The Affection Debt


Jan. 31, 2022

Debts can include property debts, money debts, affection debts, nature debts, and LIFE debts.

Property debt: You borrowed something from someone else and didn’t return it, or you ate or took something that belongs to someone else without repaying it. You then owe a property debt.

Money debt: You borrowed money from others and didn’t repay it so you now owe a money debt.

Affection debt: You Received help from others or received physical, psychological, and spiritual comfort without returning or compensating them, you incur an affection debt.

Nature Debt: Anyone who harms nature or others without making sufficient efforts and contributions will owe a Nature Debt.

LIFE debt: As the saying goes, "one who murders pays with the forfeit with his LIFE", in fact, if you kill any LIFE, you have to pay with your own LIFE. If you killed a LIFE and have not paid for it, then you owe a LIFE debt.

What we need to be vigilant about and keep in mind is that as long as the above-mentioned debts are not repaid, we will inevitably enter reincarnation, and there is absolutely no hope of going to heaven.

This article focuses on affection debts.

Affection debts are divided into debts of favor and love debts.

The debt of favor means that others have helped you, but you have not correspondingly help them, so you owe a debt of favor. Therefore, everyone should carefully recall who has helped them. If you have received help from others but have not returned the corresponding help, you should quickly find a way and an opportunity to help them. There is a value in Lifechanyuan, "Do not offer help if someone does not ask for it." If you helped someone without him asking for it, you are actually hurting him, because he thus owes you a debt of favor, and you will make him become a pig in the next life. It is cruel to make him transform into a pig, dog, cow or sheep to pay you back in the next life.

Love debts are mainly the debts owed by men and women who are in love. People need comfort in their spirits and souls, and also need comfort in their physiology. When people get physical and receive psychological and spiritual comfort from the other side without giving the corresponding consolation to that other side, then they owe a debt of love.

There is a predestined relationship in a love debt, and that predestined relationship is also a debt. Once you feel that you still have feelings for someone, and feel that you are in debt to someone, or you can't forget him or her because of the deep affection, that means you owe a love debt.

One of the core components of self-improvement and self-cultivation is to strive to repay the debts of property, money, affection, nature, and LIFE. The most effective way to repay them is to do formless almsgiving, which especially works well for paying off LIFE debts. I hope that on this New Year’s Eve, everyone will have a clear mind, give more, and take less, and after entering the Lunar New Year, repay all kinds of debts and end all kinds of worldly ties, and go to heaven freely and unrestrainedly.

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