Thinking Self-Cultivation (7)


January 28, 2013

Topics for Reflection

1.Connection with the World What is the relationship between the clouds on the horizon and the caterpillars on the grass and yourself? Identify which things are closely and profoundly connected to your life.

2.Independent Function of the Brain Can your brain function independently? Without the vast external world, would your brain be alive or dead?

3.The Nature of Memory Where is your memory stored? Is it in your brain, in the external world, or in the Information Retention Space? What does it mean when memory disappears?

4.Obstacles to Returning Home What are the greatest obstacles that hinder you from reaching the heavenly homeland?

5.Life's Greatest Wealth What is the greatest wealth in life? How can one acquire this greatest wealth?

6.Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe The universe holds infinite mysteries, and humans are capable of attaining 64 divine abilities. What do you think is the key to unlocking these infinite mysteries and abilities?

7.The Power of Imagination "There is nothing impossible, only what we cannot imagine." The question is, how can we develop such imagination?

8.Finding the Greatest Creator Have you found the Greatest Creator? If so, please provide an example to prove it.

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