The Three Essential Elements of the Universe: Energy


October 16, 2008

Consciousness, structure, and energy are the three essential elements that make up the universe, and they are also the master keys to unlocking all the mysteries of the universe.

The summation of these three essential elements—consciousness, structure, and energy—represents the pinnacle of human wisdom. No one on Earth can surpass this peak. The wisdom of Christ, Buddha, celestial beings, prophets, sages, and science is all encompassed within these three elements. They include all human wisdom accumulated over thousands of years because they represent the ultimate truth of the universe and the core mystery among all mysteries.


Energy is one of the three essential elements of the universe. The universe is a vast energy field; energy permeates everything. Everything except consciousness and structure is energy. Stars, planets, mountains, rivers, trees, stones, objects, and the human body are all collections of energy. Molecules, atoms, electrons, photons, and nucleons are also collections of energy. Everything we perceive through our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body is a manifestation of energy. The formation, existence, decay, and void of things, as well as the birth, aging, illness, and death of life, are all manifestations of energy transformation.

All matter is energy, and all nonmaterial is also energy. Therefore, the definition of energy is: any matter or nonmaterial that presents structural characteristics through attachment to a particular structure is called energy. Energy is the ability to maintain the state and change of things and LIFE.

The total energy of the universe is zero. Therefore, energy is divided into positive energy and negative energy, with their sum equating to zero. This aligns with the principles of Tai Chi and the movement principles of both macroscopic celestial bodies and microscopic fundamental particles. Energy is neutral; the energy used by gods, Buddhas, celestial beings, and humans is not significantly different from the energy used by demons and evil spirits.

Types of Energy

Energy is divided into positive energy and negative energy. Positive and negative energies are equivalent. Energy that promotes the generation and development of things and life is positive energy, while energy that leads to the decay and evolution of things and life is negative energy.

Any energy that promotes the generation, transformation, and manifestation of things and life is considered positive energy.

Any energy that leads to the disappearance, evolution, and cessation of things and life is considered negative energy.

For instance, heat energy that promotes plant growth is positive energy, while heat energy that causes plant decay is negative energy.

Physical energies include light energy, wind energy, water energy, thermal energy, electrical energy, magnetic energy, field energy, atomic energy, biological energy, and mechanical energy.

The influence of ideologies, thinking power, concepts, thoughts, love and hate, aesthetic stimuli, images, visualized images, art, music, etc., are nonmaterial energies.

In other words, any energy that acts on matter is called material energy, while any energy that acts on the spirit and soul is called nonmaterial energy.

Thus, energy can be divided into three types: material energy, spiritual energy, and soul energy.

No matter what type of energy, if it has not yet exerted its effect, it is potential energy; once it starts to exert its effect, it becomes kinetic energy. For example, money in the bank is potential energy, while money withdrawn and used to purchase goods becomes kinetic energy.

Power is also a form of energy.

Traditional scientific research on energy mainly focuses on the physical realm, exploring and explaining material energy. As Lifechanyuan, we need to understand not only the effect of material energy on life and LIFE, but also the significant effect of nonmaterial energy.

Traditional science measures energy as the product of force and distance.

Traditional science defines energy as the factor that causes a material system to transition from one state to another.

From a physical perspective, traditional science’s explanation is correct, but from a LIFE perspective, traditional science’s explanation is incomplete. It can be said that traditional science’s explanation of energy is a “narrow energy theory,” whereas Lifechanyuan’s interpretation belongs to a “broad energy theory.”

Conservation and Non-Conservation of Energy

In high school physics, we learn the “law of conservation of matter,” which extends to the “law of conservation of energy.” All matter is energy. On a macroscopic level, energy is conserved; it neither increases nor decreases but only transforms from one form to another. The total energy of the universe remains unchanged, maintaining a zero state. However, on a microscopic level, energy is not conserved; in certain regions or locales, there may be a rapid increase or decrease in energy without a corresponding decrease or increase.

For example, the total amount of currency issued by a country corresponds to its economic capacity, reflected through commodity prices. However, on an individual level, some people may accumulate large amounts of money and exhibit significant economic energy, while others may struggle to accumulate money and thus exhibit weaker economic energy. Similarly, the economic energy gap between individuals performing the same amount of labor can be substantial; the energy output is not always proportional to the input. The poor may continue to be poor, while the rich may continue to be rich.

Numerous examples of failed efforts show that energy conservation applies only on a macro level, not on a micro level, and is suitable for the general population rather than individuals.

