Our Primary Prayer


To the supreme master of the universe, Allah, Ancestor of Buddha, Greatest Creator:

You are the cradle of LIFE and the birthplace of wisdom and I sincerely thank you for bestowing LIFE upon me. I am but a blade of grass between mountains, a grain of sand in the oceans, and you blessed me with spirituality so that I can enjoy the wonders of nature. I used to be obsessed with the mortal world and was unaware of what truth, goodness, and beauty are, or what falsity, evil, and ugliness are, and my words and deeds had often offended heaven and earth, counter to your will. I repent deeply and beg sincerely for you to forgive me for my sins; I am willing to be your servant, to follow the way that you guide me, and to receive punishment for my transgressions.

Beloved Allah, Ancestor of Buddha, Greatest Creator:

Thank you deeply, for you have always understood my heart and have shown mercy on this tiny LIFE of mine by allowing me to enter Lifechanyuan. No matter how boundless the universe is, it cannot exceed your supernatural power; no matter how deep the rivers are, they are shallower than your wisdom.

I am willing to repent and become a new person:

  1. I will support and honor my parents, care for my wife, love my children, and create a harmonious and happy family

  2. I will lead a simple life and no longer pursue illusory things

  3. I will no longer compete with others

  4. I will no longer drift through life and waste my time

  5. I will love life deeply and maintain my health

  6. I will love nature and never cut down grass and trees at will, kill creatures, or discard filth

  7. I will no longer allow the ignorant to waste my precious time or allow meaningless things to deprive me of my physical and spiritual freedom

  8. Bathed in the light of your wisdom, I dedicate myself to self-cultivation, proceeding with neither hesitation nor regrets

Almighty Allah, Ancestor of Buddha, Greatest Creator:

I no longer misunderstand you with my own shallow knowledge; please forgive my previous ignorance and stupidity. I am a mere mortal now and know little about the universe, life, and nature's mysteries, so I need some time to understand them before I reach the realm of wisdom. I pray for you to give me health, wealth, and freedom; may you keep my loved ones safe and give me more guidance so that I will be transformed and reborn and overcome all worldly thoughts in order to attain sainthood as soon as possible.

Omnipresent Allah, Ancestor of Buddha, Greatest Creator:

I am eager to receive your supervision to test me at any time and in any way. When the rosy dawn bathes the earth and the red sun rises from the east, your servant will have risen up, cleaned up, and begun a new day of life in good spirits. Frustration, failure, displeasure, and dissatisfaction have left me and I will let nature take its course and not chase success stubbornly. I want to enjoy every little bit of my life, even in the face of all misfortune, with a smile. When the bright moon hangs in the sky and the wind blows softly across the field, your servant will have washed away all the dust and dirt around and will be reading and meditating under a lamp.

Supreme Allah, Ancestor of Buddha, Greatest Creator:

I pray to you in the name of Jesus Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni, and Mohamed (PBUH), and approach you with self-improvement. Please accept your servant and fulfill my wish!


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