Observe the Human Natures of the World and Understand the Way to Heaven


Nov. 14, 2020

I have traveled twenty years on the path of Lifechanyuan, the way of the Greatest Creator. Looking back, I feel more and more that I have chosen the right path. This path is the way to heaven. Other than that, I haven’t seen any other way that is simpler, easier, clearer, and more direct.

The most direct evidence is that more than 70 Chanyuan celestials have become celestial beings. Among them, there are three families. Eight out of ten members of one family have become celestial beings, a family of five have all become celestial beings, and a family of three have all become celestial beings. Old people can enjoy their twilight years, the children can grow up healthily and are all outstanding, and I have to admire the magic and ingenuity of this path.

With twenty changings of the seasons, I have thoroughly and clearly seen through the world, the shortcomings of Western and Eastern civilizations, the state of LIFE and the confusion of everyone, and the root cause of the suffering of human beings and its effect on everyone.

Looking at this magnificent picture of history in the world, I thus understand the limitations and helplessness of Jesus, Shakyamuni, Lao Tzu, Muhammad, and the saints and sages of the past. I also understand the confusion and defects of capitalism and socialism. The most valuable thing is that, I understand that the presidents of various countries are not celestial beings, but mortals, and that the philosophers, scientists, professors, experts, artists, celebrities, rich men, and masters that appeared in the world are also in confusion. They are also living their lives in a muddleheaded way.

The most interesting thing is to look at the lives of the toiling people, which are pathetic, sad, pitiful, and regrettable. The more stubborn that people are, the more they do not understand the truth and reason; the more stubborn that people are, the more miserable they are. There is another interesting phenomenon. The more people like reasoning with others, the more they do not understand the truth. “Fall into a pit of one's own digging” seems to be very suitable for people who like reasoning.

People who pursue the extraordinary and enjoy being ordinary are very pitiful. People who pursue the extraordinary seem to stand and shout in the wind, a bit like a madman does; while people who indulge in the ordinary are a bit like pigs reared in a pigsty, they just know no other way. Those who truly understand the truth of the world are those who have returned from the extraordinary to the ordinary, and they are the ones who enjoy life.

The ordinary that has never been extraordinary is mediocre, and extraordinary that has not returned to the ordinary is impetuous.

The plot of the world will never be played out according to any individual subjective will. Presidents cannot do it, sages cannot do it, and the general public cannot do it. That is how the Tao is running. All conditioned Dharmas will be in vain like bubbles. Only those who know that it will rain tomorrow and go out with umbrellas are those who know the plot in their hearts; and those who know the plot and give guidance to others are the "enlightened masters" of the world.

As a human, no matter what you say or do, you will attend to one thing and lose another. Life without an ultimate goal is a life of confusion, no matter how great and brilliant one feels, it is a life of clouds, a life of contradictions, and a life of misery, because when death comes, you will feel sad because of fear and helplessness.

Without a frame of reference and a reference object as the benchmark of self-improvement and self-refinement, people will be at a loss. All people's words and deeds will be a form of blundering. When the sun comes out, they will be happy for a while, and when the sun goes down, they will be lost for a while and they cannot achieve long-lasting tranquility, joy and peace of mind.

A truth needs to be revealed, that is, the more one is ordinary and lacks material wealth, the easier it is for him to become celestial; and the more knowledgeable, capable, and materially rich one is, the more difficult it will be for him to become celestial. This is probably also the reflection of the justness and fairness of the universe’s balance mechanism. That is, if you have obtained the benefits of this shore, you will no longer have your welfare on the other shore; a tiger cannot grow wings on its back. With the blessings of the world, you can no longer look forward to the happiness of heaven.

According to the practice of Lifechanyuan, what Christ Jesus says is true, "Happy are you who are poor... happy are you who are in need of food now... happy are you who are weeping now...". Those who have become celestials in Lifechanyuan were all once poor, hungry, and weeping people, while those who are wealthy, full of food, and laughing did not become celestials. It turns out that the Greatest Creator has been protecting his disadvantaged people.

From the laws of the world, people are right no matter what they say and do, and there is no one who is wrong.

From the perspective of the law of sublimation of LIFE, people are wrong no matter what they say or do, and there are few people who are right.

The chicken soup for the soul is delicious, but it is mostly made of the "insight" of people with illusive thinking. If you drink too much, you will be drunk and fall into the dust.

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