A colorful and vibrant communal life

Huanxin Celestial

Who is singing, brightening the springtime? Who is working, warming the seasons? Who is experiencing communal life, writing a legendary story of wonder?

What are the benefits of communal life?

  1. "Happiness shared is happiness multiplied" – the joy and fun you feel are magnified, and every day brings new excitement.

  2. "Each person to their strengths, each object to its purpose" – personal potential is maximized, and the use of all resources is optimized.

  3. Sharing everything allows you to experience the celestial quality of "owning nothing, yet having everything."

  4. There's no longer a need to worry about tomorrow or be concerned with "food, clothing, shelter, transportation, life, aging, sickness, and death."

  5. No more heavy household chores – each person is responsible for just one task, ensuring they do their job well.

  6. You are surrounded by like-minded brothers, sisters, and loved ones to talk and share with, so loneliness and isolation are never an issue.

  7. Communal life is the best training ground, where through mutual interactions, we gradually release ego and constantly improve ourselves.

  8. Every individual is a kind-hearted angel, making the atmosphere here pure and safe, allowing you to relax body, mind, and soul.

These are just 8 of the many benefits, but there are even more wonders to discover. You'll have to come and experience them yourself when the time is right! 2023-7

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