Exploration of LIFE: Quantum Entanglement and the Other


December 25, 2015

The most exciting discovery at the forefront of science is "quantum entanglement." For the scientific definition and related knowledge about "quantum entanglement," please search Baidu, as there is a vast amount of information available. I will only extract one aspect that relates to LIFE for your consideration.

This aspect is: No matter how far apart two entangled particles are, even if they are separated by a hundred light-years, if one particle "smiles," the other particle will also "smile" simultaneously, regardless of the distance. Similarly, if one particle "cries," the other will inexplicably "cry" as well.

The "entanglement" between these two particles, in my view, represents "affinity." As long as there is "affinity," no matter how far apart the particles are spatially or how long the time gap is, there is mutual influence and instantaneous information transfer between them.

From the perspective of Tai Chi (Yin-Yang) thinking, everything in the universe is composed of unified pairs of opposing factors, such as Yin and Yang, light and dark, up and down, soft and hard, rough and fine, positive and negative, beautiful and ugly, etc. Therefore, where there is positivity, there is also negativity, or opposition. For example, matter and nonmaterial, particles and antiparticles; "quantum entanglement" is the "entanglement" between particles and antiparticles. They are inseparable, deeply interconnected, and have a "thousand years of harmony," but they cannot "embrace" each other; if they do, they would "perish together" and vanish completely.

I propose that since everything in the universe is composed of unified opposing factors, and since particles and antiparticles exist, it follows that humans, as a special "matter," must also have an opposing counterpart, that is, the existence of the anti-human. In simple terms, this refers to a person’s "other half."

Does this "other half" exist? If it does not exist, then the principle of the unity of opposites is not a universal law of the universe. If it does exist, then where is "my other half"?

According to the principle of the unity of opposites and the phenomenon of particles and antiparticles, the "other half" must exist. Let us first assume that every person has an "other half." So, where is this "other half"? What does the "other half" mean to each of us? Should we seek out the "other half"?

The phenomenon of "quantum entanglement" has already hinted to us: "When I suffer, my other half will also feel the pain; when I reach a climax, my other half will also experience it simultaneously." Conversely, when the "other half" is anxious, I will feel anxious; when the "other half" is happy, I will be in a joyful state too.

According to "quantum entanglement," when I am in pain, my other half is also in pain, even if my "other half" lives on Mars. The problem is, how can we know if the "other half" is also inexplicably in pain? Logically, as soon as my wife gives birth, my mother immediately becomes the child’s grandmother, regardless of whether my mother lives on the Moon or Mars. But in reality, it is difficult to know the state of the "other half." So, when the "other half" is anxious, can we also be in a state of anxiety? For instance, suddenly feeling uncomfortable or agitated for no reason? If such feelings occur, could it mean that our "other half" is currently in a state of danger and anxiety?

The purpose of exploring this phenomenon is that since there is a person in the universe who shares the same fate and breathes with us, the state of the "other half" determines our own state, and the future of the "other half" determines our own future. Therefore, we must find them; otherwise, the passive situation of being "a kite flying on its own" will be difficult to eliminate, and we will never be able to move from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom.

Where is the "other half"?

Since particles and antiparticles feel the same and are interconnected, we can find our "other half" from our own state and feelings. If we are always in joy, happiness, and freedom, we can be sure that our "other half" is in heaven. If we are always in desire and greed, placing great importance on money, power, fame, and lust, then our "other half" must be on Earth. If we are always in anxiety, worry, fear, and dread, our "other half" is certainly in the animal world. If we are always in a state of anger, agitation, or depression, then our "other half" is certainly in hell. Similarly, one can accurately find their "other half" in 20 parallel worlds and 36-dimensional spaces.

Why must we find the "other half"?

Because without finding our "other half," we will always be like a kite controlled by the "other half," forever incomplete, unable to achieve self-harmony, and unable to escape the passive situation. We will never be able to control our own destiny, be our own master, or reach the ideal state we aspire to, and we will never achieve completeness.

The "Tai Chi Diagram," also known as "The First Diagram of China," composed of Yin-Yang fish, represents a self-harmonious and complete outcome. If a person cannot achieve self-harmony and completeness, they will never reach the highest peak of life, nor will they ever reach the Western Paradise guided by Buddha. Simply put, they will never reach heaven. Without reaching heaven, they will continue to cycle through the mundane world. Without finding our "other half," we cannot form the higher-level complete structure required for LIFE and will always depend on external factors for survival.

Who exactly is the "other half"?

The "other half" is oneself, one’s own doppelgänger, or incarnation. It is an opposing factor that constitutes a complete life form but is separated and divided. If you are Yang, the "other half" is Yin; if you are Yin, the "other half" is Yang. Only through the unity of Yin and Yang can one achieve unity with heaven and the Tao and attain the right fruit.

The annihilation effect in quantum mechanics tells us that when paired particles and antiparticles meet, they release radiation and immense energy and then annihilate each other, disappearing without a trace. When oneself meets their "other half," both disappear simultaneously, leaving no trace. However, does disappearing from the material world mean complete death? Certainly not. We know that the three essential elements of the universe are consciousness, structure, and energy. The release of energy does not mean the disappearance of consciousness. Consciousness is a form of nonmaterial existence. The essence of LIFE is consciousness. The disappearance of the physical body does not mean the disappearance of consciousness. After annihilation, or in other words, after perishing together, the material existence is gone, but as consciousness, it enters a higher level of LIFE form. Simply put, when oneself meets their "other half," they immediately complete the metamorphosis of LIFE, leaving the material world for the highest realm of LIFE, the Elysium World, or, it can be said, becoming celestial beings and attaining Buddhahood.

So, how can one meet their "other half"?

From a theoretical and conventional perspective, it is impossible to meet one’s "other half" because although oneself and the "other half" have the same nature and feelings, paradoxically, if you move left, your "other half" will move right; if you move forward, they will move backward; if you want to go up, they will go down. They are both unified and opposed to you. The more you want them, the further they seem to get away; the more you try to avoid them, the closer they get. They always play hide and seek; they are just that mischievous and willful, neither to be loved nor hated.

However, there is nothing impossible in the universe. "If one contemplates the heavens and earth often, one will eventually understand the profound principles." Meeting one’s "other half" is indeed possible.

The above is merely a hypothesis and exploration, not a definitive conclusion; consider it a mind game. Because in terms of "entanglement" and "affinity," it is not only the "other half" that is entangled with and has affinity with us, but also many other factors. As "quantum entanglement" tells us, quantum entanglement refers to the non-local, non-classical strong correlations that exist between two or more quantum systems.

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