The peach-picking continues as we prepare to welcome the “Golden Sunset” travel group of one hundred

Huanxin Celestial

July is the season when fruits are fragrant and the joy of harvest fills the air—it’s also a busy and prosperous month for business. Earlier, the brothers and sisters who arrived worked hard, thinning fruit from the vast peach trees, clearing weeds, and thoroughly cleaning both inside and outside the estate. I admire Brother Ming (Zhaoming), who tirelessly climbs up and down the mountain every day, quietly tending to the thousands of peach trees, cutting grass in time, observing their growth, and giving them proper care. The saying "Heaven rewards the diligent" proved true as the peaches ripened in abundance. Every day, brothers and sisters would climb the mountain to pick peaches, then sort and classify them. Some of the family members took turns selling the peaches at different markets, and we also welcomed individual guests who came to experience picking and vendors who came to buy in bulk.

For a few days, Director Yan was worried as the peaches blushed in pink and ripened all at once, too many to sell in time. Some peaches naturally fell after ripening, some were eaten by birds, and we enjoyed a lot of delicious fruit ourselves. The remaining peaches were chopped up and fed to the chickens, ducks, geese, and grass carp in the pond. In the end, through the continued hard work of our brothers and sisters who set out early and returned late from the markets, the trees were nearly bare, and the peaches were sold out.

In mid-July, we welcomed a local “Golden Sunset” travel group of about 100 people, mostly elderly individuals around 60 to 70 years old. They likely live alone or with a partner, as their children are busy with work, so when they have the chance, they like to come out and participate in group activities to relax. The group leader led them to experience the joy of picking peaches by hand on the mountain, and they stayed at our estate for a day, enjoying meals, entertainment, and relaxation. Some sang karaoke, others danced, and some played poker and mahjong. It seems that many of the guests were seniors who enjoyed gathering a group of 10 to 20 people every now and then, mostly familiar neighbors or classmates, to spend a day eating and staying at our farmhouse. The costs were split equally, and they enjoyed relaxing, experiencing life in the countryside. Among them were several repeat visitors who had been here two or three times. Some mentioned that they loved the fresh air, clean and tidy environment, improved accommodation, and satisfying meals. They also appreciated our warm and friendly service, which is why they liked to bring a group of friends here to enjoy themselves.

This reminds me of the elderly Celestials who once lived in the Second Home of Lifechanyuan. They lived with dozens or even hundreds of younger or middle-aged Celestials, spending their days in fulfilling activities—living, learning, working, and playing together. Their days were rich and vibrant, and loneliness was rare. Every month, we held song and dance performances and entertainment events, where everyone could shine on stage, expressing their talents and youthful energy. There were endless games and fun, and everyone played and laughed together as if they had returned to childhood, full of joy and laughter. Age seemed to no longer matter, and people naturally blended into a harmonious community. By following the same life principles and resonating at the same spiritual frequency, they lived without the worries of the secular world. The well-functioning paradise-like system allowed them to fully relax and enjoy every beautiful moment of their later years in the community. 2023-7

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