Morning Sutra, Noon Sutra, Evening Sutra, Night Sutra


To assist with self-improvement and cultivation, I have compiled a set of short scriptures that can help calm your restless mind and spirit. The text is as follows:

Morning Sutra

The vast, distant heavens know my heart; the myriad gods in the darkness know my name; the operation of the sun and moon is aware of my deeds;

The mysteries of the universe are infinite and endless; divine calculations hinge on a single heart; what the heart desires, so shall things be accomplished;

Life is finite, but the operation of the Dao is infinite; break through the three dimensions, elevate the spirit; in the wonderful fairyland, I roam freely;

I act, I act, in accordance with heavenly principles; follow the natural course, water flows and forms a stream; diligent every day, trees grow into a forest;

Not arrogant, not impatient, the mind and spirit are tranquil; not anxious, not angry, following the mandate of heaven and fate; not seizing, not competing, enjoying peace;

Do not yearn for or plot for glory and wealth; do not judge or fixate on merits and faults; stars follow their trajectory, I follow the Dao in my actions;

Today I am ordinary, tomorrow I am mediocre, ten years of cold and heat, transforming stone into gold, after fifty years old, walking with the gods.

There is hierarchy in heaven, and there is nobility and lowliness on earth, this is not determined by fate, but depends entirely on self-cultivation;

Near the mountains, you recognize bird sounds, near the water, you know fish nature, worship Buddha to attain Buddha nature, seek celestial and illusions become reality;

The sky does not drop pies, trees do not bear gold; to walk the road of happiness, you must be diligent every day;

Among the myriad affairs of life, reading is the most important; reading clarifies principles, doing things naturally succeeds;

Next, seek good friends, good friends are confidants, they help you find your way back when lost, turning loneliness into fairyland;

Fame and fortune confuse human nature, success and failure mix truth and falsehood;

Right and wrong are not for me to judge, good and evil are discerned by divine.

Busy hustle does not equate to diligence, pursuing desires makes it hard to understand life;

Using cunning does not count as cleverness, striving for victory wastes time.

Heaven above, please see my heart:

Today my heart is like a clear mirror, unstained by dust and impure emotions;

Let birth, aging, sickness, and death take their course, merits and faults do not weigh on my heart;

I do not commit acts against heaven and reason, I despise deceit and trickery;

Even if I live a life of poverty, with a clear mind and calm spirit, I will ultimately realize my wish.

Noon Sutra

Under the blazing sun, I toil in the fields, sweating profusely. It’s not survival that compels me, but the pursuit of a beautiful life.

I do not desire unexpected wealth, nor am I bothered by others’ splendor. You busy yourself with delicacies, while I find comfort in simple meals that warm my heart.

I do not seek physical beauty, unafraid of having a dark complexion or being slender. You indulge in elegance and charm, while I find health in simplicity and grace.

I do not court high-profile guests but find joy in gathering with neighbors over fragrant tea. You create storms and waves, while a single good friend brings comfort to my heart.

I do not yearn for promotion or wealth, leading a simple life without worry. You rush around everywhere, while I diligently tend to my own patch of land.

I cannot command the winds and rains, but I can raise pigs and sheep. You flaunt your power over others, but for me, peace at home brings happiness.

The sun rises in the east, and it rains in the west, spring thrives and autumn fades. The young do not realize the sorrow of old age, exhausting themselves daily without rest.

The mountains and rivers remain unchanged, but people are always in a hurry. What truth can they find in the end? A hundred years pass swiftly, and the sun and moon mock my foolishness.

The great river surges with magnificent momentum, while the small stream flows joyfully. The kunpeng soars high, its wings brushing the low-hanging clouds, while the oriole sings sweetly nestled in the forest.

Everyone has their own life story, why compare it with mine? You have your strategies to reach the heavens, while I have my little nocturnes.

Gold is produced in the southern mountains, silver in the north. Why resent the heavens for unfairness? Whether riding horses or in carriages, one should act according to their station, and not blame parents for lack of cultivation.

Children’s success depends on their nature; why scold them for not being bright? Neighbors and friends all have their own sufferings; do not resent them for lacking true feelings.

Wolves eat meat, sheep eat grass, mice hoard food in their storage, snakes and scorpions are busy. All these are heavenly arrangements; why foolishly get angry?

Half the day has passed, I ask my heart: Have I harmed heaven, earth, or man? Revitalized, I continue my journey, and my life renews itself every day.

Evening Sutra

As night falls, people become weary, both body and mind exhausted, as if struggling. The numerous worries of the day, each one tormenting and hastening the graying of hair.

