Where to Find a Bosom Friend


March 2, 2020

“Where can one find a bosom friend? It's so hard to find a bosom friend in life”, “One true bosom friend is enough for a lifetime”, “It is easier to make a lot of money and be rich but very difficult to find a bosom friend”, “One may have many friends but has no bosom friend”.

A bosom friend is very rare like a gem, you cannot ask nor work to get it.

“There was no traveler on the ancient road till I met you in the cold mountains”, “The smile for seeing you is still on my face, we are saying farewell and weeping in a twinkle”, “Late at night in the candle light with your company is like dreaming”, “A bosom friend far away brings a distant land near”, “Without any word, my heart is drunk , no need for wine”, “Feel my heart, you will know how deep my memories are” “In a watery region, I have nothing to give you as a memorial, so I will give you a plum blossom”, “In memory of Zhong Ziqi, Boya won't play any music again”. These are visions of a bosom friend.

Where can we find a bosom friend?

We cannot find a bosom friend in the official, business place, casino or battlefields.

No bosom friend can be found among family, friendship, friends, classmates, or colleagues.

No Bosom friend can be found in political parties, religious organizations, family, relatives, various groups.

We cannot find a bosom friend in contracts, agreements, courts, markets, or bars.

In a word, wherever interests are entangled, no bosom friend can be found.

Where is my bosom friend?

Bosom friend is in your LIFE channel, in your soul, in your spirit, and in your happily playing with your friends.

Bosom friend is like a flower, you can only appreciate it, you never pluck it.

Bosom friend is like water, you follow its flow and should not set standards for it.

A bosom friend is elegant, free and unrestrained, we should never have the desire to possess them.

Bosom friend is like honey, sweet and mellow, it can only be sweet in the soul, in the spirit, and shouldn’t be contaminated with a trace of dust.

Absolutely beautiful things can only be enjoyed by absolutely beautiful Lives. If we do not reach an absolutely beautiful state, it will never be possible for us to enjoy the nourishment of a bosom friend.

We cannot beg for a bosom friend, we cannot buy a bosom friend, we cannot keep them by relationship, and we cannot kidnap them in the name of love.

A bosom friend features in abundance of affection, but we should not attach to affection. “Since times immemorial, affectionate people always suffer the most emotionally”. Once you don't see each other for many days, “You start to realize the place where you have spared from or maybe drunken stupor, the riverside is strewn with willow trees, the morning breeze wafts in with a waning moon”, “All day long, I expect you but, somehow, you are not back”, “Flower petals drifting, water flowing”, “I Haven't seen you for so long, the Xiang river looks boundless”, “Cut, severed and sorted, messier still-this is the parting woe”.

Bosom friends are rare in the world,

Only abound in Chanyuan,

Clambered up the snowy peak and looked over the rivers,

The mountain flowers are blooming.

Last updated