Immortal's Abode • Children's Day (June 1st) • Collective Labor (1)


At the Third Branch, we have a servant-hearted and excellent dean—Shengong, the little friend!

Shengong encourages everyone to cherish the joyful days spent together with loved ones. During each evening party, he advocates for participating in joyful collective labor early in the morning. On May 31st, everyone got involved in collective labor before breakfast.

After moving those two mountain-like piles of firewood, we discovered that over 99% of the grafted fruit trees had successfully taken root. It was time to remove the plastic wraps that were originally put on to secure the grafts.

Some were battling from up in the trees, while others were working on the ground. There was singing here and laughter there, and just like that, two hours passed before breakfast.

It was all so joyful and delightful! The gentle breeze brushed against our cheeks, singing of the happy life at the Third Branch!

And after the collective labor was finished...

A Celestial picked a pear directly from the tree, and I also ate one—it was so beautiful!

That happiness was bubbling up once again.

How grateful we are to have tasted the exquisite early-ripening pears so early in the day.

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