The Secret to Acquiring Infinite Energy


A room filled with air can only hold so much, and if the doors and windows are sealed, the air will become stale. However, if there are windows on the north and south sides of the room, and they are opened, fresh air will continuously flow in and out. The larger the windows, the stronger the flow of energy. Can this fresh air ever be exhausted? Never—it is inexhaustible.

A businessman's secret to making money lies in the rapid circulation of his capital. The faster it circulates, the more money he makes; the slower it circulates, the less he earns. If he holds onto it tightly without letting it circulate, that capital becomes dead, and not a single penny can be earned.

A beloved singer earns respect and honor by continuously performing for people. The more they sing, the more honor they receive, and the more they sing, the more active their artistic cells become, leading to ever-improving skills. If they stop singing, their artistic talent diminishes, and they gradually fade from people's memories, eventually falling into obscurity.

Wise people are those who continually dedicate their wisdom to others and society. The more they give, the faster they give, the more their wisdom grows, becoming increasingly perfect. The more they release, the more they gain. The more they give, not only does their wisdom not diminish, but their wealth of wisdom actually increases.

The more one labors and exercises, the stronger, more energetic, and more vibrant their body becomes. The less one moves and the more they indulge, the weaker their body, the worse their spirit, and the more fatigued they feel. Therefore, the secret to acquiring infinite energy lies in all-encompassing release. The material world and the nonmaterial world operate under opposite laws: from a material perspective, the more one releases, the more energy decreases; but from a nonmaterial perspective, the more one releases, the more energy increases.

When Jesus was in the human world, he continuously released, and as a result, the energy he gained was unprecedentedly immense. The same was true for Buddha. Many people in the human world are constantly taking but are stingy in releasing; in the end, they gain nothing and have no energy.

The more you give, the more you gain. If you are unwilling to release anything, the result is energy depletion. Jesus revealed this secret to us: "For whoever has, more will be given to them; and whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them." The more you give, the greater the reward; the less you give, the more you will lose even what little you have.

The Greatest Creator's energy is infinite and inexhaustible. When our soul connects with the Greatest Creator’s spirit, we are actually connected to an ocean of energy, and we possess endless energy.

“Half an acre of square pond looks like a mirror, the light of the sky and the shadow of the clouds linger together. Ask the canal how it stays so clear, because there is a source of living water.” By accepting the endless stream of living water from the source and letting it flow out, the small pond will forever remain pure and fresh, eternally reflecting the light of the sky and the shadows of the clouds.

We are in the way of the Greatest Creator, and every day we absorb the revelations of the Greatest Creator's Tao. Our wisdom is constantly growing, and the fresh living water flows continuously in Lifechanyuan. At the same time, we are building Lifechanyuan by releasing our wisdom. The more wisdom we release, the more wisdom we will gain, exponentially increasing.

The wise have said, "A hospitable person will never be poor, a thief will never be rich." The more guests you entertain, the wider your sources of wealth will be. The more you sneak and steal, the narrower your path to wealth will be, and you will never become truly rich.

Every day, the Chanyuan celestials offer the "gems" they find to Lifechanyuan to entertain the Chanyuan guests. Have we become poor? Has our wisdom diminished? No, not only has it not diminished, but our spirit and soul have become increasingly abundant, and our path has broadened.

If I may speak from experience, I release myself daily by writing articles. Have I become poor? No, I have become richer. First, the oceans of wisdom in "Preaching Tao Chapter," "The Nonmaterial World Chapter," "The Attainment of Buddhahood Chapter," "Celestial Cultivation Chapter," "Wisdom Chapter," and other texts are endless. Advanced self-improvement, advanced cultivation, the mysteries of LIFE, advanced health preservation, and other yet-to-be-published wisdom reside within me. I am probably one of the richest people in the world. Additionally, the number of Chanyuan celestials is growing, and they are all my brothers, sisters, family, and loved ones. If one day, there are ten thousand Chanyuan celestials spread across the globe, my living space will span the entire Earth, and I will have homes everywhere. Do you think I am wealthy? Following this reasoning, every Chanyuan celestial has this blessing and is expanding their territory of free living. Just working towards this realistic ideal is worth it. The more you give, the richer you become, not to mention the Lifechanyuan era and the journey to the Celestial Islands Continent.

Many people are unwilling to give, selfish, stingy, and unwilling to release even a little energy for the construction of Lifechanyuan. Have they become rich? I think they are as poor as can be, pitifully desolate, and their final outcome is likely to lose even what they have.

Some may secretly rejoice, thinking they can continuously absorb the wisdom of others without giving, "profiting from nothing" and making a fortune with no capital. In reality, this is foolishness that blinds their spirit. The world doesn't work that way. When LIFE transforms, judgment is not based on how much one has acquired, but on how much one has given. The so-called hidden dragons and crouching tigers, the so-called reclusive sages, are actually some of the most foolish idiots. If stealing could make one rich, everyone would steal; who would still be willing to create? Those who feel proud of themselves but lament that no one understands them are, in reality, selfish and self-centered individuals. If you don't give and only calculate your own small benefits, how can you not feel lonely and isolated?

Therefore, you must give, you must release. The Greatest Creator is constantly releasing His energy without ever desiring to possess anything. Who in this universe could be more affluent than the Greatest Creator?

Don't let immediate benefits blind your eyes, don't let secular values control your spirit and soul. Boldly love those who are worthy of love, and dedicate all you have to those who pursue truth, goodness, beauty, and love—to the brothers, sisters, family, and loved ones in Lifechanyuan. In doing so, you will receive abundant rewards in the end—“karmic rewards beyond imagination.”

Let us continuously spread the teachings of Lifechanyuan, inviting the guests of Chanyuan to join in the construction of Lifechanyuan and the creation of the Lifechanyuan era. As long as we contribute a little, release a little, we will experience the joy of giving, and the merits we accumulate will be embedded in the structure of our LIFE. That will be our "ticket" to ascend to heaven, the foundation of transcending the mundane and transforming our beings. "It’s not about recognizing quality; it’s about comparing quality." Everyone can compare and feel for themselves the immense value of Lifechanyuan.

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