other nutritional substances?

Why does the pH value of purified water stand at 7?

What will happen if the pH value is smaller or greater than 7?

Why does water have three states: gas, liquid, and solid?

What will happen if water is only in the state of liquid and no gaseous or solid state? Will there be changes in the climate on Earth if water cannot turn into vapor? Can we still see the blue sky, white clouds, morning or evening glows? If water cannot change into a solid state at low temperatures and form a layer of ice on the lake surface to block the harsh cold, will the fish not be frozen to death? How much land will be left if the ice that accounts for 2.14% of the total water amount has melted into water?

Why does water have a lower density in its solid state compared to its liquid state?

Assuming that the density of solid water is greater than that of liquid water, the ice formed on the surface of a river will continuously sink. The rivers, lakes, and oceans will all turn into blocks of ice. When will the heat of the sun melt the ice, and will there still be life in the fish, shrimp, turtles, and other creatures frozen in the ice?

Why does water have a powerful function in absorbing and releasing heat?

If water cannot absorb heat, the temperature in areas close to the equator during summer would be enough to cause heatstroke in animals and humans. The heat from our car engines would not be carried away by water, and thermal expansion would cause the engine pistons to seize in the cylinder. If water does not have a strong heat dissipation function, winter in temperate regions, especially coastal areas, would become extremely cold, and the heat inside the engine would not dissipate.

Why does water boil at 100 degrees Celsius?

If water could boil at 20 degrees Celsius instead of 100 degrees Celsius, many rivers, lakes, and oceans would become steam pots, and we could directly catch cooked fish from them to eat. If water boiled at 150 degrees Celsius, we would not be able to cook food using ordinary pots, and we would not be able to cook food at all in areas above 3,000 meters above sea level.

Why does water have a very strong surface tension?  

If water did not have a very strong surface tension, how could it be absorbed by the root systems of plants and enter the veins of trees to bring nutrients to leaves and fruits? How could it move inside the capillary vessels of humans and animals and transport nutrients to the surface layer of skin and internal organs?

Well, that's enough about water for now. Just imagine, if water were not created by the Greatest Creator through careful arrangement, would it be possible for nature to create water with the special functions mentioned above?

13.Cheap and Essential Daily Necessity: Salt  

When I was a child, I used to see a woman with an extremely large neck in our village. Every time I saw her, I would involuntarily take more glances at her. Later, I asked my grandma, "Why is her neck so big?" Grandma replied, "According to doctors, because she did not have enough iodized salt."

When I was young, there were a fairly large number of mentally challenged people in the two neighboring villages. I asked my father, "Why are there so many retarded people in those two villages?" My father responded, "Possibly because they have had too much salt from Bayan Gully."

***** Let me talk a little bit about my hometown in this paragraph.

I spent my early childhood in my hometown where the Yellow River and Daxia River met. My family had an orchard and vegetable garden, from where I could look westward at the spectacular view of the "Yellow River falling from the sky," which glittered in the sunshine. To the north, across the river, were the beautiful scenes of Wangjia Mountain and Wangjia Plain, and the flocks of horses, cattle, and goats on the shoals. To the south, wire-pulled boats and sheepskin rafts were ferrying passengers across Daxia River. To the east, cascades of houses were shaded and embraced by green trees. The two springs near the village were warm in winter and cool in summer. All year round, clear and sweet water flowed from these springs, and I grew up drinking their water until I became a teenager.

“Who doesn’t say my hometown is good?” But my hometown was exceptionally beautiful.

Unfortunately, my hometown has now become the territory of the dragon king. The construction of the Liujiaxia Reservoir has created tremendous wealth for the five provinces and autonomous regions in northwest China, but at the same time, it has sacrificed my hometown.

The building of the motherland requires everyone's sacrifice, and this is very reasonable. But what remains depressing is that, dear motherland, you have forgotten the people who have dedicated their homeland.  

I was barely a teenager when I left my beloved hometown and migrated to a new place, which was intersected with ravines. There was barren soil, endless desolation, and no more beautiful scenery. What remained were the primordial scenes of struggling for survival. My uncle had to leave for other places with my cousins and beg for food. These scenes are still vivid and fresh in my mind, and each time I recall them, my tears flow.

Motherland, can't you make some compensation for your faithful children who have sacrificed for you?  

Yes, you can and you did. Every time you only gave us a set of Selected Works of Mao Zedong for consolation. Your representatives came five times, so our family got five sets of Selected Works of Mao Zedong.

The spiritual power is infinite, and the force of example is immense. But you have overlooked the fact that we are merely ordinary people. Even if you have piled my house and courtyard with Selected Works of Mao Zedong, we still need food and clothes, and need to get married!

