Some Perceptions about Life


Jan 23, 2018

Everyone's present must be accumulated from their past in speech, behaviors and performances. Everyone's speech, behavior and performance are absolutely determined by his inner world. Everyone's inner world is absolutely determined by his upbringing, cultivation and self-restraint. Everyone's upbringing, cultivation and self-restraint are absolutely determined by his beliefs and ideals. It is inferred from this that the path of life is determined by one's beliefs and ideals.

To build the international family, I recently contacted and observed more than 50 communities in the United States and Canada. I also contacted communities in Japan and Portugal. I discovered many interesting phenomena. First, when something beautiful suddenly came, people would always doubt its pure beauty. Instead of embracing it boldly, people deliberately reject it. Secondly, everyone has beautiful ideals, but once the ideal things do come, they are at a loss to understand them and will even resist them. Finally, in order to unite the community, the outstanding must cater to and accommodate the mediocre. Once catered and accommodated to, it is tantamount to retrogression, and retrogression is painful. From this, we found that world harmony is not achieved by morality and ideals, not by preaching and guidance, but by the advancement of science and technology, by changes in lifestyle, and by the compulsion to survive.

To follow the trend, I recently created my own Facebook account and discovered a new world, that is, I can establish connections with people all over the world while sitting in front of my computer. I have had "friend" relationships with people in dozens of countries, but I find that people are fonder of expressing themselves than paying attention to others.

Not long ago, I got in touch with some classmates whom I had lost touch with over 30 years ago. Oh, I was so happy! I hurriedly shared my decades of experience and insights with everyone. The result was that there were very few responses. It was like throwing a stone in a lake that could not splash any water. It gave me the feeling that this generation, born in the 1950s and 1960s, has been swallowed up by the secular world. Except for enjoying their later life (actually waiting for death), this generation has no more enthusiasm and passion for life. They will not make any special contributions to the civilizational sublimation of this world. If they make any contribution, it is nothing more than sticking to tradition, restoring old ways, and attacking new ideas.

I pay close attention to the natural changes in the world every day and find that no place on the earth is absolutely safe. It is either severely cold or tormented by scorching heat, besieged by floods, or scorched by drought, submerged by volcanic ash, or struck down by an earthquake; it either meets with a mudslide or encounters an infectious disease. It is either scorched by wildfires or plagued by wars. It is either blown down by a hurricane or engulfed by a typhoon. It is either shrouded in smog or ravaged by pollution, and it is perilous everywhere. Disasters will befall from time to time.

I keep a constant eye on the changes in social ecology, and I found that none of the so many presidents and political elites around the world can come up with a path or plan for the development of human society that the people all over the world will agree with. From this I feel that truly creative wisdom does not come from the brains of heads of state, but from the people. Civil society is the greatest hope for the rise of human civilization.

Human beings have been living on the earth for five thousand years, and the ideal production and life mode of humans has not yet been born on the earth. If there is an ideal life mode, it is the New Oasis for LIFE mode created by Lifechanyuan, that is, the Xuefeng-style communism model.

Where do people live the happiest? I lived in Binka, the most remote area of Zimbabwe for a period of time, I lived in the most primitive place on Santo Island in Vanuatu in the South Pacific for a period of time, I lived in the prosperous city of Shenzhen of China for a period of time, and lived in the highly developed city of Vancouver, Canada for a period of time. The conclusion is that happiness has little to do with the place where you live but has much to do with the pressures of life. The greater the pressure of life, the less happy people will be, and the lower the pressure of life, the happier they will be.

Yesterday I read the article of "Canglang Shuhua" called "The Fourteen Dregs Left by History in China: Rebellion Without Money, Corruption with Money", I felt that it resonated with me very much. The 14 dregs are:

  1. Regional awareness, anti-foreign sentiment.

  2. Fighting among their own.

  3. Obedience, shamelessly touting.

  4. All talk and no action.

  5. No tradition of peacefully changing regimes.

  6. Handling affairs by relying on interpersonal relationships and blood relationships.

  7. Worshiping the official ranks, fame, position and glorifying the ancestors, paying no attention to science.

  8. Treating people who criticize themselves as enemies.

  9. If they have no money, they will rebel, and if they have money, they will become corrupt.

  10. They can only share adversity, not peace and happiness.

  11. Regarding old and ruined "cultural relics" as "national treasures", and not regarding "talents" as "national treasures”.

  12. Strong retro psychology.

  13. Weak scientific thinking and strong sense of superstition.

  14. The buying and selling of official positions is popular.

I have been thinking about one thing these days. Everyone wants to live well, but after investigating history and observing the status quo, we must ask, how many people have lived an ideal life? From the emperor and president to the common people, from historical celebrities to current stars, from high-ranking officials and billionaires to workers, peasants and peddlers, from experts and scholars to illiterates and thieves, from African blacks to European and American whites and to oriental yellow people, very few people have lived in happiness on their own. The current human race has a history of nearly five thousand years, but most people have not lived an ideal life. What is the problem?

After observation, I came to the following conclusions.

  1. Everyone does not know what kind of life they need; they are just drifting around.

  2. People are struggling with selfish desires, but they do not know that the more selfish they become, the more miserable their lives will be.

  3. People cannot let go of failures and frustrations, and they do things with resentment, which makes their situation worse.

  4. People want to live a good life by getting married and starting a family, but fall into a trap, which is counterproductive for them.

  5. The best inexhaustible resource for mankind is sex. Everyone yearns for a good sex life. However, mankind treats sexual resources as rubbish and waste in a moral, ethical, religious, and customary way.

  6. "Reap what you have sown" is an unbreakable truth, but what are people growing? Every day people are planting jealousy, complaints, anger, rage, hatred, condemnation, attacks, suppression, insults, fraud, lies, ridicule, irony, sarcasm, nitpicking, theft, corruption, luxury, waste, pollution, competition, killing, entrapping, cheating, abduction, deception, superstition, dishonesty, counterfeiting, etc. Can you have a good life by planting so many of these bad seeds?

  7. Internal factors are the basis for a good life, and external factors are the conditions for a good life, but people do the opposite. They do not work hard on their own roots but are eager to achieve success in ever-changing conditions. Of course, they will never live a good life.

  8. They are either too impulsive or with insufficient reason, or negative, passive, and lazy, how can they have a good life?

There are two ways of living that are not worth promoting and imitating, one is the life of pigs, and the other is the life of the dead.

The life of a pig is like this, every day they enjoy themselves leisurely without worrying about eating or drinking. When they are happy, they will play in a mud puddle mixed with rain and excrement, roll around and hum a bit. If they do not want to play anymore, they will lie down on the ground and sleep and feel that they are the happiest in the world.

The life of the dead is like this, living in a well decorated room, not afraid of smog, not afraid of wind and rain, regardless of the changes in the world, regardless of human suffering, not worried about the broiling of the sun, not worried about the cold, no enthusiasm, no passion. Even if they see another’s fine piece of writing, they do not give any praise or encouragement, they do not even give a like. They are just like the walking dead. They think that they have become immortal or like Buddha, in fact they are just rotten and their attitude stinks.

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