Lifechanyuan Does Not Sacrifice to the Ancestor of Buddha-the Greatest Creator


Jan. 5, 2024

If I cut off your finger and solemnly offer it to you as a sacrifice, would you accept my offering?

Everything in the world belongs to the Greatest Creator. All life in nature is part of The Greatest Creator. Offering back what belongs to the Greatest Creator is akin to cutting off His toes and presenting them to Him. Would the Greatest Creator be willing to accept that?

Offering life as a sacrifice to the Ancestor of Buddha-the Greatest Creator is not reverence for the Greatest Creator. Instead, it is blasphemy against Him.

At some point in history, humans sacrificed other humans to spirits, burning them alive as offerings. That was an ignorant and cruel sacrifice. Modern society has gradually entered a civilized era, so sacrificing living humans is no longer practiced. However, when we slaughter cattle, sheep, chickens, and ducks as offerings to the spirits, the form has changed but the essence remains the same. This practice is not acceptable.

The Ancestor of Buddha-the Greatest Creator would never accept expressions of reverence, respect, and love from us through killing lives. To express reverence, respect, and love for HIM, we should do so by revering and protecting nature and all life, not through sacrificial offerings.

Who enjoys receiving sacrifices from people the most?

The answer is: demons and monsters.

If you don't understand this truth, just take a look at "Journey to the West"! In "Journey to the West," demons and monsters most enjoy people expressing fear, terror, and begging for mercy through sacrifices, and the best offerings are virgin boys and girls.

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