Cleaning and tidying up the KTV, “Hengmao No. 1” test run diary.

Huanxin Celestial

When we first arrived at the Youth Homeland, the KTV room was filled with various clutter and was in total disarray. It was particularly dark and damp inside, and both the first and second floors were covered in standing water. On a few occasions, guests expressed a desire to sing in the KTV, so Director Yan decided to get the KTV back in shape to meet the guests' needs. A group of brothers and sisters joined forces to tackle the project. First, we moved all the clutter out, then we stripped the old, moldy wallpaper. After replastering the walls, we replaced the wallpaper with a fresh new look. The wooden sofas on the second floor had rotted completely, so we worked together to remove all the broken wood. A drainage channel was dug near the ground close to the mountain. We also purchased carpets, a karaoke machine, sound equipment, and starlight lamps. After a thorough cleaning and renovation, Director Yan even found a solution to the moisture issue in the KTV. Now, our KTV has a brand-new look. Congling is in charge of the KTV and the game room, helping guests with song selections and maintaining cleanliness. Once again, I witnessed everyone creating a miracle from ruins.

Qianlong and Fangyuan are two highly skilled craftsmen in the home, capable of repairing all kinds of equipment and solving mechanical issues in our daily life. On this particular day, they used old plastic pipes and spare wood to build a small raft. This raft could carry seven or eight Celestials at most. After its construction, the raft was ready for a test sail in the pond. Before long, it drew the curiosity of many brothers and sisters, all eager to try rowing on the water. A few expert swimmers were nearby to ensure safety. To our delight, the first test run of "Hengmao No. 1" was a success! Everyone had a great time, and we added a new entertainment activity to our list. Of course, this activity is limited to internal use and not open to tourists. Later, they even added railings around the boat, making it look more professional. Kudos to their creativity and craftsmanship!


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