A springtime blossoming evening party


Winter has passed, and spring has awakened the sleeping earth. Everywhere, life is reviving, and the world is filled with vitality. Nature is gradually shedding the bleakness of winter and donning the tender green attire of spring. The colorful flowers, big and small, are slowly putting on their vibrant skirts. In this season of blooming, everything is fully expressing its true nature, and of course, the red flowers and green leaves of the Second Home are no exception!

Living in the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator, these tender flowers and leaves are the happiest. Whether it's the dull days of winter or the scorching heat of summer, in our hearts, it is always spring. Every day, we strive to bloom because we are nurtured by the love of the Greatest Creator, refreshed by the love of our guide, and made joyful and content by the mutual love of the little spirits in our Second Home as we create a paradise of love together.

If you haven't yet felt the breath of spring or the flavor of love through the layers of winter's wrapping, then take a look at how wonderfully the flowers and leaves at the Third Branch are blooming! They have dazzled me and stirred my heart more than just a little. My spirits are constantly lifted, and I am deeply moved. The bright sunlight, shining through the green leaves that form a canopy, makes me feel that "it's truly good to be alive." Living in the Second Home is truly wonderful. If my life were to end here, I would have no regrets, no complaints. I am deeply grateful to the Greatest Creator!

It feels like this event was a great success—nature is our best backdrop.

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