Transformation of Energy

Energy can be transformed. Only through transformation can energy exert kinetic effect; energy that cannot be transformed only has potential value. For instance, a battery transforms chemical energy into electrical energy, a car transforms chemical energy into thermal energy and then into mechanical energy, plants convert nutrients, water, and light energy into biological energy, and the human body converts combined biological energy into bodily activity. An atomic bomb transforms nuclear energy through fission into light and thermal energy. Hitler converted people’s mental energy into military energy.

The ability to effectively transform energy reflects a person’s wisdom and talent.

The transformation of material energy requires time; growing crops takes two to three seasons to convert nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers and photosynthesis into biological energy. Working takes a day, a week, or a month to convert labor into wages. An artist takes time to convert their work into art and then extract the necessary energy from it. The transformation of spiritual energy may not require much time; a compliment can immediately enhance someone’s mood and spirit, while reading scriptures takes a long time to turn the wisdom in them into one’s own spiritual energy.

Function and Value of Energy

The greater the energy, the stronger the vitality of LIFE, and the better the ability to withstand disasters and hardships. Without sufficient energy, life will weaken and die. To live well, one must have enough energy to support oneself. To achieve sublimation, life must also absorb sufficient energy. Without adequate energy, all beautiful wishes and ideals are difficult to achieve. Therefore, absorbing and transforming energy is a significant aspect of life and one of the main factors in the evolution of LIFE from lower to higher levels.

Absorption and Loss of Energy

To remain energetic and full of vitality, a person must continually absorb energy and prevent energy loss. Energy includes both material and spiritual types. Material energy is absorbed through food and drink, while spiritual energy is absorbed through learning, opening wisdom, and aspiring towards a better future. A lack of material energy leads to weakness, fatigue, and illness, while a lack of spiritual energy results in lack of confidence, ambition, emotional coldness, and comfort-seeking.

Overwork, disorganized living, arguments, illness, disasters, unhealthy interpersonal relationships, and greed lead to energy loss, while harmonious and orderly living can maintain long-term energy.

Energy Needed for Life

The primary energy needed in life is material energy. In a commodity-based society, material energy is concentrated in money. With money, all material needs in life can be met. Therefore, one should not neglect the acquisition and accumulation of money, as this fundamental condition must be fulfilled before other aspects can be considered. Living in the world requires material energy, and relying solely on spiritual energy is insufficient for survival, let alone dignity and freedom. Those who live off charity lack personal dignity and live in a pitiable manner.

As for how to obtain material energy and how much to obtain, it depends on a person’s realm and ability. “The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their own special powers.”

The secondary energy needed for life is spiritual energy, which can be acquired by setting lofty ideals, absorbing the wisdom of sages, and making friends with like-minded individuals.

Energy Needed for LIFE

The primary energy needed for LIFE is soul energy. LIFE does not need material energy; money holds no value for LIFE. LIFE is a spiritual nonmaterial structure, immortal, and reincarnated. The growth and continuation of LIFE depend on soul energy, which comes from nonmaterial sources. In higher LIFE realms, soul energy comes from reverence for the Greatest Creator, LIFE, nature, following the way of the Greatest Creator, love, affection, sexuality, the pursuit of a beautiful future, and entertainment. In lower LIFE realms, soul energy comes from ego and self-preservation, hatred, jealousy, anger, greed, competition, opposition, and conflict.

Significance of Energy to LIFE

Energy sustains LIFE, provides vitality, and promotes reproduction. However, energy does not cause qualitative changes in life. For example, a cabbage will grow well with ample energy, becoming lush with thick leaves and abundant juice. Without enough energy, it will remain small and wilted. But no matter how much energy it absorbs, it will still be a cabbage; it will not turn into a tomato. Similarly, a person with substantial wealth and a rich material life will exhibit a distinguished and enviable lifestyle, but regardless of how much material energy they have, they remain human and cannot become a celestial being or a Buddha.

Therefore, relying on energy absorption and accumulation to change the quality of LIFE to become a celestial being or a Buddha is impossible.

Someone who wishes to live in the kingdom of heaven as soon as possible should focus on perfecting their consciousness and optimizing their structure, not on absorbing and accumulating energy. This is because the quality of LIFE is reflected in consciousness and structure, not in energy. Pastors, nuns, monks, and nuns may have no bank deposits, but the quality of their LIVES is not inferior to that of millionaires, and it is superior to the vast majority of material energy owners in secular society.

The Win-Win Method for Energy

To absorb and gather energy, one must also learn to release it. Simply absorbing and gathering energy is selfish; too much energy absorption and accumulation can harm the body and LIFE. If you don’t believe it, try eating 10 more steamed buns, or try inputting 350V of electricity into a lamp designed for 220V. A win-win method is to share your energy with more people. Sharing your energy not only does not lead to a loss of your energy but actually increases it. Another win-win method is to release the energy of love. The more love energy you release, the more energy you will gain. The more conservative and selfish you are, the less love energy you will retain, and the more you will lose your own love energy. Mutual care, respect, assistance, and love are all win-win methods for energy.

