Effortlessly Solving Low-Dimensional Problems with High-Dimensional Solutions


July 1, 2024

There are no insurmountable problems—just raise the dimension.

For Earthlings, immigrating to Mars might seem like a challenge, but for a high-dimensional being like Elon Musk, it's not a problem at all.

Playing with a smartphone effortlessly in remote mountains without electricity or signal seems difficult for humans, but high-dimensional beings like Musk can solve it with ease.

With the help of intelligent navigation systems, people can drive to unfamiliar big cities without a map, without getting lost, and without wasting time.

Is it possible to have a face-to-face chat with someone thousands of miles away? From conventional thinking, it seems impossible, but today's smartphones have solved this problem.

There is no such thing as impossible; there are only things that are not yet understood or beyond our current cognitive abilities.

Once AI’s IQ exceeds 200, all the world's nuclear weapons would automatically become inoperative—this is called a dimensionality reduction strike.

Once the brilliance of the past is crushed by higher dimensions, decline is inevitable. When decay sets in, there will be no more crying or shouting.

We once believed that marriage was a conventional aspect of life—men marry and women marry off. However, with the advent of the Second Home, we have discovered that traditional marriage and family structures are an endless sea of suffering. Today, we see how ignorant and foolish all the teachings and efforts to maintain family harmony, guide parents in raising children, and so on, truly are. Marriage and family are destined to decline, and any attempts or moral teachings to save them will only be futile struggles and helpless cries.

The Second Home, being higher-dimensional, makes traditional production and living modes look pitifully outdated.

Humanity has struggled for thousands of years with problems such as corruption, theft, robbery, fraud, bullying, exploitation, gambling, prostitution, drug abuse, hunger, inequality, jealousy, conflict, turmoil, and war. Lifechanyuan values and the Second Home model easily resolve these issues.

What about countries?

Countries that have seemingly existed for thousands of years and appear strong and stable will quickly crumble when AI arrives, becoming nothing more than a fleeting memory.

Living through this era of transition, with daily exciting high-dimensional information emerging and witnessing earth-shaking changes, makes this time truly worthwhile. Experiencing such a spectacular era, a visit to this world is indeed worth it!

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