Everything Changes According to the Human Heart


September 16, 2014

If the earth is a vast desert, the heavens will not bring rain; when the human heart is barren, the heavens will not bestow spiritual gifts. The justice of the Tao lies in its responsiveness to the human heart—what kind of heart we have determines what we receive.

Long ago, a wealthy man wanted to start a business to benefit the local people. He went to a village but found the people there indifferent, so he left. He went to another place, where the people were difficult to deal with, so he left again. Finally, he arrived at a place where the people were sincere and kind, and he decided to set up his business there. The lives of the people in that area greatly improved because of this business.

There was a wise and profound master with extraordinary powers and abilities. He traveled through many villages and towns in search of a disciple to inherit his teachings. He observed the land, the people’s appearances, their speech, and looked for signs, but he never found a suitable candidate. Ultimately, his teachings were lost due to the lack of a proper successor.

The universe is filled with many wondrous things, hidden within the ordinary. These wondrous things are as easy to grasp as flipping a switch, but they await those who are destined to receive them. These destined people are not predetermined but are chosen at random. However, there is a condition: these people’s qualities must match the wondrous things they receive. As I often say, only a LIFE of absolute beauty deserves to enjoy absolute beauty.

When I first started Lifechanyuan, my mind was filled with countless wondrous things. However, as Lifechanyuan developed, I found these wondrous things gradually disappearing. Sometimes, my mind felt empty, devoid of anything valuable. This happened because Lifechanyuan repeatedly suffered harm and setbacks. My sadness grew as people not only disregarded my guidance but also questioned, criticized, insulted, and attacked me. My enthusiasm waned, and each time I felt disheartened, I asked myself, “Why should I reveal these wondrous things to people? Why should I pass on the mysteries of the universe and LIFE to them?” I even wondered if I should destroy everything I had already revealed.

When I had such thoughts, I felt no regret for myself but pity for people.

What is most laughable is that many believe my creation of Lifechanyuan is intended to gain power, replace the government, or trouble other religious and political organizations. A notable example is when, in Yunnan, a police officer candidly told me, “Everything you’ve started is good and ideal. I don’t see any ambition in you, but the problem is, if Lifechanyuan continues to develop and grow larger, will it cause trouble for the government? Will it shake society? Can the government not be concerned?” Even more laughable is that many people say Xuefeng’s goal is to deceive people for money and sex, and to seek power.

It is truly beyond words!

What can I do? With such hearts in people, I can only go with the flow, aligning with the thoughts and wishes of the government and the public. Explanations are futile. Human thoughts are one thing, and the realms of gods and celestial beings are another. Human thoughts cannot comprehend the realms of gods and celestial beings, just as a pig’s thoughts cannot comprehend the realm of humans.

The wisdom drawn from this is that everything changes according to the human heart. When the human heart is restless and chaotic, it gives you a restless and chaotic world. If people want honey, they receive honey; if people want dog dung, they receive dog dung. This makes people happy, and thus the Tao shows its justice.

Many people worry about Lifechanyuan celestials and say, “Be careful not to be deceived by Xuefeng! He is a great fraudster aiming to deceive people for money and sex. Leave Lifechanyuan as soon as possible!” Hearing such “concerns,” I am not angry at all. On the contrary, I calmly observe and am quite supportive of those who worry about Lifechanyuan celestials. Sometimes, it occurs to me: incite them! Stir them up! Let those who do not understand Lifechanyuan’s values, whose faith and belief are unstable, and who are unworthy of enjoying the benefits prepared by the Tao for higher beings be led away! It’s tiring to guide immature “crops” forward; it’s better to let the wise ones who care about Chanyuan celestials take them away and lighten my burden.

But then, I wonder, are there people in this world who truly are, “I am doing this entirely for your good”?

The wondrous things are around us. Only those who are awakened can see them, and only those with pure hearts can obtain them. Feng Shui changes with the human heart, and the world changes with human hearts. I only hope that people pursue truth, goodness, beauty, love, faith, and sincerity. As long as one persistently seeks, the Tao will surely bestow corresponding good things.

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