The Diverse Battles for Energy

The essence of war is the struggle for energy. Competition in business is the struggle for energy. Power struggles, deceit, and intrigue are all struggles for energy. Quarrels and debates are essentially struggles for energy. Exploitation, suppression, and monopolistic practices are struggles for energy. Political contests, religious suppression of heresy, ethnic independence movements, family disputes, spousal arguments, lovers’ jealousy, and backstabbing among peers, colleagues, and classmates are all struggles for energy. Everything that happens on the battlefield, in the marketplace, in officialdom, and in love affairs is a struggle for energy. Apart from the win-win methods for energy, the main activities of human society are struggles for energy. What energy is being fought over? The struggle is for material energy, spiritual energy, and soul energy. Wars mainly fight over material energy, quarrels mainly fight over spiritual energy, and religious suppression mainly fights over soul energy.

Manifestation of Energy

The strength of material energy is primarily manifested externally. If a plant has a lot of energy, it grows well. If a person has a lot of energy, their tone, posture, and lifestyle are different. If a country has strong energy, its currency can circulate widely, and it plays a crucial role in international affairs.

Spiritual energy is mainly manifested in connotation. A person who is unflappable shows great spiritual energy. A saint is a saint mainly because of their rich spiritual connotation. A person who remains calm and collected in the face of storms has strong spiritual energy. A person who is relentless and unafraid of hardships and difficulties has abundant spiritual energy.

Soul energy is mainly manifested in the human biofield. A person with great soul energy has a biofield with a colorful aura. The weaker a person’s soul energy, the less color and aura they have. A person with strong soul energy can not only effectively resist diseases but also fend off evil spirits.

Defense Against Negative Energy

False, evil, and ugly information and phenomena bring negative energy to people. Dirty, chaotic, and poor environments add negative energy to people. People who often complain about others and the environment bring negative energy. Disharmonious societies and groups bring negative energy. Noise, articles written by people with illusive thinking, and movies and pictures filled with scenes of horror, violence, and murder all bring negative energy. Absorbing too much negative energy will lead to a decline in the quality of LIFE.

The effective measure to defend against negative energy is to avoid it, stay away from it, and try not to come into contact with it.

Focusing on Structure

Energy is strange, varied, and complex. Blindly absorbing and accumulating energy is not only unhelpful but also harmful. Pursuing material energy is a characteristic of worldly people. Blindly pursuing spiritual energy without distinguishing between good and bad will turn people into monsters. Absorbing soul energy indiscriminately will turn people into demons. When we cannot distinguish between positive and negative energy and do not know how much energy we need, the best approach is to work on the structure of LIFE’s nonmaterial. The type of nonmaterial structure determines the energy absorbed. It is automatic and operates according to the LIFE program. Just like different types of apples, oranges, grapes, wheat, corn, soybeans, watermelons, cucumbers, and muskmelons grow on the same land, the structure determines the type and amount of energy absorbed. If our LIFE structure is that of a herbivore, we will eat grass and leaves and absorb the corresponding energy. If our LIFE structure is that of a human, we will absorb the energy needed by humans. If our LIFE structure is that of a celestial being, we will automatically absorb the energy corresponding to celestial beings and automatically shield against the negative energy that celestial beings do not need.

The Essence of Sun and Moon, the Spirit of Heaven and Earth

The essence of the sun and moon, the spirit of heaven and earth, are refined energies, inexhaustible and endless. “Poor mountains and bad waters produce troublesome people, green mountains and clear waters produce talented individuals” is due to the different spirit absorbed from heaven and earth. Living for a long time in a sunny, gentle breeze, with clear mountains and waters, and beautiful scenery naturally absorbs more of the essence of the sun and moon, and the spirit of heaven and earth, making people calm, intelligent, graceful, spiritually noble, pure, and delicate.

Consciousness can create the environment. If we are unfortunately born or live in an unattractive environment, do not lose heart or complain. We can create a beautiful environment filled with the essence of the sun and moon and the spirit of heaven and earth in our consciousness. By creating and entering into the absolute beauty of nature through imagery and meditation, absorbing the essence of the sun and moon and the spirit of heaven and earth, the best way is to repeatedly read “A Glimpse of the Thousand-year World,” “A Glimpse of the Ten-thousand-year World,” and “A Glimpse of the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World.” Over time, we will become male and female celestials filled with spirituality, radiating spiritual energy, handsome and charming, lively and agile.

Regarding energy, the above is a rough explanation. More knowledge needs to be learned and mastered by everyone, and more mysteries need to be pondered and understood by everyone.

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