When you have set aside worldly attachments, would you like to join and settle in the home?

Huanxin Celestial

When you’ve finished reading the Anthology of Lifechanyuan, would you like to become a Celestial Being? Embark on a spiritual life, and respond to the call of divine travel. The Anthology of Lifechanyuan encompasses boundless wisdom. The Second Home is a model of heavenly life on Earth. There are no marriages or families here, and it is a new chapter in communism.

When you have set aside worldly attachments, would you like to settle in the home? In the mornings, you’ll hear the joyful songs of birds, and at night, the soothing sound of flowing streams. Experience communal life and return to the natural way. Celestials resonate at the same frequency, constantly perfecting their hearts and souls. We laugh and play together, with no distinctions between young and old.

When you’ve seen through the illusions of the world, would you like to cultivate with me? We work with the sunrise and rest with the sunset, living in harmony with the Tao. We learn, exercise, relax, and playfully explore the human world. We pick fruits and vegetables, tasting the blessings of the Greatest Creator. Pure, simple, and free, we return to the joy of childhood.

When you are free of worldly attachments, would you like to let go of the human realm? Leave behind the delusions of this upside-down world, and let go of illusory dreams and fantasies. In all the games of life, only LIFE and consciousness truly matter. Awaken, elevate your consciousness, and strengthen the energy structure of your soul. One day, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, you will ascend, transformed and soaring.


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