Will Hitting a Wall Lead to Enlightenment?


January 2, 2024

People often say, "One doesn't turn back until hitting a wall," "One's heart won’t give up until reaching the Yellow River," and "One won’t shed tears until seeing the coffin." However, I would say that even after hitting a wall, people still won’t turn back; even after reaching the Yellow River, they still won’t give up; and even after seeing the coffin, they still won’t shed tears. Here’s the evidence:

Someone may divorce due to marital discord, which is like hitting a wall, but before long, they get married again, continuing to hit the same wall.

Many people work hard all year and make very little money—like reaching the Yellow River—but the next year, they continue working, diving back into the river.

Wars result in death—war is a coffin. Yet for thousands of years, people continue marching into wars. Not only do they not cry when they see the coffin, but they also don’t shed a tear even after entering it.

Let me ask you, dear reader, have you ever argued with someone? Arguing is like hitting a wall. But did you turn back? Next time you argue again, especially in marriage, where disputes are common. Haven’t you repeatedly hit the wall without turning back?

Have you ever lost money at a casino? That’s hitting a wall, isn’t it? Yet, why do you keep going back to the casino? Even if you’re battered and bruised, you still go. Is the wall made of cotton? Must one truly drown in the Yellow River before giving up?

Have you ever been deceived while trying to take advantage of a situation? After being tricked, did you stop trying to gain the upper hand? Why then, do you get deceived again? It’s just a case of falling for one trick after another, with only slight variations.

Have your prayers at temples ever fulfilled your desires? If not, why do you keep burning incense and bowing? Do you believe that if Temple A doesn’t work, Temple B or C will? You keep hitting the wall, time after time. If you haven’t broken through the wall yourself, you encourage your children and grandchildren to keep hitting it. When will it ever stop?

Some people speak beautifully, but their actions have nothing to do with their words. Believing them once is understandable, but why do you continue to pin your hopes on them? You’ve already hit the wall once; why keep hitting it?

Look at many elderly people—have they changed any of their bad habits from their youth? Not at all. Decades have passed, and they remain the same. Is there any introspection? Any awakening? None. They hit the wall daily without turning back, jump into the Yellow River without losing heart, and lie in the coffin without shedding a tear.

Human society has advanced, but aside from the changes in production methods brought by scientific and technological progress, human nature hasn’t fundamentally changed much from thousands of years ago. The conveniences of transportation and communication, and the abundance of goods, haven’t elevated human nature by much. The person riding a bullock cart a hundred years ago and the person flying a plane today are essentially the same. The person in a long gown a century ago and the person in a suit today are also the same.

So, take a look! Keep observing! Every day, countless people keep hitting walls without hesitation, flocking to the Yellow River without losing heart, and seeing the coffin without shedding a tear—they come one after another, endlessly. Alas! Humanity.

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