Motherland! Have you ever thought about the lives of those poor people who have sacrificed their homeland for you when you spent hundreds of millions of RMB decorating Chang'an Avenue?

Now let me return to the topic.

There is a deep gully called Bayan Gulley near the two villages just mentioned. In the gully, there flows a gurgling stream, not of clear spring water, but of salty and turbid water. In order to save a few coppers earned from selling eggs while having salt, the people there made salt from the water of Bayan Gully. The question of whether the people in the two villages got retarded from eating the salt from Bayan Gully can be left to scientists.

We can infer from the two examples that salt is extremely important to humans.

In human history, the salt business was very profitable. Salt merchants were the symbol of wealth. Countless fights and wars have broken out between men for the control of salt origin and the channel of salt business. In ancient times, soldiers were offered salt as a prize, and laborers were also paid by salt. When salt became a rarity, it was more valuable than gold.

Just like water and air, none of us can live without salt. Our daily food can dispense with any other seasoning, but not salt. Apart from water and air, salt is the most important necessity for LIFE among natural resources.  

The main component of salt is sodium chloride. Rock salt, lake salt, salt bed salt, and sea salt may differ in their respective structures and composition. For example, the refined salt we usually purchase from stores is cubic crystal in structure, while the lake salt is polygonal crystal. The best salt should be sea salt made through the sunlight-caused evaporation of seawater. Such salt contains over 80 minerals needed by the human body, including iodine, calcium, potassium, magnesium, aluminum, barium, chromium, iron, manganese, fluorine, zinc, nickel, copper, phosphorus, and the like.

Salt is not only a superior seasoning and preservative but also the key substance to keep us healthy and vigorous. Salt can help the digestion of food and transfer nerve impulses to muscle tissues. But consuming too much salt can damage the heart, cause high blood pressure, and lead to overweight, as well as the decline of kidney function, the disorder of menstruation, and edema.

The most important thing for LIFE is air. Without air, man will die immediately, so there must be an adequate supply of air to guarantee the viability of LIFE. The second most vital thing is water. Without water, man cannot survive for long, so there must be a great reserve of water to keep LIFE going. The third most important thing for LIFE is salt. Without salt, man can survive for a longer time, but will eventually die of weak limbs and frail body. Therefore, it is also necessary to have a certain amount of salt in store which can be obtained with little effort. When we shop for salt, we will find that salt is lower priced in comparison with other goods. As for gold, pearls, and diamonds, they are only ornamentals for LIFE and are not necessities, so they are scarce in amount and not easily obtained.

If seawater is not salty, there will be no salt on earth. Since seawater is inexhaustible, we will never be short of salt.

Now let’s see. For LIFE in nature, the more important things are, the greater their supply; the less important things are, the smaller their supply. Is this simply a matter of unconscious coincidence of nature? Or is it a purposeful arrangement by some mysterious power?

14.Photosynthesis - The Source of Food for LIFE

To survive, humans need not only air, water, and salt but also need to absorb nutrients, mainly carbohydrates.

Where do carbohydrates come from?

They come from photosynthesis.

What is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants and other organisms use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into the nutrients they need, specifically carbohydrates.

The human body cannot conduct photosynthesis, and neither can any other animals. Photosynthesis mainly occurs within green plants. Therefore, humans must rely on green plants.

Photosynthesis can be briefly described as follows:

When sunlight shines upon the leaves of plants, it will be captured by chlorophyll in the cells of leaves. The light energy captured by chlorophyll will decompose the water entering the leaves via roots into hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen will be released through the pores on the leaves, while hydrogen will be kept within the leaves and will react with carbon dioxide entering the leaves via pores on the leaves to form carbohydrates. The vigorous carbohydrates will spread in the plant cells through veins and enable the absorption and growth of plants.

The most common type of carbohydrate is glucose, which will combine with nitrogen to form amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids needed by LIFE. Nitrogen is carried inside plants mainly through the water absorbed by the root systems of plants.

Because of photosynthesis, part of the carbohydrates formed inside the plants will be supplied to the plant itself, and the rest will be stored in the leaves and fruits. Humans and animals absorb carbohydrates by consuming the leaves and fruits of plants.  

Carbohydrates are compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Sugars, glucose, and fructose are simple carbohydrates, while starch and cellulose are relatively complex carbohydrates. The molecules of simple carbohydrates contain only a few carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, while the molecules of complex carbohydrates have many carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.

All the food we eat, fundamentally speaking, comes from photosynthesis. Without photosynthesis, there would be no humans. Some people argue, "I do not rely on plants and can survive only on poultry and domesticated animals, so I don't need the photosynthesis of plants." The problem is without the photosynthesis of plants, there would be no poultry and domesticated animals, as they rely on plants for survival. Of course, we can survive by eating fish, but fish also rely on the photosynthesis of algae and some protists.