In the evening, one should relax the body and mind, but the TV and phone keep ringing nonstop. Neighbors come over or call out for something, all are worldly disturbances scratching at the heart

Karaoke bars, dance halls, mahjong, Pai Gow, and night markets flourish. Even casually picking up a magazine can incite and arouse emotions.

Busy with worldly matters, families become strangers. Though under the same roof, your heart and mine remain unknown to each other.

Supporting a family is truly not easy, and upholding the family honor is even more arduous. When asked why life is so full of suffering, Buddha smiles and answers: the root of all sufferings lies within the heart.

The sea of suffering is boundless, and if the heart is confusing, it is because of the impurity of the six senses. When priorities are misplaced, both body and mind grow weary, and time slips away in ambiguity.

Life is not about this; being confused by appearances is meaningless. Bodhidharma traveled a thousand miles to the East, bearing the true holy intent of the Ancestor of Buddha.

In the face of emotions such as hate or love, one must relinquish what needs to be relinquished. Embracing tranquility, indifference, and non-attachment, one advances in the Buddha’s realm during daily activities

The Buddha’s land is not an illusory realm; its true forms reveal in the 33-dimensional space. Enlightening the mind and seeing one's nature is a daily practice, the journey to enlightenment and the true path of Bodhi begins.

The supreme ruler of the universe, the Greatest Creator, is the same as the Ancestor of Buddha and Allah. The Bible, Buddhist scriptures, and the Quran, all lead to the same ultimate truth.

Faith is not an empty feeling; it’s like a lamp in the night. With devoted cultivation and sincere seeking, salvation comes when you least expect it.

The great form has no shape, great talent takes time to develop. Sowing a seed in spring, reaping in autumn. Great wisdom seems foolish, its voice is rare; the supreme Tao is hidden without a name.

A nine-story tower starts from a pile of earth; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. A towering tree grows from tiny sprouts; trickling streams become rivers.

Every thought, every idea, every action, every small influence has an effect. Every second, every minute, every moment, each moment is golden.

A slight deviation can lead to a great error; light a heart lamp and you won’t be lost. A clear mind and quiet heart lead to the path of heaven; a chaotic mind and restless heart lead to the gates of hell.

Buddha’s compassion guides the way, transforming me from within. Suddenly, the dark alley opens into a bright village, and now, I start anew, step by step.

Night Sutra

In the stillness of the deep night, the birds are silent. The stars twinkle and the moon shines brightly. Occasionally, dogs bark and cuckoos cry; this is the time to ponder profound truths.

The countless stars have their own orbits. The moon waxes and wanes on schedule. Rivers surge along their courses. The rooster crows at dawn as expected.

Flowers bloom and wither in their seasons. The rolling dust of the mortal world leaves traces. Changes in the world follow the flow of circumstances. Winds rise and waves surge with cause.

The five elements mutually generate and overcome each other. Great prosperity cannot last long; it has its limits. Comets come and go, as do geese; without coming and going, all would cease to exist.

Joy and sorrow, partings and reunions, depend on fate. Misfortune and poverty have their origins. Collapsing walls, falling houses, and car accidents are not mere bad luck.

Illness and disaster come from my own wrongdoings. When things go wrong and wishes are unfulfilled, do not blame heaven or people.

The vast world is fair. A beautiful life depends on cultivation. You reap what you sow; harm heaven and reason, and your life will be in vain.

If jealousy becomes a habit and you seek revenge, how can you find peace and happiness? If you still desire an umbrella after getting a raincoat, how can you be saved from your overwhelming greed?

If you lack faith and guidance, how can the gods grant wisdom? Always competing and comparing, you bring unrest to the whole family.

An uneasy heart leads to an unclear path. Even if you live to a hundred, you remain a confused soul. Selfishness turns you into a worldly person, with all your efforts amounting to nothing.

A simple life, an ordinary person, a plain living, and a calm heart—all start from simplicity. Simplicity and plainness are the true essence.

Life has eighteen ranks, from ignorant and worldly, to mortal, sages, and saints. The universe is divided into thirty-six dimensions, with spiritual light connecting them all.

The physical body has life and death, but the spiritual body is eternal. Heaven and earth are closely linked, and so are the human world and hell.

Ascending to heaven or descending to hell is determined by me, based on my spiritual nature. This nature is composed of material nature, animal nature, human nature, and Buddha nature.

By elevating spiritual nature, one becomes a celestial being, entering the wonderful fairyland. This way, one escapes the sufferings of human life, reaching the other shore and manifesting divine powers.

Transcending the realms of desire, form, and formlessness, liberation is not confined within the five elements. Reciting scriptures daily without interruption, with the aid of gods and Buddhas, I soar through the nine heavens.

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