Follow the Way of Nature and Live your Life Naturally and Without Restraint


Oct. 10, 2018

The way of the Greatest Creator is the way of nature, and the way of nature is based on the laws and principles that are strictly followed by all things. The way of nature is a program. Following this program is in line with the way of nature. Violating this program is deviating from the way of nature.

Follow the way of nature and everything will be harmonious, including social harmony, physical harmony, mental and spiritual harmony. If you go against the way of nature, everything will be chaotic and disorderly, society will be turbulent, and people will have constant troubles, anxiety, and restlessness.

Let’s comprehend the way of nature from the gestation and birth of human beings. A few micrometers of sperm and a few millimeters of eggs combine, then develop, and finally turn into a healthy human body. The complexity of this human body is unimaginable, with limbs and hair, internal organs, bones and nerves, blood and cells, nine apertures and a meridian, height and skin color, etc. are all achieved proportionally. At the same time, the motor system, digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, endocrine system, immune system, nervous system, and circulatory system are naturally achieved. After that, the feelings of the seven emotions and six desires are born naturally, and when the pregnancy is completed in nine months, the child will be born naturally. This series of complex developmental processes is a kind of program, and this program is the way of nature.

Follow the way of nature, and everything will be accomplished naturally without any effort.

The entire universe is part of the way of nature, and there is no doubt that people are also part of the way of nature, especially the birth, growth and death of people are part of the way of nature. Since man is part of the way of nature, then we follow the way of nature.

How to follow the way of nature?

Do the following: Accept whatever comes up, follow your predestined relationships, follow one’s nature and be nonactive, take advantages of opportunities as they arise and be in peace.

Since the way of nature is a kind of program, the program sets everything up, and the program accomplishes everything, then we will live our lives naturally and unrestrainedly according to the program and let everything happen without extra effort.

Accept whatever comes up: Take things as they are, ask for nothing. When everything comes naturally, just accept and endure. If there is a thatched house, then live in the thatched house; if there is a villa, then live in the villa; if there is a luxurious palace, then live in the luxurious palace. If there is an airplane, take the plane; if there is a car, drive the car; if you have a bicycle, ride the bicycle; if you must walk, then set out on foot. If you are to be a president, be a president; if you need to be a beggar, be a beggar with peace of mind. Never envy anything, never ask for anything deliberately. There are thousands of people with thousands of faces and hearts. Never imitate others, never follow in others’ footsteps, never listen to others’ demands, never listen to success lectures and demagogy, never let power, status, reputation, beauty, money, house, car, awards, etc. guide you, just be yourself, only be yourself.

Follow your predestined ties: follow your predestined relationships with people. When a good relationship comes naturally, follow it and associate with it, but not to fawn, cling to, or deliberately pursue. Follow the predestined relationships with affairs. Whenever something happens, just do it, no matter what it is, as long as you like it, as long as it suits your hobbies and expertise, devote your time and energy to it and do it happily. Follow your fate, accept whatever your destiny is happily. If you are destined to be 1.6 meters tall, do not be worried and envious of 1.8 meters. If you are destined to live by singing, then sing to your heart’s content and never envy scientists or shepherds. If you are destined to have yellow skin and black eyes, never envy white skin and blue eyes. Follow your predestined relationships with places. Wherever you go, it is your home, and you will love all the places where you go. If you were born in Africa, never yearn for Europe, if you live in the countryside, never envy the city. If you live well somewhere, never deliberately move to another place or even think about emigrating abroad.

Follow one’s nature, be nonactive: A bird will definitely fly; a flower will definitely bloom; an earthworm must be in the soil; a thief will definitely steal; a spider will definitely make a web; a hen will definitely lay eggs. With All LIVES, their living environment and their way of survival are determined by their nature. Asking tigers to eat grass, asking lambs to eat meat, asking fish to live on the grassland, and asking cattle and sheep to survive in water, all are against their nature. Only by following their own nature, will they feel leisurely and relaxed. If you have a diamond cutter, you can do the work of mending porcelain wares. Without a diamond cutter, never try to mend porcelain wares. Follow your nature and let it fully bloom; do not suppress yourself, and do not force yourself to achieve any goal or accomplish something. If you like to play in the mud, you can play in the mud as much as you can, and there is no need to force yourself to become a sculptor.

Take advantage of opportunities as they arise and be in peace: The seasons alternate. There is a full moon only once a month. Many scenarios probably can only be experienced once in a lifetime. Therefore, it is said, “Opportunity knocks but once”. When opportunities come, take the chance, and take advantage of these opportunities fully. Do not miss the opportunity. Spring is the time to sow, and autumn is the time to harvest. Neither should be missed. When good things come, grab them quickly, when an opportunity comes, take the opportunity to do the things that should be done. Take advantage of the sunshine to dry your hay, strike the iron while it is still hot. If the opportunity to become an official has come, hurry up and take the chance to become an official; When the chance to make a fortune comes, make haste; when the opportunity to accumulate merit has come, accumulate quickly; when the peach flower is about to bloom, hurry up and take the peach blossom for luck; when confidantes come, take the opportunity to get together for a few drinks and get drunk; when the gods, Buddhas and celestials are here, my goodness, how can you miss such a golden opportunity that only comes once in a lifetime! If no opportunity comes, it does not matter, overlook the tides’ ebb and flow and flowers’ blooming and fading, keep a calm mind. Even if you are a genius, if you do not have a chance, let it be buried! Life is short, but LIFE is long. If the opportunity does not come today, wait for tomorrow, if it does not come this year, wait for next year, if it does not come this life, wait for the next life, anyway, there will be opportunities, do not be anxious or impatient.

Follow the way of nature and life will always be cool and comfortable. You will no longer have worries and sorrows, anxiety, and fears, "enjoy life no matter where you are or what you are doing". Remember, it's not that you can achieve anything that you want to achieve, not that you can do whatever you want, everything has been set and arranged in the program of the way of nature, and the path of conforming to the way of nature is the path of Buddhas and Celestial Beings. It can also be said that if a person can truly follow the way of nature completely and thoroughly, he is already a Buddha and a Celestial Being.

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