The Reference Frame and Coordinate System of Life


After reading Danxin's "Recreating Reality: A Direct Hit on the Frame of Reference," I suddenly gained some insight. Danxin mentioned, "Whatever frame of reference you establish, your life will correspond to that; the relationship between a person and the world will be shaped accordingly." This is indeed the truth.

Life must have a frame of reference. The kind of reference frame one adopts will determine the kind of life one leads. When we observe human society, we find that people are grouped together, and the primary factor that determines these groupings is the frame of reference. People with the same frame of reference tend to cluster together, while those with different frames of reference find it difficult to integrate.

What frames of reference exist in human society? The Bible, the Quran, Buddhist scriptures, the Tao Te Ching, science, wealth and fame, the theory of evolution, New Age concepts, Marxism, and Mao Zedong Thought—these are all different frames of reference. If we classify them another way, the Greatest Creator, gods, Buddhas, celestial beings, humans, LIFE, natural society, human society, time and space, nonmaterial, and so on are all frames of reference.

Christians take the Bible as their frame of reference, Muslims take the Quran, Buddhists take the Buddhist scriptures, Communist Party members take Marxism and Mao Zedong Thought, merchants take wealth, politicians take power, scholars take fame, and ordinary people take daily survival as their frame of reference... The ignorant have no frame of reference.

A frame of reference is crucial. Choosing the wrong one can lead to a lifetime of regret and endless harm—"One misstep leads to eternal remorse." So, what is the best frame of reference? What standard should we use to establish our life's frame of reference? I believe that the best frame of reference is one that allows people to live a life of value, meaning, joy, and happiness while also giving them hope, enthusiasm, drive, and vitality, and enables them to transition from the human world to heaven. I believe Lifechanyuan is such a frame of reference.

With a frame of reference, one can then enter a coordinate system. Bacteria, insects, wild beasts, birds, fish and tortoises, flowers, plants, domestic animals, the ignorant, the worldly, the mortal, sages, celestial beings, Buddhas, gods—these all represent different coordinate systems. The Lifechanyuan members, the Chanyuan celestials, use celestial beings as their coordinate system. The kind of reference frame you adopt will shape the life you lead, and the kind of coordinate system you choose will determine the quality of your LIFE.

Let us take Lifechanyuan as our frame of reference, and celestial beings as our coordinate system, as we move toward the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World.

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