From a natural point of view, only plants can make food. Animals and humans cannot make food themselves because their bodies do not have the elements for photosynthesis.

In addition to providing food for itself, animals, and humans, the photosynthesis of plants has a tremendous function—the absorption of carbon dioxide and the release of oxygen.

If plants did not make oxygen, animals and plants would have died out long ago. If plants did not absorb carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would exceed the norm, and the greenhouse effect would worsen, and the temperature of the earth would be too high for humans and animals to survive.

Do you think that the photosynthesis of plants begins and happens incidentally?

15.Symmetry in Nature — A Mysterious and Great Power 

Look into the mirror. You step forward, and the person in the mirror steps forward; you move backward, and they do the same. You smile, and they smile back. You raise your leg, and so does your reflection. Take the mirror as a tangent, and you and your image in the mirror have formed symmetry.

If an object is cut in half vertically from the midpoint and the left and right sides completely overlap each other, then this object is symmetrical.

Let’s look at the microscopic and macroscopic world, and we will discover that galaxies, the solar system, the earth, humans, birds, tigers, fish, frogs, roundworms, flies, crickets, leaves, fresh flowers, butterflies, shells, eggs, seeds, cells, and so on are all symmetrical objects.

Tornadoes, vortexes, diamonds, crystals, pyrite, pearls, hair, water droplets, the orbits of celestial movements, and helixes are also symmetrical.

Among the Arabic numerals of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, the odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 are symmetrical with the even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. The number of men is symmetrical with the number of women when considered on a larger timescale.

Symmetry is omnipresent in the universe. Without symmetry, there would be no universe.

Why does “the nail that sticks out gets hammered down”? Because “the nail that sticks out” breaks the symmetry. Why does the Leaning Tower of Pisa make people feel uncomfortable? Because it has lost its symmetry. Why are some people called handicapped? Because they lack symmetry. Why was the World Trade Center of America bombed? Because America had become unsymmetrical with other countries. Why was Falun Gong suppressed? Because it was not symmetrical with Chinese culture at the time. Why have many ancient civilizations in human history declined? Because they have lost symmetry. Why are monsters and demons frightening? Because they are asymmetrical. Why do some artists' works look disgusting? Because their works lack symmetry. Why do some buildings appear unsafe? Because they are not symmetrical. Why are some people irascible? Because they are psychologically asymmetrical. Why are corrupt officials punished in the end? Because their mentality is not symmetrical with those of the common people. Why are meteorites frequently seen in the sky? Because these celestial bodies have lost their symmetry. Why did the emperor hang himself? Because his existence was asymmetrical with the situation of the time. Why does tranquility make one feel comfortable, while turbulence makes one feel nervous and upset? Because tranquility is symmetrical, but turbulence is asymmetrical.   

Symmetry is a kind of harmony, perfection, aesthetics, and order.

Why are beauties intoxicating? Why are fresh flowers pleasing to the eye? Why is the music of Moonlight on the Spring River so soothing? Why do the sculptures of great masters appeal to us? Because they are harmonious and perfect, providing people with the enjoyment of beauty. Try to think. If a girl's left eye is larger than her right eye, her mouth is a bit oblique, she has only four fingers on her left hand, eight toes on her right foot, and her left leg is shorter than her right leg, how would you feel?

Humans are naturally inclined towards symmetry. Outstanding artists such as painters, sculptors, musicians, architects, and political leaders are experts in creating and utilizing symmetry. Understanding symmetry enables one to comprehend the mysteries of nature, while mastering symmetry allows one to perform tasks with ease and skill.

A mature person is psychologically symmetrical, while a whimsical, eccentric, irascible, testy, and tempestuous person is psychologically asymmetrical.

Symmetry is perfect, while asymmetry is defective. Symmetry is enduring, while asymmetry is fleeting.

The purpose of discussing symmetry here is to understand the power that has created symmetry in all things in nature and why people are naturally inclined towards symmetry.

Symmetry is a surface phenomenon that conceals a mysterious and powerful force. This force uses symmetry to control over-development and disharmonious kinetic and potential energies.

Why do humans have two eyes instead of three? Why is the earth round? Why does a dog's tail grow on its rear body? Why are the wings of butterflies and birds identical? Why do people dislike ugly things?

Scientists will certainly seek answers from the characteristics and structures of particles such as atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons, photons, etc., but it will be in vain, because you cannot explain the balanced symmetry of the two sexes, or why humans do not have tails.

Do we feel, deep within our subconscious selves, that a higher wisdom is controlling all beings? If so, who is this higher wisdom but the Greatest Creator?

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