Immortal's Abode • Children's Day (June 1st) • Oh, the Watermelon Harvest (6)


At the Third Branch, there is an exceptionally outstanding Celestial, beautiful both inside and out. His name is Yangle Celestial. Not only is he handsome, but everything he says and does is so perfectly proportioned, symmetrical, and balanced—like the golden ratio! Whenever I happen to find myself in a place where he is present at the Third Branch, I naturally pause to admire the beauty and fragrance that emanate from him.

Why am I specifically mentioning Yangle Celestial here? Of course, it’s because it’s closely related to this picture and text. The bountiful harvest of watermelons at the Third Branch this year was entirely grown by this wonderfully beautiful Celestial, Yangle. Even after dinner, he continues to care for these watermelons. Every time I walk into the watermelon field, I can feel his love pouring into the land. Eating those watermelons fills my heart with joy. These are, after all, grown by our kind and beautiful Celestial. Every bite carries the energy of love.

Yet, when so many of us gather to share these watermelons, his presence is nowhere to be found. Every time there is something special to eat at our home, he is either unseen or appears very late. That’s just how he is—always leaving the best and most beautiful things for others first.

What an excellent Celestial—Yangle Celestial!

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