Immortal's Abode • July Evening Party • Rowing Segment


On the morning of June 30th, after breakfast, the little angels at the Third Branch gathered by the duck pond for the first event of the July evening party. That event was— as you might have guessed from the title—boating!

From the initial cleanup of the duck pond to all the little angels getting into the water to row their boats, they experienced three hours of pure joy, happiness, and bliss. While rowing, every little angel's face was filled with the sweetness of happiness and romance.

Even though it was midsummer, the Third Branch was incredibly refreshing. We have a cave, and inside the cave, naturally chilled watermelons and Fengshui pears awaited us. After getting thirsty from rowing, we would come ashore and collectively enjoy the cool, refreshing watermelons! The taste, the sweetness—how could mere words capture it? Just look at how joyful and vibrant our life is in the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator!

That evening, the garden crew prepared dinner, and we all enjoyed delicious, crispy pancakes—sweet and golden brown. As we savored them, they filled not just our stomachs but also our hearts with joy.

Living in the poetic and picturesque Kingdom of the Greatest Creator, walking the path of life with romance and happiness, and reaching the vibrant peaks of LIFE—how grateful and blessed we are!

In the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator, songs of gratitude naturally arise in our hearts!

Grateful for the care of the Greatest Creator! Grateful for the great love and guidance of the guide! Grateful for the beautiful Second Home!

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