Secrets of Diet


The key principles of diet are: slow, soft, and warm. This is basic common knowledge in health studies, meaning that the pace of eating should be slow, the food should be soft, and the temperature should be warm. Fast, hard, cold, and hot are major taboos in maintaining health through diet.

However, the true secret of diet does not lie in being slow, soft, or warm, but in the heart — in the mindset of the eater toward the food. From experiments on water molecule crystallization, we know that the structure of molecules changes with a person's mindset. From quantum mechanics, we learn that the behavior of fundamental particles is related to the observer's consciousness. Food, as a substance composed of molecules and fundamental particles, undoubtedly has a molecular structure closely related to the eater's mindset, and its behavior within the body is also closely tied to the eater's consciousness.

Lifechanyuan's dietary theory is as follows: regardless of what food we consume, we should always maintain a sense of gratitude. Keeping a heart filled with gratitude is the secret to maximizing the energy obtained from food. When we feel grateful, the internal molecular structure of all foods, including water, transforms into a beautiful structure that benefits human health. When we eat with a positive mindset, the fundamental particles of the food quickly and joyfully enter the digestive system and are rapidly absorbed by the body. This not only improves the utilization of the food's nutritional value but also minimizes food waste.

True Christians have a good habit of praying before meals to thank God for the food. This is the secret of diet. This practice is essentially a way of reprocessing the food, optimizing its nutritional components, and maximizing the effective nutritional value utilized by the body.

People who enjoy drinking know that drinking with close friends or people who share similar temperaments makes it hard to get drunk, even after many drinks. In contrast, drinking with opponents or people of incompatible temperaments makes it easier to get drunk after just a few drinks. The atmosphere at the table directly affects the effects of alcohol. The degree of intoxication is not mainly due to the alcohol itself but to the drinker's mindset.

Most people know from experience that food consumed when angry is prone to causing indigestion and gastrointestinal issues, while food consumed in a joyful mood, even when eaten in excess, is easier to digest. This is a result of the mindset while eating. Therefore, we should maintain a joyful and grateful mindset while eating; this is the true secret of dietary health.

Remember, when people are in a joyful state, their mental state is at its best, their thinking is sharpest, and their spirit is most beautiful. Similarly, food consumed in a joyful state has the highest nutritional value and is easiest to absorb and digest. Therefore, food also needs joy. So, when you eat, make sure to bring joy to the food. Tell the food: "You are beautiful, you are fragrant, you look great, thank you." In response, the food will say: "The host is wonderful, the host is good, the host is elegant, thank you, host." Why not do it?

People who have endured hardships or have a beautiful soul are most likely to be grateful. For someone like me, Xuefeng, who has endured hunger, I understand the value and preciousness of food. Therefore, I rarely suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. My eating habits are irregular and chaotic; I eat cold and hard foods without hesitation, leftover dishes without complaint, and even moldy or spoiled food. When I am happy, I can eat as much as two meals in one sitting, and sometimes only a little in a day. My wife jealously says, "The Greatest Creator is so biased, giving you a healthy stomach." But she doesn’t know that it’s not about the stomach but about my attitude toward food.

I am someone who almost starved to death, so I have a natural appreciation for food. My speed of eating is renowned. During school, while other students chewed slowly after getting their food from the dining hall, I would immediately start eating while walking, and by the time I reached the dormitory, I had already finished my food. Generally, I finish a meal in no more than ten minutes, if not for considering those around me. Taiji celestial, Wan’nian celestial, and Tianshan celestial have all experienced my eating speed.

I never consider the nutritional value of the food. I eat whatever is available and don’t think about the nutritional balance. During my four years of high school, I never had breakfast, only ate a cornmeal bun for lunch, and had simple noodle soup for dinner. There was no meat, and vegetables were scarce. During those four years, I don’t remember having any illnesses. My body was very thin but strong.

No matter how rough or simple the food, as long as it fills my stomach and prevents hunger, I am satisfied. This has been my greatest desire for food throughout my life. Moreover, with the abundance of food now, I feel like I’m living in heaven, just in terms of eating. Especially when eating fruits like apples and watermelons, the first thought that comes to mind is the Greatest Creator. The fruits are perfectly made by the Greatest Creator, with just the right amount of moisture and sweetness, making them endlessly enjoyable and never tiresome.

So, people, be grateful when drinking water or eating food. This is not only beneficial for your physical health but also for your mental well-being. Embrace a mindset of gratitude while eating; this is the secret of diet. Remember it well.

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