Destruction and Creation


Refusing to grow means stagnation, rigidity, and death. Without a series of deaths, life loses all its meaning. The silkworm breaks out of its egg, bathes in sunlight, gentle breezes, and dewdrops, busily feeds on mulberry leaves. It continues to grow, shedding its skin twice in a complete transformation, producing golden or silvery silk. Then it spins a cocoon, transforming itself into a pupa. After a period of cultivation and practice, it changes its life structure, and finally breaks out of the cocoon, emerging as a butterfly, fluttering gracefully among flowers and trees, fully enjoying the splendor of life.

The eggshell, old skin, and cocoon are forms of protection, but they are also constraints. Only by continuously creating and then destroying can a brand-new life form be born, soaring freely in the vast mountains and rivers.

Isn’t human life just the same? Family, ethnicity, nation, religion, and political parties are like the eggshell and cocoon. Initially, they protect, but later, they become restraints and shackles. If the silkworm does not break the shell and abandon it, it will die within it. Even if it does not die, it will remain forever curled inside, unable to enjoy the joy of becoming a butterfly.

Constantly dying and being reborn is the meaning of life; continuously creating and destroying is the meaning of human existence. This is a new way of thinking, a new way of life, a sage’s view of life, a saint’s worldview, a divine perspective on life, and the Greatest Creator’s view of the universe.

Every day, as the bright sun breaks through the morning mist and rises in the east, the crystal-clear dewdrops on the leaf tips gradually evaporate in the morning light, and a new day begins. The earth is filled with fresh vitality, new things continuously rise, the ocean sings in the waves, the green branches sway gracefully in the breeze, joyful birds soar freely in the blue sky, and flowers bloom proudly in the fields and mountains. Ah! How marvelous life is, with the songs of birds and swallows everywhere, brimming with vitality, streams murmuring, and green waves rippling.

Yesterday has passed—"beside the dying boat, a thousand sails pass; in front of the sick tree, ten thousand new trees spring up." We should embrace new life, face the morning glow, enjoy the fresh breeze, carry a basket, and happily pick the mushrooms of happiness that belong to us.

This is an active life, a diligent life, a life full of vitality, and also a life of joy and happiness. We keep on trekking, keep moving forward, heading toward the light, toward the future, toward a new life, toward the boundless space and time of life, advance together, singing and dancing joyfully.

Clinging to the past is the worldview of the passive and lazy. Restricting the pursuit of freedom and happiness is the devil's worldview. Obstructing others' joy and happiness is the narrow and selfish mindset of the petty, and attacking and destroying others' joy and happiness is the perverted moral view of the malformed.

Every man is a unique new landscape, and every woman should at least get to know ten men in her lifetime; every woman is a fresh and beautiful scenery, and every man should love at least ten women in his lifetime. Keep the good ones, discard the bad ones in time, and then seek new scenery. The pursuit of freedom and happiness in love is a legitimate right granted by the Greatest Creator. Why not love? Why not pursue? Why live such a burdened life?

In the end, isn’t it just a trip to the crematorium? Don’t cry and say, "I haven't lived enough," or blame the heavens and earth, saying, "I've lived too miserably." No! Say, "I lived a free and fulfilling life, with no regrets. I lived according to the emotions the Greatest Creator gave me, with flavor, with affection and righteousness."

Everyone should enter some religion or political group for baptism and experience, but don’t get so deeply involved that you can’t get out. Religion and political groups are like protective shells and cocoons. Only those who can enter and exit freely can transcend. If you can enter but can't exit, you will die in them, losing the qualification and opportunity to appreciate the wonders of the world. This is why Lifechanyuan insists on being friends without forming factions.

Everyone belongs to a certain ethnicity and country, but ethnicity and country are also protective shells and cocoons. If we regard these shells and cocoons as our eternal protectors, then we live too narrowly, too boringly, too selfishly, and too conservatively. If our hearts are broad enough, we will appreciate all the ethnicities and countries in the world, befriending brothers and sisters of all ethnicities, and being friendly neighbors with sages and common folk from all countries.

Blind arrogance in nationalism and statism is an obstacle and enemy to human happiness. Those who put the interests of their ethnicity and country above all are narrow-minded frogs in a well, pitiful creatures. A person with a healthy mind will not limit their life vision to a narrow valley but will look beyond hills and mountains, toward the future, toward the whole world, to appreciate countless sceneries and styles.

Therefore, we must constantly destroy—destroy fixed ways of thinking, destroy traditions that shackle human nature, destroy the old shells and cocoons that once protected us, destroy decayed morals that hinder the pursuit of freedom, and destroy all shackles that prevent us from enjoying life’s joy and happiness.

So, we must constantly create—create new ways of thinking, create new lifestyles, establish new views of life, the world, LIFE, the universe, and morality, and open up the era of Lifechanyuan that humanity has long dreamed of.

The "me" of yesterday has already died. I no longer cling to what has passed. The "me" of today is a new "me." I am willing to create and enjoy the present life to the fullest. The "me" of today will also die, and I will embrace tomorrow without hesitation, full of hope to welcome the arrival of a new day.

Constantly dying, constantly being reborn, constantly destroying, constantly creating—changing the structure of life, sublimating the quality of life—new life will always belong to us.

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