Building the Peach Garden Mountain View Homes and daily life

Huanxin Celestial

On the back mountain of the Youth Homeland, there were two unused sheep pens. One day, our talented builders had an ingenious idea—to transform them into habitable mountain view homes using the tempered glass we already had. Once they decided, they immediately got to work. Qianlong and Fangyuan led the design and construction, while the younger and energetic Dantong, Earth, and Dizu assisted with the labor. In a short time, through their hard work, the transformation was completed.

Surrounded by peach and plum trees, these mountain view homes offer a perfect retreat. At night, one can gaze at the starlit sky from inside the room, falling asleep while counting stars. By day, sitting by the window, you can marvel at the stunning natural beauty, listening to the sound of the wind, rain, insects, and birds—a truly serene and enjoyable experience. It's no wonder that many peace-loving Celestials are eager to try living there.

In the home, everyone has a specific role and responsibility. Some handle cooking, while others take care of cleaning, laundry, or growing fruits and vegetables. Some are responsible for hairstyling and design, some for facility maintenance, and others for landscaping and beautifying the home. Each person also contributes to building and maintaining the infrastructure. We all work together, with mutual service replacing management—this is what we call "chaotic management." Each brother and sister performs their tasks with great self-discipline and freedom, completing their work willingly and joyfully.

The Second Home operates under a system of non-possession. There are no marriages, no family units, no monetary transactions—everyone lives by the principle of "owning nothing, yet having everything." We share all resources. The lifestyle here is ahead of its time, far surpassing any mode of living in the secular world. We are confident in the new life model of heaven. Once people truly understand the theory of Chanyuan and the lifestyle of the home, they will be amazed by the founder's thoughtful design and the attention to detail in every aspect of life. Many will fall in love with life in the Second Home.

Now, enjoy the transformation of the mountain view homes and a glimpse into the daily lives of our brothers and sisters.


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