Ultimate Tao Cannot Be Pursued Through Emotion


March 31, 2010

The ultimate Tao is one, yet it manifests in countless paths; the unity of these myriad paths returns to the one.

For example, the human body is one, but it is divided into five organs, six bowels, seven orifices, hair, bones, meridians, nerves, blood vessels, limbs, tendons, and muscles. Microscopically, each component has its own function and operating principles, each follows its own path, but on a macro level, they all return to the unified Tao of the human body.

The ultimate Tao is the path of "unchanging amidst all changes." It does not alter with the passage of time or shifts in space. For instance, the way of the Greatest Creator remains constant from the ancient past to the distant future, from 20 parallel worlds to 36-dimensional spaces—steadfast and unmoved. Similarly, love—from insects to animals to humans, to gods, Buddhas, and celestial beings, from ancient times to modernity and beyond—remains unchanged through the ages.

The ultimate Tao cannot be pursued through emotion. True emotion may be beautiful, but it cannot lead to the ultimate Tao. No matter how sincere the emotion, drinking poison will still lead to death; no matter how deep the affection, a marriage can still end in divorce; no matter how heartfelt the emotion, loved ones who are destined to die will still perish; no matter how sincere the emotion, the structure of LIFE remains the same, and one will still be human, never becoming a Buddha or a celestial being.

No matter how deeply parents love their children, many children will still be unfilial; true emotion cannot buy filial piety.

No matter how passionately lovers pledge eternal commitment, they may still part ways.

No matter how sincere a mouse is toward a cat, the cat will still eat it.

No matter how much a wolf cares for a lamb, the lamb will still fear it.

No matter how devoted a disciple is to their master, kowtowing and offering incense will not make him a sage.

No matter how much affection is invested in a car, without mastering driving skills and traffic rules, accidents will still occur.

No matter how hopeful and emotionally invested one is in a traditional family, the family will still have flaws and conflicts.

No matter how much one invests emotionally in a nation, religion, or political party, it cannot guarantee one's freedom, happiness, or future in Heaven.

No matter how much emotion is invested in a loved one, many people will remain unappreciative, indifferent, and disregard or even reject affection.

In a group, no matter how affectionate everyone is with each other, without a shared guiding principle or value, the group will be like scattered sand, plagued with constant conflicts.

"The ultimate Tao cannot be sought through emotion!" So, what should one use to pursue the ultimate Tao?

There is only one answer: to resonate in frequency with the ultimate Tao. Resonating in frequency is the only correct and effective method to attain the ultimate Tao.

If two people resonate in frequency, no matter how far apart they are or whether they have ever met, they can become inseparable, intimately connected once they do meet.

If a group of people resonate in frequency in their views on life, values, LIFE, morality, and the universe, regardless of differences in race, gender, culture, status, or appearance, they can still be as close as family and live harmoniously together.

If we resonate in frequency with gods in our consciousness and thinking, we ourselves become gods; if we resonate in frequency with the Buddha, we become Buddhas; if we resonate in frequency with celestial beings, we become celestial beings. Similarly, if one resonates in frequency with a pig, one becomes a pig; if one resonates with a dog, one becomes a dog.

The success of Lifechanyuan's Second Home is due to the fact that it is maintained not by emotion, but by values. As long as everyone resonates in frequency with the values, no matter how many people—10, 100, 1,000, 100,000, or 100 million—there will still be warmth, harmony, and order. If there is any deviation in frequency, conflicts and disputes will arise, leading to illusions, deceit, and fragmentation.

Emotion is necessary; it is like blood in the human body. One cannot live a day without emotion; with emotion, there is Heaven; without emotion, there is Hell. However, to enter Heaven, one must resonate in frequency with the beings and order of Heaven. Relying solely on emotion will not lead to Heaven.

The ultimate Tao cannot be pursued through emotion but must be achieved by perfecting the nonmaterial structure of LIFE and resonating in frequency with the desired realm. This is one of the teachings I wish to convey today.

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