You Reap What You Sow


June 29, 2024

Nature gives us a simple and direct lesson: you reap what you sow.

When we plant wheat in the field, we harvest wheat. When we plant corn, we harvest corn. For thousands of years, humanity has never observed a phenomenon where planting carrots yields watermelons, or planting potatoes yields tomatoes.

Can this lesson apply to other areas? For example, if we plant hatred in our hearts, will we harvest love? If we sow stinginess, will we reap generosity? If we plant anger, will we harvest joy?

Moreover, if we consider human society as a field, what should we plant? If we sow selfishness, will we harvest selflessness in return? If we plant theft and robbery, will we reap living and working in peace and contentment? If we sow dishonesty and breach of trust, will we harvest trust and fidelity?

Additionally, if we view the universe as a field, what should we plant? If we plant the belief that "humans are the most intelligent beings in the universe," or "humans can conquer heaven," or "humans are the rulers of all things," or "my fate is controlled by me, not by heaven," will we reap health, safety, freedom, and happiness?

If the principle of "you reap what you sow" does not hold, why not do as you please?

If the principle of "you reap what you sow" does hold, would you dare to act as you please?

Human society has many negative phenomena, such as disease, hunger, turmoil, war, displacement, helplessness, hatred, infighting, deception, misfortune, and so on. If we consider these phenomena as fruits, are these fruits of our own making?

We can analyze each specific phenomenon, tracing back its origins. For instance, someone has a headache, someone is in a car accident, a village is flooded, a family is exterminated, someone is imprisoned, one dynasty is overthrown by another, or current conflicts like the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Palestine conflict.

I may not have the ability to conduct such in-depth analysis, but I believe that in the Greatest Creator’s field, the principle "you reap what you sow" holds true. In the devil's domain, it might be "sow melons, reap beans; sow beans, reap melons." But one thing I can be sure of is that when we sow beans but reap melons, we are not far from misfortune, suffering, and hell.

Dear reader, what have you sown in the past? What do you plan to sow in the future?

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