An Analysis of the Mysteries of the Way of Nature


Sept. 18, 2021

Chanyuan Celestials follow the way of the Greatest Creator, that is, the way of nature, so what is the way of nature?

The Way of Nature has the following eight mysteries:

  1. Pregnancy has a time limit, and the delivery time is set.

The implication is that everything has a time limit and cannot be surpassed. Once it is surpassed, it is against the way of nature.

Application: Don’t be in a hurry. If you have a wish in your heart, it is the equivalent of you being pregnant. When the wish will be delivered is related to the size of the wish. If your wish is just to have a cup of coffee, it can be realized in a few minutes or a few hours. If your wish is to own a luxurious villa, it may take several years or even decades to give birth. If your wish is to reach the kingdom of heaven, you need to wait for the time of delivery all your life.

  1. Sow in spring, cultivate in summer, harvest in autumn, store in winter.

The meaning is to keep the timing sequence and don't mess with the order. If the timing sequence is wrong and the order is reversed, it violates the way of nature.

Application: Different age groups should do the things fitting of their age group. For example, childhood is a time for playing, and the teenage years are for learning. If you study in childhood, you will violate the way of nature, and if you begin laboring as teenagers, you violate the way of nature.

  1. Rubbing ropes against wooden boards will cut into them, and dripping water onto stones will wear them down.

The meaning is that as long as you focus on something, there will be a moment when things will turn around and you will become suddenly enlightened.

Application: Concentrate on exploring a certain phenomenon or doing a certain thing, don't be distracted, but wholly devoted, in this way, you will make gains.

  1. Reap melon from melon seeds and reap beans from bean seeds.

The meaning is that you will reap what you sow. If you sow beauty, you will reap beauty; if you sow ugliness, you will reap ugliness.

Application: Plant what you need in the future, if you want to go to hell, plant evil; if you want to go to heaven, plant goodness.

  1. Merits and demerits must be examined; rewards and punishments must be executed.

It means that nothing, no words, or deeds, can escape the eyes of heaven, and rewards or punishments will definitely come in due course.

Application: Always think of a pair of eyes above your head staring at you, so you must walk on a tightrope when doing things and when speaking, being neither cowardly nor tough.

  1. Channels form where water flows; melons' pedicels fall when their fruit ripens.

It means that you must have calmness and patience when doing things, and you should not rush for success. As long as you work hard, what you want will come true, and it will come naturally.

Application: Don't force anything, if you work hard enough, you will achieve it naturally, if you don't work hard enough, what you want will come to a premature end, and you will come out empty-handed.

  1. Follow one’s nature, this is the way to Tao.

It means that our nature is a gift from the Greatest Creator. If it is a cat, just catch the mouse, if it is a mouse, just dig holes and steal grain, if it is tuberose, just bloom and spread the fragrance, if it is a cow or sheep, eat grass. This is the arrangement of Tao. Doing so is in keeping with the Tao, which is the way of nature.

Application: When people ask me whether they should choose A or B, whether they should go east or west, my answer is always "Listen to your inner voice and follow your innermost drive." Why? Because the loudest voice and driving force in your heart is the Tao, which is your nature. If you do this, you will become one with the Tao.

  1. Tao will manage the birth, growth, punishment, and destruction of everything

It means that when people come to this world, their role has already been determined in the cosmic LIFE script. If the script determines that you are a thief, then you will never become a professor. If the script determines that you are a villain, then it is absolutely impossible for you to be a good person. The Chanyuan Celestials I am looking for must be innate, and they cannot be cultivated by education, just like no matter how we cultivate and guide cucumbers, cucumbers will never turn into tomatoes. In the process of human beings playing the role in the cosmic LIFE script, when your turning point comes, you can’t hide from it, and it’s useless for you to ask for help. If you are destined to be a big villain, that’s the arrangement of Tao, you cannot refuse it even if you pray to gods and Buddhas for help. There are various factors and personnel arrangements that lead you to the path of being a great villain. Similarly, the same is true for wanting to become a saint. This is called "Tao arranges the growth". There are countless people who have been punished in the world. Who is punishing people? On the surface, people are punishing people, accidental events are punishing people, and natural disasters are punishing people. In fact, Tao is punishing people. The root cause lies in the natural law of "you reap what you sow". If the Tao wants you to grow, no one can destroy you; if the Tao wants to punish you, no one can save you.

Application: Since it is up to the Tao to arrange your birth, don't try to change it, neither try to change others nor yourself. Since it is up to the Tao to arrange your growth, don't worry, and don't bother to find relationships and backers, what comes will come naturally, and what goes will go naturally. Since it is up to the Tao to arrange punishment, don't hide, and don't complain. Since it is up to the Tao to arrange destruction, just smile and go with the wind.

After understanding the secrets of the way of nature, and looking at various phenomena in today's society, we will come to know that all bad phenomena are the results of violating the way of nature. Everyone can take stock and analyze their past and current situation; you will definitely find that your hardships and rough experiences are the result of you being against the way of nature.

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