The Sun in the Black Hole


Let's conduct a simple experiment: Hang a 100-watt bulb in a room with white walls. You’ll find the light to be very bright, fully demonstrating the bulb's value. Now, cover the ceiling and walls with black cloth, and you will notice the change—it seems much dimmer, as if it were a 15-watt bulb instead of a 100-watt one.

What's going on here? The brightness of the bulb depends on the reflectivity of the surrounding surfaces. The stronger the reflection, the brighter the light; the weaker the reflection, the dimmer the light. If there is no reflective material around, or if there is no material at all, the bulb emits no visible light, even if it remains hot.

The brightness of night depends on the moon reflecting sunlight. A full moon on the 15th day of the lunar month is much brighter than the new moon on the 1st day, because the full moon reflects more sunlight. If the sky is also covered with thick clouds on the 1st day, the darkness can be so profound that you can't even see your hand in front of your face.

There is a sun within a black hole, but because there are no reflective materials, it doesn’t emit light. It’s not that the sun isn’t there; it’s just that nothing is there to reflect its light.

Even if a light source is close, without a medium to carry the light, we will never see it, even if it's right next to us.

No matter how great a thought is, if there’s no medium to reflect it, its greatness will forever remain unknown.

The Greatest Creator exists, but if people’s hearts are dark, they will never see Him.

The Tao flows around us, but if people’s minds are narrow, they will never experience the flow of the Tao.

No matter how profound the love, if there is no receiver, this love will forever remain buried.

These are simple truths—nothing extraordinary. But when we apply these truths in our lives, they will emit a wondrous light.

Let’s analyze this using the example of Lifechanyuan.

Lifechanyuan’s teachings can be described as profound and vast, but if no one accepts them, they are worthless. When someone accepts them, they radiate brilliance. The more people accept them, the greater their light. The higher the Tao nature of those who accept them, the brighter Lifechanyuan’s light becomes. Each of us in Lifechanyuan is a reflector; the purer we are, the stronger our reflection, and the more people will see the light of Lifechanyuan. If we are dark within, not only will we fail to reflect light, but we will also dim it.

Reflecting light sources not only makes the surroundings clearer but also brightens oneself. The more Lifechanyuan members dedicate themselves to its cause, they not only perform selfless acts for all beings but also realize their own value.

The application of energy works the same way: the more you use it, the more it grows; the less you use it, the less you have. Those who are conservative or whose hearts are closed lack energy. Even if you possess priceless treasures or profound thoughts, if you don’t use them, they will eventually turn into a pile of trash. A few days ago, my partner and I played a card game called “Chao Di Pi” (a popular trick-taking card game in China) or "Gai Mao" with Qinxin celestial and Yinhe celestial. This game taught me one thing: you must play your good cards at the right time. If you miss the chance, your good cards will end up useless, merely enriching your opponent while becoming trash to you.

If you have good ideas, share them with others. This way, not only will your ideas not diminish, but they will also multiply and deepen.

The same goes for love—the more you give, the more you receive. The less willing you are to give, the less love you will gain. If you keep love buried in your heart, by the time you die, your love will be nothing more than a pile of garbage.

If you are the sun, then place yourself among reflective materials. If you are not the sun, then become something that can reflect light. Shine together, complement each other.

Life is like this: you are either the sun or a reflective material. If you are neither, your life will be pitch black, ultimately ending as a pile of decaying trash or a dirty, dark path.

Let us reflect the Greatest Creator’s light and, in doing so, achieve a glorious life and eternal LIFE.

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