Let's Start Learning to Speak


August 18, 2023

Firstly, I repent to the Greatest Creator because I have uttered many improper words. From now on, I'll speak cautiously, avoiding creating suffering due to inappropriate words.

Words spoken by the mouth have the power to revive life, to turn around situations, to bring light in the darkest times, to provide warmth akin to spring, to uplift the despairing, to comfort the sorrowful, to ignite passion in desolate hearts, to show the dawn to the lost to be inspired and live positively thereafter. Some words even lead to enlightenment, becoming Buddha or celestial.

Conversely, words spoken from human mouths can subtly kill, distort truths, provoke chaos, shatter the hopeful into desperation, break friendships, blur right and wrong, slander the innocent, portray black as white, instill fear, crush people’s belief and confidence in life, lead one astray from the righteous path, mislead to the point of confusion, and transform individuals into malevolent beings.

If one cannot master the art of words, it not only harms others and society but also affects relatives and friends, leaving behind boundless karmic obstacles for oneself, making escape from the cycle of existence unattainable.

There are eight types of speech that should never be uttered:

1) Passive, negative, and pessimistic

2) Sowing discord and creating rifts in relationships.

3) Cursing others.

4) Complaining and grumbling.

5) Holding grudges.

6) Gossiping behind others' backs.

7) Sarcasm, ridicule, mockery, threats, violence, deceit, and tempting others to commit crimes.

8) Blasphemy against the Greatest Creator, spirits, masters, ancestors, or benefactors.

Conversely, there are eight types of speech one should wholeheartedly express:

1) Warm and comforting words.

2) Words that bring joy and happiness.

3) Uplifting and encouraging words.

4) Positive, optimistic, and constructive words.

5) Inspirational words fostering a longing for a better life.

6) Humorous and witty words that make people burst into laughter.

7) Praising and appreciating others and life itself.

8) Hymns and prayers to the Ancestor of Buddha-the Greatest Creator.

Speaking is an art and a form of cultivation. Apart from speaking words that benefit oneself without causing harm, the tone, expression, and attitude are also crucial. A gentle tone, a friendly expression, and a soft attitude even while criticizing make it easier for others to accept. Conversely, a harsh tone, stern expression, a disdainful and aggressive attitude, or even hysterics, even if the words spoken are truthful and beneficial, make it challenging for people to accept and might incite resistance.

In life, those unable to speak properly will face difficulties and setbacks. On the other hand, those who are articulate will have advantages and will be a breath of fresh air to others, paving the way for a bright future.

Have you learned to speak well?

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