The beauty of people at work is the most captivating.


Recently, I've taken a continuous series of photos capturing our dear ones at work. Looking at each happy face, I am deeply moved by their tireless and selfless daily efforts. Their hard work and kindness inspire me to cherish our home even more.

In particular, over the past few days, a few Celestials spent two or three days turning a small water pit into a large well. Although the water that seeps out is minimal, during the dry season, this pit's water is essential for sustaining our vegetable seedlings, construction projects, and luo han guo plants.

Additionally, these past couple of days, they’ve been repairing the pond. The Celestials, unafraid of dirt and fatigue, jumped into the water without hesitation, even stripping down to do so. Despite the light rain, it seemed to have no effect on them—they continued to work happily. Take a look at their strong and graceful figures!

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