Those Who Argue with Others Are Unkind


April 16, 2013

As long as one contends with others—whether it’s quarreling, competing, snatching, arguing, disputing, or debating—it is still contention. The purpose is either to claim what belongs to others as their own or to impose one’s will on others, with the core aim being the struggle for energy. Therefore, anyone who contends with others is unkind.

Spouses are most prone to quarreling and debating, so neither spouse is kind. Once someone becomes a husband or wife, kindness disappears from their world.

Different beliefs and sects easily fall into disputes and debates. As soon as contention arises, that belief or sect ceases to be kind.

Religions and political parties often engage in arguments and debates, which shows that neither religions nor political parties are kind.

Contention is easily sparked between nations and ethnic groups, proving that neither nations nor ethnic groups are kind.

Harmony requires the elimination of quarreling, competing, snatching, warring, arguing, disputing, and debating. Without removing contention, there will never be harmony, and the world will never have peace.

No matter who participates in contention, whether using any justification, excuse, or method, or even under the banner of the Greatest Creator, gods, Buddhas, truth, or the salvation of all beings, they have strayed from kindness and are evil.

Chanyuan celestials should stay away from contention.

Truth never contends. The Greatest Creator never contends with gods, Buddhas, celestial beings, saints, humans, ghosts, or demons.

There is no contention in heaven. The beings in heaven never quarrel, compete, snatch, argue, dispute, debate, or war with others.

A harmonious home should not have contention; a peaceful world should not have contention.

The Tao operates according to its program, and cause and effect are in action. What is there to contend about?

Cars travel on roads; horses follow their paths—what is there to contend about?

Cows go to the cow shed, pigs go to the pigpen, celestial beings follow the celestial way, and Buddhas enter the Buddha's land—what is there to contend about?

Thus, Chanyuan celestials never contend with others, especially not argue or debate with others.

Can a cow and a pig argue out any truth? Therefore, I won’t argue with you. If you think you’re right, live your way. Don’t argue with me; you don’t need to win me to be right.

Can bees and flies argue out any truth? Therefore, I won’t argue with you. If you think dog excrement smells good, you are right; go ahead and eat it! My food is flower nectar.

Chanyuan celestials do not contend with anyone—whether parents, spouses, siblings, friends, other religions, sects, or even with rivers, lands, grasses, trees, flowers, insects, birds, or animals.

Do not argue with me. You are right—just do as you believe is right!

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