The Difficulty in Finding the Eastern Sage is a Matter of Consciousness Frequency


Throughout history, both in the East and the West, from religious scriptures to prophets and renowned seers, many have predicted that an Eastern Sage would descend to save humanity and lead us into a new era of peace and happiness.

According to Boriska, the Russian boy from Mars, the Eastern Sage is already among us. French prophet Nostradamus suggested that this Eastern Sage was persecuted in his homeland, crossed the skies and icy lands, traveled across the ocean to France, and then would return to his homeland. So, where is he now? Is he still in France? Or has he already returned home?

The Eastern Sage is, of course, in the East. But is he Japanese? Korean? Thai? Vietnamese? Which Eastern country is he from? Based on prophecies like the "Tui Bei Tu" and the "Ma Qian Ke," this Eastern Sage is certainly Chinese. The Russian boy from Mars explicitly stated that the Eastern Sage was born in Northwest China and is referred to as the great guiding spirit of humanity.

The Eastern Sage must exist, so why haven't we been able to find him?

This must be a problem with the frequency of our consciousness.

If we can't find the Eastern Sage, we need to ask ourselves three questions: 1. Do I really want to find him? 2. On what basis can I find him? 3. What virtues or merits do I have that would make the Eastern Sage appear in my sight?

My answer is: If you truly want to find him, you definitely can, but you must elevate your LIFE state to an energy level of 500 or above, and you must have contributed material, spiritual, or soulful wealth to the advanced civilization of humanity's future.

From this, it can be understood that whether or not one can find the Eastern Sage is directly related to the frequency of one's consciousness. If your consciousness vibrates at a frequency below 500, you won't be able to find the Eastern Sage, even if he is right beside you, because you won't be able to perceive him.

Whatever we are interested in, the vast world will push and display those things to us. If we're interested in making money, most of the information we receive will be related to making money. If we are interested in love, then most of the information in our conscious world will be related to love. If we're fascinated by mysticism and the occult, the world will flood us with stories and information about those topics.

So, where is the Eastern Sage?

The Eastern Sage exists within our consciousness. As long as your consciousness frequency reaches 500 or above, the Eastern Sage will appear—he will appear within your sight.

Consciousness frequency is a state of LIFE, something that cannot be faked. For example, saying "I am love" does not prove that you have reached a state of love. Even if you read all the books of the sages, if you can't live by their teachings, you're just going through the motions, deceiving yourself. Look at the poppy flower—it is light, pure, graceful, and ethereal. This is a natural state of its LIFE, unadorned and naturally revealed.

So, where is the Eastern Sage?

If you can achieve selflessness, egolessness, non-attachment, and have nothing of your own, and if you can devote yourself day and night to the elevation of human civilization, then you don't need to search any further—you are that Eastern Sage.

August 12, 2024

Last updated