Forword to the "Chapter of Wisdom"


Fame knows no bounds, business opportunities are limitless, learning is infinite, and wisdom is vast. Just as steel becomes harder with an increase in carbon content, people become wiser with the growth of wisdom.

Knowledge is acquired, while wisdom is cultivated. Knowledge is a summary of experience; wisdom is a product of thought. Knowledge represents the branches, twigs, and leaves; wisdom is the fragrant flowers and abundant fruits.

Archimedes used his wisdom to repeatedly thwart the powerful Roman army's advances. Bill Gates, through his wisdom, ushered humanity into the age of networking. The Buddha remains immortal through his wisdom, and Jesus shines with a divine halo because of his wisdom.

Oh, wisdom! You are the symbol of strength, the source of wealth, the bridge to the mysterious, and the touchstone for distinguishing truth from falsehood. You are both the fierce storm and the bright spring sun; both the weapon of the devil and the arm of the angel; both the olive branch that transforms swords into plowshares and the smoke of war in times of chaos.

A mind without wisdom is like a barren desert, pale and desolate; a mind with wisdom is like a beautiful landscape, full of splendor. Nature is mesmerizing and captivating due to its ever-changing phenomena; people are admirable for their rich wisdom.

Seeking wealth is not as valuable as seeking wisdom. Wealth is lifeless, while wisdom is alive. Wealth may disperse when a person dies, but wisdom shines even more brightly upon one’s death. Wealth can be stolen, lost, or robbed, but wisdom always accompanies its owner, illuminating their life.

Wisdom is boundless and inexhaustible. By engaging in deep thought and research, wisdom emerges from all phenomena; through meditation and reflection, wisdom can arise at any time and place.

Wisdom can transform decay into magic, give wings to thought, serve as the lever to move the Earth, and act as the rainbow spanning time and space. It is the warm sun in winter, the cool breeze in summer, the flowers of spring, the fruits of autumn, the oasis in the desert, the willows in the Gobi, the torch rising in the darkness, and the scattered islands in the vast ocean...

People become great because of wisdom, broad-minded due to wisdom, rich in depth because of wisdom, and have a promising future due to wisdom. Conversely, people are impoverished due to a lack of wisdom, incomprehensible because of a lack of wisdom, drifting and unstable because of a lack of wisdom, and their life and LIFE become dull and colorless without wisdom.

The source of wisdom comes from the Greatest Creator; only by following the way of the Greatest Creator can one cultivate boundless wisdom.

Wisdom that benefits humanity originates from reverence for the Greatest Creator, reverence for LIFE, and reverence for nature; wisdom that harms humanity stems from selfishness, greed, and lawlessness.

“The Chapter of Wisdom” is but a small wave on the ocean of wisdom. Like the "Chapter of Revelations," its purpose is to inspire the thinking of Chanyuan Celestials, guiding everyone into the magnificent palace of wisdom, appreciating the vast gentleness of the ocean of wisdom, experiencing the expansive brilliance of the space and time of wisdom, and climbing toward the highest realm of life and LIFE under the illumination of the light of wisdom. Along the way, let us gather the pearls of happiness and extend our LIVES to the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World.

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