Emptiness, Spirit, Grace


The void holds myriad phenomena, and within the void, myriad phenomena exist. When the mind is empty, spiritual energy arises; when spirit arises, a person becomes graceful. Chanyuan Celestials, born from spiritual mountains, embody emptiness, spirit, and grace, filling the Heavenly Garden.

The masses are weighed down, their hearts filled with rubbish. Though they appear lively, they are actually confused beings. They have ears but do not listen; they have eyes but do not see. I have just said "1," and they continue with "34567." All I can do is shake my head and sigh.

Stones do not bloom, yet the sky creates colorful clouds. Fruits ripen and decay, yet the empty land can grow crops. An empty house is useful, and an empty heart reveals a bright celestial realm.

Empty your heart, throw away your self, and clarity will emerge. When flowers are fragrant, butterflies come naturally; when the mind is calm, thoughts flow effortlessly; when the body is clean, illness departs on its own; when the heart is pure, celestial beings arrive. As long as the heart is empty, the true result will naturally come early.

Fear of death, fear of poverty, fear of loneliness, fear of solitude—all arise because the heart is not empty. Worry, anger, madness, hatred—all stem from an unemptied heart. Anxiety, fear, terror, and dread come from a heart that is not empty. Desiring to stand out, to bring honor to one's ancestors, to dominate the world, to leave a legacy—all are signs of a heart that is not empty. When the heart is not empty, everything becomes empty; when seeking to possess, in the end, nothing is gained. The principle is simple, but practicing it is as difficult as reaching heaven. Emptiness allows possession of all things, while non-emptiness is like chasing fleeting clouds. Whatever you think about will come as long as your mind is sincere; whatever you fear will come as long as your mind is restless. Do not be a good person, nor a bad person; do not do good deeds, nor evil deeds. Do not seek truth, nor falsehood. Return to your true nature, for true nature is the nature of the Tao. Entering the Tao brings life.

The Tao is empty, and it controls all beings. Buddha is empty, and Buddhist laws govern the universe. Oh, humans, if your hearts are not empty, how can you attain the Tao and become a Buddha? Throughout history, sages have sought emptiness and ultimately accomplished their lives. Common people have always sought gold and ended up with an illusory life.

Mountains have spirit, and vegetation flourishes; waters have spirit, and fish and turtles abound; the sky has spirit, and the weather is favorable; the earth has spirit, and all things thrive; humans have spirit, and their charm is infinite. Oh, humans, quickly seek spirit! Without spirit, one is no better than an earthworm. Greed, laziness, anger, and hatred all arise because spirit has not touched the heart. Poverty and suffering throughout life also stem from a heart without spirit. Seeking spirit is not difficult; just enter Lifechanyuan, and the method is simple—fill your heart with the knowledge of the Greatest Creator.

The most beautiful people in the world are in Lifechanyuan. Foshan, Taiji, Penglai celestials are flawless; Bailing, Wan’nian, Qian’nian celestials shine with a spiritual light; Xianhe, Lingzhi, Xueshan celestials are like treasure mountains. In the world, who can compare to the Celestials of Chanyuan?

Wherever there is spirit, there is grace. "The bright moon shines among the pine trees, and the clear spring flows over the rocks." The gentle breeze blows, colorful clouds fill the sky, the warm sun paints the forest shade, and the reefs and sea waves harmonize, creating scenes that resemble the images of Heaven shared by Wan’nian celestial.

Grace is fragrant and alluring, captivating the soul. Grace is like a celestial peach, tempting to the taste. I love grace—the graceful wilderness, the graceful rivers and streams, the graceful blue sky, and the graceful people.

Grace is not heavy makeup but simple elegance. Grace is not flamboyant but simple and pure. Grace is not a storm but a gentle drizzle. Grace is not fiery passion but a love that cannot be severed. To live among the Chanyuan celestials is to live within grace—lightly loving, deeply longing.

If you wish to become a celestial, strive to find the space of emptiness, spirit, and grace. If you wish to become a celestial, you must plan your life around emptiness, spirit, and grace. If you wish to become a celestial, spread your love to the world; if you wish to become a celestial, join in building Lifechanyuan.

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