Totally Lose the Self, Attain a State of Blissful Openness

Deiform Buddha

September 15, 2006

“Totally lose the self, attain a state of blissful openness” is a phrase that emerged from a spontaneous insight of Chanyuan celestial Yuanye during a visit to Niagara Falls in Canada. This “spontaneous” realization encapsulates the pinnacle of attainment for cultivators.

Why does Buddha Shakyamuni advocate for the abandonment of the self? Why does Jesus Christ implore us to relinquish ourselves? Why does Laozi, the sage, champion the principles of “indifference”, “stuffy”, “non-action”, and “The sage holds on to the One and thus becomes a model for the world”? All these teachings converge on the idea of “losing the self.” And what is the outcome of losing the self? It results in a “state of blissful openness.”

In a flash of spiritual insight, Yuanye celestial experienced the state of ultimate bliss. When we “lose the self” and achieve “unity with heaven and humanity,” our mind and spirit ascend to the realm of supreme bliss.

To attain a “state of blissful openness,” one must “lose the self.” The inability to reach ultimate bliss stems from the existence of the “self.” The “self” serves as an impediment, a devil, that obstructs our journey to bliss. The more potent the “self,” the further we drift from heaven.

Let us consider this.

When others are wealthier, have higher status, more fame, better looks, or more talent than we do, we may feel inexplicable jealousy and unease, which leads to suffering. At such times, if we abandon ourselves and transform our self into nothingness in our consciousness, we can free ourselves from suffering and achieve a “state of blissful openness."

When our ideals are hard to realize and we feel frustrated because we cannot reach our goals, if we abandon ourselves and take a step back, preferably retreating to a point where we cannot find ourselves, we will see how laughable it all is, and the frustration will disappear.

When others misunderstand us or even mock and insult us, we may feel angry. At such times, abandoning the self changes the situation entirely.

When your spouse becomes emotionally attached to someone else, it causes you inner turmoil, abandoning the self and observing from a "heavenly" perspective can lead to understanding and even amusement.

If you worry all day about the safety and future of your children, or the well-being and health of your parents, abandoning the self and considering yourself as nonexistent will bring instant relief.

If you are concerned about the future of your country, or dedicate yourself to your ethnicity, political party, religion, or family, feeling that you bear responsibility for the "rise and fall of the world," abandoning the self and viewing yourself as someone who never existed on Earth will suddenly reveal how absurd your actions are, akin to playing childish games.

Everyone has fears and anxieties, such as fear of starving, freezing, being beaten, being crashed, illness, or shame. If you can abandon yourself, death will become a pleasure. By mentally placing yourself in a state of death, you can calmly face various forms of death.


Selflessness” is a wonderful state, free, ethereal, serene, and joyful. When the self is lost, one can immediately experience the state of “blissful openness”.

Give it a try!

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