Immortal's Abode • Children's Day (June 1st) • Games at Ascension Pavilion (2)

After breakfast on the 31st, the children of the Third Branch climbed to the top of the mountain to play at the Ascension Pavilion.

It was the first time we entered this sacred place after its simple renovation!

Opening the windows invites the sun and moon in! Gazing out reveals the distant green mountains! This saying was once again affirmed here!

The feeling was absolutely wonderful! So refreshing! My heart was beating so joyfully!

A sense of gratitude naturally arose within me! How beautiful it is to walk the path of the Greatest Creator!

How fortunate it is to be a Celestial!

Just look at the smiles on the children's faces; it's enough to understand the essence of this place.

Isn’t that sound echoing, “I am so happy living in the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator!”?

All the photos from the game session were taken by Jiaoxian Celestial!

Grateful to the Greatest Creator! Grateful to the guide! Grateful for our home!

Last updated