The warm and beautiful Third Branch of the Second Home


On August 12th, Lingzi drove while I, Saturn, Spring and Summer, Venus and her child, Tongxin, and Zhuhan—eight of us in total—left the Fourth Branch and headed to the Third Branch. Almost all the brothers and sisters from the Third Branch walked to the place where the road had been dug up to welcome us. They used wooden planks to build a bridge over the dug-up road, allowing our car to pass smoothly. It had been almost six months since I last visited the Third Branch, and the brothers and sisters were eagerly awaiting our arrival, much like a bride waiting for her groom. This genuine human emotion was touching and unforgettable.

We stayed at the Third Branch for five days. Due to a power outage and my computer malfunctioning, I wasn't able to go online for those five days. I apologize for neglecting everyone and hope for your understanding. The current Third Branch, under the careful design of Dean Shengong and the hard work of all the brothers and sisters there, has been built into a beautiful and magnificent place, with scenic views everywhere, presenting an overall thriving atmosphere. The corn planted is growing well, and according to Dean Shengong’s estimate, this year's harvest could yield 10,000 jin of corn. Other crops, such as sweet potatoes and konjac, also promise a bountiful harvest.

My five days at the Third Branch were carefree and leisurely. The main activities were eating, sleeping, strolling to appreciate the scenery, playing chess, and playing cards with the brothers and sisters. One night we played until after midnight, and another night until after 1 a.m.—living like true Celestials. Here are some photos of the Third Branch for everyone to enjoy.


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