No Complaints Make Sense


September 23, 2020

All complainers are confused in their brains; those who complain do not understand the truth.

  1. A girl entered a food store and asked the shopkeeper for a bag of rat poison. "I’m sorry”, replied the manager, ”but this is a food store and we don't sell rat poison". The girl complained, "why do you not sell rat poison? You made my trip for nothing".

  2. There was a rabbit who had been looking throughout a cornfield all day to find some carrots to eat without finding any, so it complained: "humans do not care about us, why do they not grow carrots in their corn fields?".

  3. There was a worker who, seeing his boss driving their Mercedes Benz to work every day, complained: "the world is unfair! Why should he drive to work in his Benz while I have to take crowded busses every day?".

  4. A wife complained to her husband: "your former classmates have all become directors of divisions and Directors-General, while you are not even a section chief, I am ashamed of you".

  5. Her husband complained back: "others’ wives are so sensible, only you criticize me every day".

  6. A social media netizen who entered a special flirting group hung around for a long time and then complained, "there is no preaching and talking of scriptures or Tao here, neither are there cooking skills or health care experiences. How can you all be so boring?".

  7. A man came to a dictator's paradise and complained, "there is no democratic atmosphere here. Why should he always have the final say in everything and disregard the public’s opinions? It is grossly unfair!”.

  8. One came to the prairie and complained, "I like climbing mountains, but there are no mountains here, which disappoints me a lot".

After careful analysis, it is found that the head of any complainer must have been kicked by a donkey, their brain has short-circuited, or their mom must have mistaken a contraceptive for a cold medicine. I once complained until I finally found out that I might have entered the wrong room, taken my wife’s sister as my wife, taken snakes as dragons, or become sworn brothers with pigs; have you ever complained?

What do you do when someone keeps on complaining around you? My experience is to pay them no attention because they are unreasonable and enjoy making trouble out of nothing. The more you care about it, the more trouble you will have. We can only lend deaf ears to them. Of course you can laugh in your heart, laugh at this person who must have gotten up on the wrong side of their bed or their neurological synapses have opened, so that this kind of complaining will not hurt you, make you unpleasant, or anger you to explode.

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