Three Celestial Cultivation Games for Everyone

Deiform Buddha

October 23, 2006


Find a flowerpot and fill it with the best soil you can find. Then, locate a dried twig or flower stem about one-third the length of a chopstick. Ensure that the twig or flower stem has bark and is definitively dead, incapable of sprouting or growing roots. Insert the dried twig or flower stem into the flowerpot, water it, and then try every possible method to make the dried twig or flower stem grow roots and sprout.

The mystery of life lies within this task. Once the dried twig or flower stem has rooted, sprouted, and grown robustly, you will have become a celestial.


Suddenly, the sun and moon lose their light, and all power sources are cut off. Candles, flashlights, and car lights no longer work, plunging everything into darkness. Houses have collapsed due to an earthquake, all communication devices are non-functional, there is no water, food is hard to find, and you can’t contact any distant relatives or friends. People are crying out in despair, and the weather is exceptionally cold. What would you do?


You suddenly find yourself standing alone in an endless grassland, surrounded by thousands of hungry wolves eyeing you menacingly and closing in. Don’t think anyone will come to rescue you; it is impossible. Now, how would you escape the wolves?

According to the principles of unconventional thinking from Lifechanyuan, there is nothing impossible in the universe—only things that thinking has not yet achieved. So, let’s play these thinking games.

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